টেমপ্লেট:তথ্যছক নভোযান

টেমপ্লেট নথি[দেখুন] [সম্পাদনা] [ইতিহাস] [শোধন]


{{Infobox spacecraft
| name                   =
| image                  =
| caption                =
| mission_identifier     =

| organisation           =
| major_contractors      =
| bus                    =
| mission_type           =
| launch_date            = {{start-date|<!--insert date and time here-->|timezone=yes}}&nbsp;UTC
| launch_vehicle         = <!--  or British "carrier_rocket" can be used -->
| carrier_rocket         = <!-- or American "launch_vehicle" can be used -->
| flight_number          =
| launch_site            =
| mission_duration       =
| mission_highlight      =
| deactivated            = <!-- when craft stopped operating -->
| decay                  = <!-- when craft re-entered the atmosphere -->

| COSPAR_ID              = <!-- designations for pre-1963 launches should include a Greek letter, launches that failed to reach any orbit should not have a COSPAR -->
| nolink                 = <!-- set to anything to prevent linking COSPAR to NSSDC database -->
| satcat                 = <!-- Satellite Catalog Number -->
| webpage                = <!-- Homepage of the craft/mission -->
| mass                   = <!-- Orbit Mass or Launch Mass -->
| dimensions             =
| power                  =
| batteries              =

<!-- for spacecraft designed to return to Earth intact -->
| return                 = <!--landing date/time-->
| return_site            = <!--where the spacecraft landed-->

<!-- Orbit data -->
| orbit_reference        = <!-- reference system-->
| orbit_regime           =
| semimajor_axis         =
| eccentricity           =
| orbit_inclination      =
| orbit_altitude         =
| apoapsis               =
| periapsis              =
| orbital_period         =
| longitude              =
| repeat_interval        =
| orbits_daily           =
| repetitivity           =
| orbit_swath            =
| orbit_crossing         = <!-- equator crossing -->

<!-- Interplanetary missions -->
| flyby_of               =
| flyby_date             =
| current_destination    =
| satellite_of           =
| orbital_insertion_date =
| orbits                 =

<!-- Planetary/Lunar landing -->
| Planet                 =
| Planet_Landing         = <!-- date/time -->
| Planet_Coords          =
| Planet_Depart          =
| LunarLandingDate       =
| LunarLandingCoords     =
| LunarLiftoffDate       =

<!-- Instruments -->
| Instruments            =
| Main_Instruments       =
| Resolution             = <!-- Spatial resolution --!>
| Spectral_Band          =
| Data_Rate              =
| SSR                    = <!-- solid-state recorder -->
| IMG_Resolution         = <!-- Imaging resolution -->

<!-- Transponders -->
| Transponders           =
| Transponder_Capacity   =
| Coverage               = <!-- Coverage area -->
| Twta output power      =
| Bandwidth              =
| EIRP                   = <!-- Equivalent isotropically radiated power -->

| refs                   =
| below                  =
Ranger 1
Ranger 1
Ranger 1 Satellite in preparation for use at the Parade of Progress Show at the Public Hall, Cleveland, Ohio, August 1964
প্রধান কনট্রাক্টরJet Propulsion Laboratory
অভিযানের ধরনLunar Science
কক্ষপথে প্রবেশের তারিখAugust 23, 1961 at 10:02:00 UTC
উৎক্ষেপণের তারিখAugust 23, 1961 at 06:02:00 UTC
উৎক্ষেপণ যানAtlas-Agena B
উৎক্ষেপণ স্থানCape Canaveral Missile Test Annex, Florida, United States
অভিযানের ব্যাপ্তিকাল7 days
কক্ষপথের ক্ষয়August 30, 1961
COSPAR ID1961-021A
হোমপেজNASA NSSDC Master Catalog
ভর306.2 kg
Orbital elements
Semimajor axis6,690.3 km
Apoapsis446 km
Periapsis179 km
Orbital period91.1 minutes
{{Infobox spacecraft
 | name              = Ranger 1
 | image             = [[File:Ranger 1.jpg|275px|Ranger 1]]
 | caption           = Ranger 1 Satellite in preparation for use at the Parade of Progress Show at the [[Public Auditorium|Public Hall]], [[Cleveland]], [[Ohio]], August 1964
 | organization      = [[NASA]]
 | major_contractors = [[Jet Propulsion Laboratory]]
 | mission_type      = [[Lunar Science]]
 | satellite_of      = [[Earth]]
 | orbital_insertion_date = August 23, 1961 at 10:02:00 [[Coordinated Universal Time|UTC]]
 | orbits            = 110
 | launch_date       = August 23, 1961 at 06:02:00 [[Coordinated Universal Time|UTC]]
 | launch_vehicle    = [[Atlas-Agena]] B
 | launch_site       = [[Kennedy Space Center|Cape Canaveral Missile Test Annex]], [[Florida]], [[United States]]
 | mission_duration  = 7 days
 | decay             = August 30, 1961
 | NSSDC_ID          = 1961-021A
 | webpage           = [http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/database/MasterCatalog?sc=1961-021A NASA NSSDC Master Catalog]
 | mass              = 306.2 kg
 | semimajor_axis    = 6,690.3 km
 | eccentricity      = .019939
 | orbit_inclination = 32.9°
 | apoapsis          = 446 km
 | periapsis         = 179 km
 | orbital_period    = 91.1 minutes

আরও দেখুন
