যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে Sequoia sempervirens
বৈজ্ঞানিক শ্রেণীবিন্যাস সম্পাদনা করুন
জগৎ/রাজ্য: প্লান্টি (Plante)
গোষ্ঠী: ট্র্যাকিওফাইট (Tracheophytes)
গোষ্ঠী: Gymnosperms
বিভাগ: Pinophyta
শ্রেণি: Pinopsida
বর্গ: Cupressales
পরিবার: Cupressaceae
গণ: Sequoia
(D.Don) Endl.
প্রজাতি: S. sempervirens
দ্বিপদী নাম
Sequoia sempervirens
(D.Don) Endl.
উপবিভাগ Sequoioideae এর বিস্তৃতি
সবুজ - Sequoia sempervirens
লাল - Sequoiadendron giganteum
প্রস্থচ্ছেদের ছবি
Sequoia sempervirens

বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম Sequoia sempervirens,[২] যা Sequoia প্রজাতির একমাত্র উদ্ভিদ। স্থানীয়ভাবে কোস্ট রেডউড কিংবা ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া রেডউড নামে পরিচিত।[৩][৪] চিরহরিৎ এই বৃক্ষ ১২০০-২২০০ বছর পর্যন্ত বেঁচে থাকতে পারে।[৫] পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে লম্বা গাছগুলোর মধ্যে এই প্রজাতি অন্তর্ভূক্ত। উচ্চতা ১১৫.৫ মিটার (৩৭৯ ফু) (মূল ছাড়া) এবং প্রস্থচ্ছেদের ব্যাসার্ধ ৮.৯ মিটার (২৯.২ ফু) পর্যন্ত হতে পারে। ১৮৫০এর দশকে বাণিজ্যিকভাবে গাছ কাটা শুরু হবার আগে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া এবং অরেগনের উপকূলবর্তী আনুমানিক ৮,১০,০০০ হেক্টর (২০,০০,০০০ একর))[৬][৭][৮] এলাকা জুড়ে প্রাকৃতিকভাবে জন্ম নিত।



স্কটিস উদ্ভিদবিজ্ঞানি ডেভিড ডন described the redwood as the evergreen taxodium (Taxodium sempervirens) in his colleague Aylmer Bourke Lambert's 1824 work A description of the genus Pinus.[৯] Austrian botanist Stephan Endlicher erected the genus Sequoia in his 1847 work Synopsis coniferarum, giving the redwood its current binomial name of Sequoia sempervirens.[১০] Endlicher probably derived the name Sequoia from the Cherokee name of George Gist, usually spelled Sequoyah, who developed the still-used Cherokee syllabary.[১১] The redwood is one of three living species, each in its own genus, in the subfamily Sequoioideae. Molecular studies have shown that the three are each other's closest relatives, generally with the redwood and giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) as each other's closest relatives. However, Yang and colleagues in 2010 queried the polyploid state of the redwood and speculate that it may have arisen as an ancient hybrid between ancestors of the giant sequoia and dawn redwood (Metasequoia). Using two different single copy nuclear genes, LFY and NLY, to generate phylogenetic trees, they found that Sequoia was clustered with Metasequoia in the tree generated using the LFY gene, but with Sequoiadendron in the tree generated with the NLY gene. Further analysis strongly supported the hypothesis that Sequoia was the result of a hybridization event involving Metasequoia and Sequoiadendron. Thus, Yang and colleagues hypothesize that the inconsistent relationships among Metasequoia, Sequoia, and Sequoiadendron could be a sign of reticulate evolution (in which two species hybridize and give rise to a third) among the three genera. However, the long evolutionary history of the three genera (the earliest fossil remains being from the Jurassic) make resolving the specifics of when and how Sequoia originated once and for all a difficult matter—especially since it in part depends on an incomplete fossil record.[১২]

The coast redwood is known to have reached ১১৫ মি (৩৭৭ ফু) tall with a trunk diameter of ৯ মি (৩০ ফু).[১৩] It has a conical crown, with horizontal to slightly drooping branches. The bark can be very thick, up to ৩০-সেন্টিমিটার (১ ফু), and quite soft and fibrous, with a bright red-brown color when freshly exposed (hence the name redwood), weathering darker. The root system is composed of shallow, wide-spreading lateral roots.

The leaves are variable, being ১৫–২৫ মিমি (–১ ইঞ্চি) long and flat on young trees and shaded lower branches in older trees. The leaves are scale-like, ৫–১০ মিমি ( ইঞ্চি) long on shoots in full sun in the upper crown of older trees, with a full range of transition between the two extremes. They are dark green above and have two blue-white stomatal bands below. Leaf arrangement is spiral, but the larger shade leaves are twisted at the base to lie in a flat plane for maximum light capture.

The species is monoecious, with pollen and seed cones on the same plant. The seed cones are ovoid, ১৫–৩২ মিমি (১৬+ ইঞ্চি) long, with 15–25 spirally arranged scales; pollination is in late winter with maturation about 8–9 months after. Each cone scale bears three to seven seeds, each seed ৩–৪ মিমি (১৬ ইঞ্চি) long and ০.৫ মিমি (০.০২ ইঞ্চি) broad, with two wings ১ মিমি (০.০৪ ইঞ্চি) wide. The seeds are released when the cone scales dry out and open at maturity. The pollen cones are ovular and ৪–৬ মিমি (১৬ ইঞ্চি) long.

Its genetic makeup is unusual among conifers, being a hexaploid (6n) and possibly allopolyploid (AAAABB).[১৪] Both the mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes of the redwood are paternally inherited.[১৫]

Distribution and habitat


Coast redwoods occupy a narrow strip of land approximately ৭৫০ কিমি (৪৭০ মা) in length and ৮–৭৫ কিমি (৫–৪৭ মা) in width along the Pacific coast of North America; the most southerly grove is in Monterey County, California, and the most northerly groves are in extreme southwestern Oregon. The prevailing elevation range is ৩০–৭৫০ মি (১০০–২,৪৬০ ফু) above sea level, occasionally down to 0 and up to about ৯০০ মিটার (৩,০০০ ফু).[১৬] They usually grow in the mountains where precipitation from the incoming moisture off the ocean is greater. The tallest and oldest trees are found in deep valleys and gullies, where year-round streams can flow, and fog drip is regular. The terrain also made it harder for loggers to get to the trees and to get them out after felling. The trees above the fog layer, above about ৭০০ মি (২,৩০০ ফু), are shorter and smaller due to the drier, windier, and colder conditions. In addition, Douglas fir, pine, and tanoak often crowd out redwoods at these elevations. Few redwoods grow close to the ocean, due to intense salt spray, sand, and wind. Coalescence of coastal fog accounts for a considerable part of the trees' water needs.[১৭]

The northern boundary of its range is marked by groves on the Chetco River on the western fringe of the Klamath Mountains, near the California-Oregon border.[১৮] The northernmost grove is located within Alfred A. Loeb State Park and Siskiyou National Forest at the approximate coordinates 42°07'36"N 124°12'17"W. The southern boundary of its range is the Los Padres National Forest's Silver Peak Wilderness in the Santa Lucia Mountains of the Big Sur area of Monterey County, California. The southernmost grove is in the Southern Redwood Botanical Area, just north of the national forest's Salmon Creek trailhead and near the San Luis Obispo County line.[১৯][২০]

The largest (and tallest) populations are in Redwood National and State Parks (Del Norte and Humboldt Counties) and Humboldt Redwoods State Park (Humboldt County, California), with the majority located in the much larger Humboldt County.

The prehistoric fossil range of the genus is considerably greater, with a subcosmopolitan distribution including Europe and Asia until about 5 million years ago. During the last ice age, perhaps as recently as 10,000 years ago, redwood trees grew as far south as the Los Angeles area (coast redwood bark found in subway excavations and at La Brea tar pits).

Fog is of major importance in coast redwood ecology. Redwood National Park.

This native area provides a unique environment with heavy seasonal rains up to ২,৫০০ মিলিমিটার (১০০ ইঞ্চি) annually. Cool coastal air and fog drip keep this forest consistently damp year round. Several factors, including the heavy rainfall, create a soil with fewer nutrients than the trees need, causing them to depend heavily on the entire biotic community of the forest, and making efficient recycling of dead trees especially important. This forest community includes coast Douglas fir, Pacific madrone, tanoak, western hemlock, and other trees, along with a wide variety of ferns, mosses, mushrooms, and redwood sorrel. Redwood forests provide habitat for a variety of amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles. Old-growth redwood stands provide habitat for the federally threatened spotted owl and the California-endangered marbled murrelet.

Coast redwoods are resistant to insect attack, fungal infection, and rot. These properties are conferred by concentrations of terpenoids and tannic acid in redwood leaves, roots, bark, and wood.[২১] Despite these chemical defenses, redwoods are still subject to insect infestations; none, however, are capable of killing a healthy tree.[২১] Redwoods also face herbivory from mammals: black bears are reported to consume the inner bark of small redwoods, and black-tailed deer are known to eat redwood sprouts.[২১]

The oldest known coast redwood is about 2,200 years old;[২২] many others in the wild exceed 600 years. The numerous claims of older redwoods are incorrect.[২২] Because of their seemingly timeless lifespans, coast redwoods were deemed the "everlasting redwood" at the turn of the century; in Latin, sempervirens means "ever green" or "everlasting". Redwoods must endure various environmental disturbances to attain such great ages. In response to forest fires, the trees have developed various adaptations. The thick, fibrous bark of coast redwoods is extremely fire-resistant; it grows to at least a foot thick and protects mature trees from fire damage.[২৩][২৪] In addition, the redwoods contain little flammable pitch or resin.[২৪] If damaged by fire, a redwood readily sprouts new branches or even an entirely new crown,[২৩][২১] and if the parent tree is killed, new buds sprout from its base.[২১] Fires, moreover, appear to actually benefit redwoods by causing substantial mortality in competing species while having only minor effects on redwood. Burned areas are favorable to the successful germination of redwood seeds.[২৩] A study published in 2010, the first to compare post-wildfire survival and regeneration of redwood and associated species, concluded fires of all severity increase the relative abundance of redwood and higher-severity fires provide the greatest benefit.[২৫]

Redwoods often grow in flood-prone areas. Sediment deposits can form impermeable barriers that suffocate tree roots, and unstable soil in flooded areas often causes trees to lean to one side, increasing the risk of the wind toppling them. Immediately after a flood, redwoods grow their existing roots upwards into recently deposited sediment layers.[২৬] A second root system then develops from adventitious buds on the newly buried trunk and the old root system dies.[২৬] To counter lean, redwoods increase wood production on the vulnerable side, creating a supporting buttress.[২৬] These adaptations create forests of almost exclusively redwood trees in flood-prone regions.[২১][২৬]

The height of S. sempervirens is closely tied to fog availability; taller trees become less frequent as fog becomes less frequent.[২৭] As S. sempervirens' height increases, transporting water via water potential to the leaves becomes increasingly difficult due to gravity.[২৮][২৯][৩০] Despite the high rainfall that the region receives (up to 100 cm), the leaves in the upper canopy are perpetually stressed for water.[৩১][৩২] This water stress is exacerbated by long droughts in the summer.[৩৩] Water stress is believed to cause the morphological changes in the leaves, stimulating reduced leaf length and increased leaf succulence.[২৯][৩৪] To supplement their water needs, redwoods utilize frequent summer fog events. Fog water is absorbed through multiple pathways. Leaves directly take in fog from the surrounding air through the epidermal tissue, bypassing the xylem.[৩৫][৩৬] Coast redwoods also absorb water directly through their bark.[৩৭] The uptake of water through leaves and bark repairs and reduces the severity of xylem embolisms,[৩৮][৩৭] which occur when cavitations form in the xylem preventing the transport of water and nutrients.[৩৭] Fog may also collect on redwood leaves, drip to the forest floor, and be absorbed by the tree's roots. This fog drip may form 30% of the total water used by a tree in a year.[৩৩]

A ring of redwoods as seen from below

Coast redwood reproduces both sexually by seed and asexually by sprouting of buds, layering, or lignotubers. Seed production begins at 10–15 years of age. Cones develop in the winter and mature by fall. In the early stages, the cones look like flowers, and are commonly called "flowers" by professional foresters, although this is not strictly correct. Coast redwoods produce many cones, with redwoods in new forests producing thousands per year.[২৩] The cones themselves hold 90–150 seeds, but viability of seed is low, typically well below 15% with one estimate of average rates being 3 to 10 percent.[৩৯][২৩] The low viability may discourage seed predators, which do not want to waste time sorting chaff (empty seeds) from edible seeds. Successful germination often requires a fire or flood, reducing competition for seedlings. The winged seeds are small and light, weighing 3.3–5.0 mg (200–300 seeds/g; 5,600–8,500/ounce). The wings are not effective for wide dispersal, and seeds are dispersed by wind an average of only ৬০–১২০ মি (২০০–৩৯০ ফু) from the parent tree. Seedlings are susceptible to fungal infection and predation by banana slugs, brush rabbits, and nematodes.[২১] Most seedlings do not survive their first three years.[২৩] However, those that become established grow rapidly, with young trees known to reach ২০ মি (৬৬ ফু) tall in 20 years.

Coast redwoods can also reproduce asexually by layering or sprouting from the root crown, stump, or even fallen branches; if a tree falls over, it generates a row of new trees along the trunk, so many trees naturally grow in a straight line. Sprouts originate from dormant or adventitious buds at or under the surface of the bark. The dormant sprouts are stimulated when the main adult stem gets damaged or starts to die. Many sprouts spontaneously erupt and develop around the circumference of the tree trunk. Within a short period after sprouting, each sprout develops its own root system, with the dominant sprouts forming a ring of trees around the parent root crown or stump. This ring of trees is called a "fairy ring". Sprouts can achieve heights of ২.৩ মি (৭.৫ ফু) in a single growing season.

Redwoods may also reproduce using burls. A burl is a woody lignotuber that commonly appears on a redwood tree below the soil line, though usually within ৩ মিটার (১০ ফু) in depth from the soil surface. Coast redwoods develop burls as seedlings from the axils of their cotyledon, a trait that is extremely rare in conifers.[২৩] When provoked by damage, dormant buds in the burls sprout new shoots and roots. Burls are also capable of sprouting into new trees when detached from the parent tree, though exactly how this happens is yet to be studied. Shoot clones commonly sprout from burls and are often turned into decorative hedges when found in suburbia.

Cultivation and uses

An example of a bonsai redwood, from the Pacific Bonsai Museum

Coast redwood is one of the most valuable timber species in the lumbering industry. In California, ৩,৬৪০ বর্গকিলোমিটার (৮,৯৯,০০০ একর) of redwood forest are logged, virtually all of it second growth.[৪০] Though many entities have existed in the cutting and management of redwoods, perhaps none has had a more storied role than the Pacific Lumber Company (1863–2008) of Humboldt County, California, where it owned and managed over ৮১০ বর্গকিলোমিটার (২,০০,০০০ একর) of forests, primarily redwood. Coast redwood lumber is highly valued for its beauty, light weight, and resistance to decay. Its lack of resin makes it absorb water[৪১] and resist fire.

P.H. Shaughnessy, Chief Engineer of the San Francisco Fire Department wrote:

In the recent great fire of San Francisco, that began April 18th, 1906, we succeeded in finally stopping it in nearly all directions where the unburned buildings were almost entirely of frame construction, and if the exterior finish of these buildings had not been of redwood lumber, I am satisfied that the area of the burned district would have been greatly extended.

Because of its impressive resistance to decay, redwood was extensively used for railroad ties and trestles throughout California. Many of the old ties have been recycled for use in gardens as borders, steps, house beams, etc. Redwood burls are used in the production of table tops, veneers, and turned goods.

The Skyline-to-the-Sea Trail passing through a fallen California redwood tree

The Yurok people, who occupied the region before European settlement, regularly burned off ground cover in redwood forests to bolster tanoak populations from which they harvested acorns, to maintain forest openings, and to boost populations of useful plant species such as those for medicine or basketmaking.[২১]

Extensive logging of redwoods began in the early nineteenth century. The trees were felled by ax and saw onto beds of tree limbs and shrubs to cushion their fall.[২১] Stripped of their bark, the logs were transported to mills or waterways by oxen or horse.[২১] Loggers then burned the accumulated tree limbs, shrubs, and bark. The repeated fires favored secondary forests of primarily redwoods as redwood seedlings sprout readily in burned areas.[২১][৪২] The introduction of steam engines let crews drag logs through long skid trails to nearby railroads,[২১] furthering the reach of loggers beyond the land nearby rivers previously used to transport trees.[৪২] This method of harvesting, however, disturbed large amounts of soil, producing secondary-growth forests of species other than redwood such as Douglas-fir, grand fir, and western hemlock.[২১] After World War II, trucks and tractors gradually replaced steam engines, giving rise to two harvesting approaches: clearcutting and selection harvesting. Clearcutting involved felling all the trees in a particular area. It was encouraged by tax laws that exempted all standing timber from taxation if 70% of trees in the area were harvested.[২১] Selection logging, by contrast, called for the removal 25% to 50% of mature trees in the hopes that the remaining trees would allow for future growth and reseeding.[৪২] This method, however, encouraged growth of other tree species, converting redwood forests into mixed forests of redwood, grand fir, Sitka spruce, and western hemlock.[৪২][২১] Moreover, the trees left standing were often felled by windthrow; that is, they were often blown over by the wind.

The coast redwood is naturalized in New Zealand, notably at Whakarewarewa Forest, Rotorua.[৪৩] Redwood has been grown in New Zealand plantations for over 100 years, and those planted in New Zealand have higher growth rates than those in California, mainly due to even rainfall distribution through the year.[৪৪] Other areas of successful cultivation outside of the native range include Great Britain, Italy, Portugal,[৪৫] Haida Gwaii, middle elevations of Hawaii, Hogsback in South Africa, the Knysna Afromontane forests in the Western Cape, Grootvadersbosch Forest Reserve near Swellendam, South Africa and the Tokai Arboretum on the slopes of Table Mountain above Cape Town,a small area in central Mexico (Jilotepec), and the southeastern United States from eastern Texas to Maryland. It also does well in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia), far north of its northernmost native range in southwestern Oregon. Coast redwood trees were used in a display at Rockefeller Center and then given to Longhouse Reserve in East Hampton, Long Island, New York, and these have now been living there for over twenty years and have survived at ২ °ফা (−১৭ °সে).[৪৬]

This fast-growing tree can be grown as an ornamental specimen in those large parks and gardens that can accommodate its massive size. It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.[৪৭][৪৮]

Dried resin of a redwood tree
The foliage of an "albino" Sequoia sempervirens exhibiting lack of chlorophyll

Fairly solid evidence indicates that coast redwoods were the world's largest trees before logging, with numerous historical specimens reportedly over ১২২ মি (৪০০ ফু).[৪৯]:১৬,৪২ The theoretical maximum potential height of coast redwoods is thought to be limited to between ১২১.৯ এবং ১২৯.৫ মি (৪০০ এবং ৪২৫ ফু), as evapotranspiration is insufficient to transport water to leaves beyond this range.[২৮] Further studies have indicated this cap is eased by fog, which is prevalent in these trees' natural environment.[৫০]

A tree reportedly 375 feet (114.3 m) in length was felled in Sonoma County by the Murphy Brothers saw mill in the 1870s,[৫১] another claimed to be ১১৫.৮ মি (৩৮০ ফু) and ৭.৯ মি (২৬ ফু) in diameter was cut down near Eureka in 1914,[৫২][৫৩] and the Lindsey Creek tree was documented to have a height of ১২০ মি (৩৯০ ফু) when it was uprooted and felled by a storm in 1905. A tree reportedly ১২৯.২ মি (৪২৪ ফু) tall was felled in November 1886 by the Elk River Mill and Lumber Co. in Humboldt County, yielding 79,736 marketable board feet from 21 cuts.[৫৪][৫৫][৫৬] In 1893, a Redwood cut at Eel River, near Scotia, reportedly measured ১৩০.১ মি (৪২৭ ফু) in length, and ২৩.৫ মি (৭৭ ফু) in girth.[৫৭][৫৮][৫৯] However, limited evidence corroborates these historical measurements.

Today, trees over ৬০ মিটার (২০০ ফু) are common, and many are over ৯০ মি (৩০০ ফু). The current tallest tree is the Hyperion tree, measuring ১১৫.৬১ মি (৩৭৯.৩ ফু).[২২] The tree was discovered in Redwood National Park during the summer of 2006 by Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor, and is thought to be the world's tallest living organism. The previous record holder was the Stratosphere Giant in Humboldt Redwoods State Park at ১১২.৮৪ মি (৩৭০.২ ফু) (as measured in 2004). Until it fell in March 1991, the "Dyerville Giant" was the record holder. It, too, stood in Humboldt Redwoods State Park and was ১১৩.৪ মি (৩৭২ ফু) high and estimated to be 1,600 years old. This fallen giant has been preserved in the park.

As of 2016, no living specimen of other tree species exceeds ১০০ মি (৩২৮.১ ফু). The largest known living coast redwood is Grogan's Fault, discovered in 2014 by Chris Atkins and Mario Vaden in Redwood National Park,[২২] with a main trunk volume of at least ১,০৮৪.৫ ঘনমিটার (৩৮,২৯৯ ঘনফুট)[২২] Other high-volume coast redwoods include Iluvatar, with a main trunk volume of ১,০৩৩ ঘনমিটার (৩৬,৪৭০ ঘনফুট),[৪৯]:১৬০ and the Lost Monarch, with a main trunk volume of ৯৮৮.৭ মি (৩৪,৯১৪ ঘনফুট).[৬০]

About 230 albino redwoods (mutant individuals that cannot manufacture chlorophyll) are known to exist,[৬১] reaching heights of up to ২০ মি (৬৬ ফু).[৬২] These trees survive as parasites, obtaining food by grafting their root systems with those of normal trees. While similar mutations occur sporadically in other conifers, no cases are known of such individuals surviving to maturity in any other conifer species.[তথ্যসূত্র প্রয়োজন] Recent research news reports that albino redwoods can store higher concentrations of toxic metals, going so far as comparing them to organs or "waste dumps".[৬৩][৬৪]

List of tallest trees


Heights of the tallest coast redwoods are measured yearly by experts.[২২] Even with recent discoveries of tall coast redwoods above ১০০ মিটার (৩৩০ ফু), it is likely that no taller trees will be discovered.[২২]

Ten tallest Sequoia sempervirens[২২]
Rank Name Height Diameter Location
Meters Feet Meters Feet
1 Hyperion ১১৫.৮৫ ৩৮০.১ ৪.৮৪ ১৫.৯ Redwood National Park
2 Helios ১১৪.৫৮ ৩৭৫.৯ ৪.৯৬ ১৬.৩ Redwood National Park
3 Icarus ১১৩.১৪ ৩৭১.২ ৩.৭৮ ১২.৪ Redwood National Park
4 Stratosphere Giant ১১৩.০৫ ৩৭০.৯ ৫.১৮ ১৭.০ Humboldt Redwoods State Park
5 National Geographic ১১২.৭১ ৩৬৯.৮ ৪.৩৯ ১৪.৪ Redwood National Park
6 Orion ১১২.৬৩ ৩৬৯.৫ ৪.৩৩ ১৪.২ Redwood National Park
7 Federation Giant ১১২.৬২ ৩৬৯.৫ ৪.৫৪ ১৪.৯ Humboldt Redwoods State Park
8 Paradox ১১২.৫১ ৩৬৯.১ ৩.৯০ ১২.৮ Humboldt Redwoods State Park
9 Mendocino ১১২.৩২ ৩৬৮.৫ ৪.১৯ ১৩.৭ Montgomery Woods State Natural Reserve
10 Millennium ১১১.৯২ ৩৬৭.২ ২.৭১ ৮.৯ Humboldt Redwoods State Park

Diameter is measured at ১.৪ মিটার (৪.৬ ফু) above average ground level (at breast height). Details of the precise locations for most tallest trees were not announced to the general public for fear of causing damage to the trees and the surrounding habitat.[২২] The tallest coast redwood easily accessible to the public is the National Geographic Tree, immediately trailside in the Tall Trees Grove of Redwood National Park.[৬৫]

The Del Norte Titan

List of largest trees


The following list shows the largest S. sempervirens by volume known as of 2001.[৪৯]:১৮৬-৭

Five largest Sequoia sempervirens[৪৯]:১৮৬-৭
Rank Name Height Diameter Trunk volume Location
Meters Feet Meters Feet Cubic meters Cubic feet
1 Del Norte Titan ৯৩.৬ ৩০৭ ৭.২৩ ২৩.৭ ১,০৪৫ ৩৬,৯০০ Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park
2 Iluvatar ৯১.৪ ৩০০ ৬.১৪ ২০.১ ১,০৩৩ ৩৬,৫০০ Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park
3 Lost Monarch ৯৭.৮ ৩২১ ৭.৬৮ ২৫.২ ৯৮৯ ৩৪,৯০০ Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park
4 Howland Hill Giant ১০০.৩ ৩২৯ ৬.০২ ১৯.৮ ৯৫১ ৩৩,৬০০ Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park
5 Sir Isaac Newton ৯৪.৮ ৩১১ ৭.০১ ২৩.০ ৯৪০ ৩৩,০০০ Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park

Calculating the volume of a standing tree is the practical equivalent of calculating the volume of an irregular cone,[৬৬] and is subject to error for various reasons. This is partly due to technical difficulties in measurement, and variations in the shape of trees and their trunks. Measurements of trunk circumference are taken at only a few predetermined heights up the trunk, and assume that the trunk is circular in cross-section, and that taper between measurement points is even. Also, only the volume of the trunk (including the restored volume of basal fire scars) is taken into account, and not the volume of wood in the branches or roots.[৬৬] The volume measurements also do not take cavities into account. Most coast redwoods with volumes greater than ৮৫০ ঘনমিটার (৩০,০০০ ঘনফুট) represent ancient fusions of two or more separate trees, which makes determining whether a coast redwood has a single stem or multiple stems difficult.[৬৭]

Details of the precise locations for most tallest trees were not announced to the general public for fear of causing damage to the trees and the surrounding habitat.[২২] The largest coast redwood easily accessible to the public is Iluvatar, which stands prominently about 5 meters (16 ft) to the southeast of the Foothill Trail of Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park.

Other notable examples

  1. Farjon, A; Schmid, R (২০১৩)। "Sequoia sempervirens"বিপদগ্রস্ত প্রজাতির আইইউসিএন লাল তালিকা (ইংরেজি ভাষায়)। আইইউসিএন2013: e.T34051A2841558। ডিওআই:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2013-1.RLTS.T34051A2841558.en  
  2. Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607
    "sempervirent" অক্সফোর্ড ইংলিশ ডিকশনারি (অনলাইন সংস্করণ)। অক্সফোর্ড ইউনিভার্সিটি প্রেস।  (Sসাবস্ক্রিপশন বা পার্টিশিপেটিং ইনস্টিটিউট মেম্বারশিপ প্রয়োজনীয়.)
  3. টেমপ্লেট:BSBI 2007
  4. The related Sequoiadendron giganteum is commonly referred to as "giant redwood".
  5. "Sequoia gigantea উল্লেখযোগ্য প্রাচীন গোত্রের উদ্ভিদ"। Nps.gov। ২০০৭-০২-০২। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১২-০৮-০৭ 
  6. "Redwood National & State Parks Redwood burl poaching background and update" (পিডিএফ)www.nps.gov। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ৮ জুন ২০২০ 
  7. Kreissman, Bern; Lekisch, Barbara (১৯৯১)। California, an Environmental Atlas & Guide। Bear Klaw Press। পৃষ্ঠা 104। আইএসবিএন 978-0962748998। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ৮ জুন ২০২০ 
  8. Hearings, Reports and Prints of the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs। United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs। ৩১ জানুয়ারি ১৯৭৮। পৃষ্ঠা 266। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ৮ জুন ২০২০ 
  9. Don, David (১৮২৪)। Lambert, Aylmer Bourke, সম্পাদক। A description of the genus Pinus :illustrated with figures, directions relative to the cultivation, and remarks on the uses of the several species2। London, United Kingdom: J. White। পৃষ্ঠা 24। 
  10. Endlicher, Stephan (১৮৪৭)। Synopsis Coniferarum1847। St. Gallen: Scheitlin & Zollikofer। 
  11. Muleady-Mecham, Nancy E. (আগস্ট ২০১৭)। "Endlicher and Sequoia: Determination of the Etymological Origin of the Taxon"। Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences116 (2): 137–146। এসটুসিআইডি 89925020ডিওআই:10.3160/soca-116-02-137-146.1 
  12. Yang, Z.Y.; Ran, J.H.; Wang, X.Q. (২০১২)। "Three Genome-based Phylogeny of Cupressaceae s.l: Further Evidence for the Evolution of Gymnosperms and Southern Hemisphere Biogeography"। Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution64 (3): 452–470। ডিওআই:10.1016/j.ympev.2012.05.004পিএমআইডি 22609823 
  13. টেমপ্লেট:EFloras
  14. Ahuja, MR; Neale, DB (২০০২)। "Origins of Polyploidy in Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and Relationship of Coast Redwood to other Genera of Taxodiaceae"। Silvae Genetica51 (2–3): 93–100। 
  15. Neale, DB; Marshall, KA; Sederoff, RR (১৯৮৯)। "Chloroplast and Mitochondrial DNA are Paternally Inherited in Sequoia sempervirens"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences86 (23): 9347–9। ডিওআই:10.1073/pnas.86.23.9347পিএমআইডি 16594091পিএমসি 298492 বিবকোড:1989PNAS...86.9347N 
  16. Farjon, A. (2005). Monograph of Cupressaceae and Sciadopitys. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. আইএসবিএন ১-৮৪২৪৬-০৬৮-৪.
  17. "Redwood fog drip"। Bio.net। ১৯৯৮-১২-০২। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১২-০৮-০৭ 
  18. "The Redwood Nature Trail, Siskiyou National Forest"www.redwoodhikes.com। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১৯-১১-২৬ 
  19. "Coast Redwood : Los Padres ForestWatch"www.lpfw.org। ২৯ মে ২০১৭ তারিখে মূল থেকে আর্কাইভ করা। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ১৭ এপ্রিল ২০২০ 
  20. "Photography on the Run: Calflora/Google Maps image of coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) distribution in California. The southernmost naturally-occurring coast redwoods are in Monterey County, in the Southern Redwood Botanical Area of Los Padres National Forest."photographyontherun.com। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ১৭ এপ্রিল ২০২০ 
  21. Noss, Reed (২০০০)। The Redwood Forest: History, Ecology, and Conservation of the Coast Redwoods। Island Press। আইএসবিএন 978-1559637268ওসিএলসি 925183647 
  22. টেমপ্লেট:Gymnosperm Database
  23. 1922-, Becking, Rudolf Willem (১৯৮২-০১-০১)। Pocket flora of the redwood forest। Island Press। আইএসবিএন 978-0933280021ওসিএলসি 904189212 
  24. Shirely, James Clifford. 1940. The Redwoods of Coast and Sierra. University of California Press.
  25. Ramage, B.S.; OʼHara, K.L.; Caldwell, B.T. (২০১০)। "The role of fire in the competitive dynamics of coast redwood forests"। Ecosphere1 (6)। article 20। ডিওআই:10.1890/ES10-00134.1  
  26. Stone, Edward C.; Vasey, Richard B. (জানুয়ারি ১২, ১৯৬৮)। "Preservation of Coast Redwoods on Alluvial Flats"। Science159 (3811): 157–161। জেস্টোর 1723263ডিওআই:10.1126/science.159.3811.157পিএমআইডি 17792349বিবকোড:1968Sci...159..157S 
  27. Harris, S. A. (১৯৮৯)। "Relationship of convection fog to characteristics of the vegetation of Redwood National Park"। MSC Thesis 
  28. Koch, G.W.; Sillett, S.C.; Jennings, G.M.; Davis, S.D. (২০০৪)। "The limits to tree height"। Nature428 (6985): 851–854। এসটুসিআইডি 11846291ডিওআই:10.1038/nature02417পিএমআইডি 15103376বিবকোড:2004Natur.428..851K 
  29. Ishii, H. T.; Jennings, Gregory M.; Sillett, Stephen C.; Koch, George W. (জুলাই ২০০৮)। "Hydrostatic constraints on morphological exploitation of light in tall Sequoia sempervirens trees"। Oecologia156 (4): 751–63। এসটুসিআইডি 20868469ডিওআই:10.1007/s00442-008-1032-zপিএমআইডি 18392856বিবকোড:2008Oecol.156..751I 
  30. Sperry, J. S.; Meinzer; McCulloh (মে ২০০৮)। "Safety and efficiency conflicts in hydraulic architecture: scaling from tissues to trees. Plant"। Plant, Cell & Environment31 (5): 632–45। ডিওআই:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2007.01765.x পিএমআইডি 18088335 
  31. Mullen, L. P.; Sillett, S. C.; Koch, G. W.; Antonie, K. P.; Antoine, M. E. (মে ২৯, ২০০৯)। "Physiological consequences of height-related morphological variation in Sequoia sempervirens foliage" (পিডিএফ)Tree Physiology29 (8): 999–1010। ডিওআই:10.1093/treephys/tpp037পিএমআইডি 19483187। জানুয়ারি ৯, ২০১২ তারিখে মূল (পিডিএফ) থেকে আর্কাইভ করা। 
  32. Ishii, H. T.; Azuma, Wakana; Kuroda, Keiko; Sillett, Stephen C. (মে ২৬, ২০১৪)। "Pushing the limits to tree height: Could foliar water storage compensate for hydraulic constraints in sequoia sempervirens?"। Functional Ecology28 (5): 1087–1093। ডিওআই:10.1111/1365-2435.12284  
  33. Burgess, S. S. O.; Dawson, T. E. (২০০৪)। "The contribution of fog to the water relations of Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don): foliar uptake and prevention of dehydration"। Plant, Cell and Environment27 (8): 1023–1034। ডিওআই:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2004.01207.x  
  34. Oldham, A. R.; Sillett, S. C.; Tomescu, A. M. F.; Koch, G. W. (জুলাই ২০১০)। "The hydrostatic gradient, not light availability drives height-related variation in Sequoia sempervirens (Cupressaceae) leaf anatomy"। American Journal of Botany97 (7): 1087–97। ডিওআই:10.3732/ajb.0900214 পিএমআইডি 21616861 
  35. Dawson, T. E. (১ সেপ্টেম্বর ১৯৯৮)। "Fog in the California redwood forest: Ecosystem inputs and used by plants" (পিডিএফ)Oecologia117 (4): 476–485। এসটুসিআইডি 26820268ডিওআই:10.1007/s004420050683পিএমআইডি 28307672বিবকোড:1998Oecol.117..476D 
  36. Simonin, K. A.; Santiago, Louis S.; Dawson, Todd E. (জুলাই ২০০৯)। "Fog interception by Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) crowns decouples physiology from soil water deficit"। Plant, Cell and Environment32 (7): 882–892। ডিওআই:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2009.01967.x পিএমআইডি 19302173 
  37. Earles, J. M.; Sperling, O.; Silva, L. C. R.; McElrone, A. J.; Brodersen, C. R.; North, M. P.; Zwieniecki, M. A. (২০১৫)। "Bark water uptake promotes localized hydraulic recovery in coastal redwood crown"। Plant, Cell & Environment39 (2): 320–328। ডিওআই:10.1111/pce.12612 পিএমআইডি 26178179 
  38. Tognetti, R. A.; Longobucco, Anna; Rashi, Antonio; Jones, Mike B. (২০০১)। "Stem hydraulic properties and xylem vulnerability to embolism in three co-occurring Mediterranean shrubs at a natural CO2 spring"Australian Journal of Plant Physiology28 (4): 257। ডিওআই:10.1071/PP00125 
  39. "Botanical Garden Logistics" (পিডিএফ)UC Berkeley – Biology 1B – Plants & Their Environments (p. 13)। Berkeley, California: Department of Integrative Biology, University of California-Berkeley। ২০১৩-০৫-১৩ তারিখে মূল (পিডিএফ) থেকে আর্কাইভ করা। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১৪-০১-০২ 
  40. "IUCN Red List of Threatened Species"বিপদগ্রস্ত প্রজাতির আইইউসিএন লাল তালিকা (ইংরেজি ভাষায়)। আইইউসিএন। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১১-০৮-১৪ 
  41. Peattie, Donald Culross (১৯৫৩)। A Natural History of Western Trees। New York: Bonanza Books। পৃষ্ঠা 22। 
  42. Lowell, Phillip G. (1990). A Review of Redwood Harvesting: Another Look — 1990. California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
  43. "Kia Ora - Welcome to The Redwoods Whakarewarewa Forest"। Rotorua District Council। সংগ্রহের তারিখ নভেম্বর ১০, ২০১১ 
  44. "Redwood History"। The New Zealand Redwood Company। সংগ্রহের তারিখ নভেম্বর ১১, ২০১৭ 
  45. "Distribution within Europe"। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১১-০৮-১৪ 
  46. "Longhouse"। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১১-০৮-১৪ 
  47. "RHS Plant Selector Sequoia sempervirens AGM / RHS Gardening"। Apps.rhs.org.uk। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১২-০৮-০৭ 
  48. "AGM Plants - Ornamental" (পিডিএফ)। Royal Horticultural Society। জুলাই ২০১৭। পৃষ্ঠা 96। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ১০ নভেম্বর ২০১৮ 
  49. Van Pelt, Robert (২০০১)। Forest Giants of the Pacific Coast। Global Forest Society and University of Washington Press। আইএসবিএন 978-0-295-98140-6 
  50. "Climate explains why West Coast trees are much taller than those in the East"। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১৫-০৩-১০ 
  51. Scientific American: Supplement (ইংরেজি ভাষায়)। Munn and Company। ১৮৭৭-০১-০১। 
  52. Carder, A (১৯৯৫)। Forest giants of the world: past and present। Ontario: Fitzhenry and Whiteside। আইএসবিএন 978-1-55041-090-7 
  53. "Pacific Coast News"Lumber World Review27 (8): 41। ২৫ অক্টোবর ১৯১৪। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২৪ মে ২০২০ 
  54. Redwood Lumber Industry, Lynwood Carranco. Golden West Books, 1982 - Page 21.
  55. "Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Fort Worth, Texas. December 9th, 1886 - Page 2"। Chroniclingamerica.loc.gov। ১৮৮৬-১২-০৯। পৃষ্ঠা 2। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১২-০৮-০৭ 
  56. "Does size matter? John Driscoll/The Times-Standard, Eureka, California. September 8th, 2006"। Times-standard.com। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১২-০৮-০৭ 
  57. "A Mendocino Big Tree"Mining and Scientific Press66 (15): 230। ১৫ এপ্রিল ১৮৯৩। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২৩ মে ২০২০ 
  58. "A Giant Redwood for the World's Fair"Pacific Rural Press45 (16): 354। ২২ এপ্রিল ১৮৯৩। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২৪ মে ২০২০ 
  59. "Notes."Garden and Forest6: 260। ১৪ জুন ১৮৯৩। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২৪ মে ২০২০ 
  60. Wendell D. Flint (১ জানুয়ারি ২০০২)। To Find the Biggest Tree। Sequoia Natural History Association। আইএসবিএন 978-1-878441-09-6 
  61. "Cotati residents, scientists scramble to save albino redwood"SFGate। ২০১৪-০৩-১৯। 
  62. Stienstra, T (২০০৭-১০-১১)। "It's no snow job: handful of redwoods are rare albinos"San Francisco Chronicle। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১১-০৮-১৪ 
  63. "Ghost Redwoods: Solving the Albino Redwoods Mystery" 
  64. "Mystery Of White Trees Among California's Redwoods May Be Solved" 
  65. "text report and photograph of premier redwood canopy scientist Dr. Stephen C. Sillett from Humboldt State University while measuring the National Geographic Tree ("Nugget") immediately adjacent to the Tall Trees Trail" 
  66. National Park Service (১৯৯৭)। "The General Sherman Tree"Sequoia National Park। Washington, DC: National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior। Archived from the original on ২০১৫-০৩-১৫। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১১-০৮-১৯ 
  67. "Sequoia sempervirens (coast redwood) description"www.conifers.org। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১৯-১১-২৬ 
  68. "Alameda"। California State Parks Office of Historic Preservation। 
  69. "Crannell Creek Giant Coast Redwood. Lindsey Creek Giant Redwood. Largest Sequoia sempervirens Ever Recorded."www.mdvaden.com। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১৯-১১-০৩ 
  70. The Most Massive Tree, Zilkha Biomass Energy
  71. Herron Zamora, Jim (আগস্ট ১৪, ২০০৬)। "The 'Grandfather' of Oakland's redwoods"San Francisco Chronicle 
  72. Fimrite, Peter (মে ৮, ২০১৩)। "Hidden Redwood is Remnant of Forest Giants"San Francisco Chronicle 
  73. Slack, Gordy (জুলাই ১, ২০০৪)। "In the Shadow of Giants"। BayNature।