Hello, I am Mongsing Marma. Welcome to in my talk page or user page! I am a wikipedian in Bengali and editor in the wikipedia. I am always trying to edit in the wikipedia. In the wikipedia has a lot of most created pages are incorrect, unfull and half-correct. There I am setup and editing the incorrect and unfull papes of in correct and full. I am chack in the wikipedia and editing with interest. I am feeling with very happy and fun to do edit in the wikipedia. I am always having in the wikipedia and I trying to edit and put of my contributions in the wikipedia. And in future, I shall try to put of my contributions. Thanks... [১]

If you want to contact me, you can use my talk page or user page. And you can also contact me in the social communications.


  1. উদ্ধৃতি ত্রুটি: <ref> ট্যাগ বৈধ নয়; mongsing-marma নামের সূত্রটির জন্য কোন লেখা প্রদান করা হয়নি