ক্রেয়ন রঙের তালিকা

উইকিমিডিয়ার তালিকা নিবন্ধ

১৯০৩ সালে বিন্নি ও স্মিথের দ্বারা ক্রেয়োলা ক্রায়নের প্রবর্তনের পর থেকে বিভিন্ন ধরনের ভাণ্ডারে দুইশতও বেশি আলাদা রং তৈরি করা হয়েছে। নিচের টেবিলটি ১৯০৩ থেকে বর্তমান পর্যন্ত ক্রেয়োলা ভাণ্ডারে পাওয়া সকল রঙকে উপস্থাপন করার চেষ্টা করা হয়েছে। ১৯৭০ এর দশকে ফ্লোরোসেন্ট ক্রেয়োলার প্রবর্তনের পরে, প্রচলিত আদর্শ রংগুলি বিশেষ ক্রায়নের অন্তর্ভুক্তি দ্বারা সমৃদ্ধ হয়েছে, যা নিচে প্রদত্ত টেবিলের প্রতিনিধিত্ব করে। সবগুলো রঙের বাংলা না থাকায় দেয়া যাচ্ছেনা। আন্তর্জাতিক বাংলা ভাষা ও সাহিত্য পরিষদ সম্প্রতি সকল রংয়ের বাংলা নামকরণে উদ্যোগী হয়েছে এবং বেশকিছু নামকরণ করেছে। তালিকাটি নতুন প্রবর্তিত নাম অনুসারে করা হয়েছে। নতুন প্রবর্তিত নামগুলোর পাশে ইংরেজি নামটিও উল্লেখ করার চেষ্টা করা হয়েছে।

আদর্শ রংসমূহ

Color Name Hexadecimal in their website depiction[ক] Years in production[২] Notes
  লাল #ED0A3F[১] 1903–present
  মেরুন #C32148[১] 1949–present Known as "Dark Red", 1949–1958.[২]
  Scarlet #FD0E35[১] 1998–present Known as "Torch Red", 1998.[২]
  Brick Red #C62D42[১] 1958–present
  English Vermilion 1903–1935 Also spelled "Vermillion."[২]
  Madder Lake 1903–1935
  Permanent Geranium Lake 1903–circa 1910
  Maximum Red 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Indian Red #B94E48[১] 1903–present Known as "Chestnut" since 1999.[২]
  কমলা গোলাপি #FF5349[১] 1958–1990
  Sunset Orange #FE4C40[১] 1997–present
  Bittersweet #FE6F5E[১] 1958–present
  Dark Venetian Red 1903–circa 1910 "Venetian Red, Dark" on labels.[২]
  Venetian Red 1903–1944
  Light Venetian Red 1903–circa 1910 "Venetian Red, Light" on labels.[২]
  Vivid Tangerine #FF9980[১] 1990–present
  Middle Red 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Burnt Orange #FF7034[১] 1958–present
  Red-Orange #FF681F[১] 1930–present
  Orange #FF8833[১] 1903–present
  Macaroni and Cheese #FFB97B[১] 1993–present Also found as "Macaroni & Cheese" and "Macaroni-n-Cheese".[২]
  Middle Yellow Red 1926–1944, 1949-1958 Part of the Munsell line, 1926–1944. Same color as "Medium Orange" (1949–1958).[২]
  Mango Tango #E77200[১] 2003–present
  Yellow-Orange #FFAE42[১] 1930–present
  Maximum Yellow Red 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Banana Mania #FBE7B2[১] 1998–present
  Maize 1903–1990 Known as "Gold Ochre", 1903–1958. "Golden Ochre" on some labels.[২]
  Orange-Yellow #F8D568[১] 1958–1990
  Goldenrod #FCD667[১] 1903–present Known as "Medium Chrome Yellow" (1903–?) and "Medium Yellow" (1903–1958).[২]
  Dandelion #FED85D[১] 1990–2017[২][৩][৪]
  Yellow #FBE870[১] 1903–present
  Green-Yellow #F1E788[১] 1958–present
  Middle Yellow 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Olive Green #B5B35C[১] 1903–present
  Spring Green #ECEBBD[১] 1958–present
  Maximum Yellow 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Canary #FFFF99[১] 1998–present
  Lemon Yellow 1903–1990 Also known as "Light Chrome Yellow" (on labels "Chrome Yellow, Light") or "Light Yellow", 1903–1958. On labels "Chrome Yellow, Light."[২]
  Maximum Green Yellow 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Middle Green Yellow 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Inchworm #AFE313[১] 2003–present
  Light Chrome Green 1903–1935 "Chrome Green, Light" on labels. Same color as "Light Green" (1903–1935).[২]
  Yellow-Green #C5E17A[১] 1930–present
  Maximum Green 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Asparagus #7BA05B[১] 1993–present
  Granny Smith Apple #9DE093[১] 1993–present
  Fern #63B76C[১] 1998–present
  Middle Green 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Green 1903–present
  Medium Chrome Green 1903–1939 "Chrome Green, Medium" on labels. Produced 1903–1939. Same color as "Medium Green" (1903–1939).[২]
  Forest Green #5FA777[১] 1949–present Known as "Dark Green", 1949–1958.[২]
  Sea Green #93DFB8[১] 1949–present Known as "Light Green", 1949–1958.[২]
  Shamrock #33CC99[১] 1993–present
  Mountain Meadow #1AB385[১] 1998–present
  Jungle Green #29AB87[১] 1990–present
  Caribbean Green #00CC99[১] 1997–present
  Tropical Rain Forest #00755E[১] 1993–present
  Middle Blue Green 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Pine Green #01786F[১] 1903–1949, 1958–present Known as "Dark Chrome Green" ("Chrome Green, Dark" on labels) or "Dark Green", 1903–1949.[২]
  Maximum Blue Green 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Robin's Egg Blue #00CCCC[১] 1993–present
  Teal Blue #008080[১] 1990–2003
  Light Blue #8FD8D8[১] 1958
  Aquamarine 1949–present Known as "Light Turquoise Blue", 1949–1958.[২]
  Turquoise Blue #6CDAE7[১] 1935–present Available only in bulk, 1935–1949.[২]
  Outer Space #2D383A[১] 1998–present
  Sky Blue #76D7EA[১] 1958–present
  Middle Blue 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Blue-Green #0095B7[১] 1949–present Known as "Middle Blue-Green", 1949–1958.[২]
  Pacific Blue #009DC4[১] 1993–present
  Cerulean #02A4D3[১] 1990–present
  Maximum Blue 1926–1958 Part of the Munsell line, 1926–1944. Also known as "Blue-Green", 1930–1958.[২]
  Blue (I) 1903–1958 Known as "Celestial Blue", 1935–1949, and "Azure Blue", 1949–1958.[২]
  Cerulean Blue 1949–1958
  Cornflower #93CCEA[১] 1958–present
  Green-Blue 1958–1990
  Midnight Blue 1903–present Known as "Prussian Blue", 1903–1958.[২]
  Navy Blue #0066CC[১] 1958–present
  Denim #1560BD[১] 1993–present
  Blue (III) #0066FF[১] 1949–present
  Cadet Blue #A9B2C3[১] 1958–present
  Periwinkle #C3CDE6[১] 1958–present
  Blue (II) 1935–1958 Known as "Medium Blue", 1949–1958.[২]
  Bluetiful 2017–present[৫]
  Wild Blue Yonder #7A89B8[১] 2003–present
  Indigo #4F69C6[১] 1999–present
  Manatee #8D90A1[১] 1998–present
  Cobalt Blue 1903–1958
  Celestial Blue 1903–circa 1910
  Blue Bell #9999CC[১] 1998–present
  Maximum Blue Purple 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Violet-Blue 1903–circa 1910 Known as Blue-Violet, 1930–1958.[২]
  Blue-Violet #6456B7[১] 1949–present Known as "Violet" 1949–1958.[২]
  Ultramarine Blue 1903–1944
  Middle Blue Purple 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Purple Heart #652DC1[১] 1998–present
  Royal Purple #6B3FA0[১] 1990–present
  Violet (II) #8359A3[১] 1930–1949, 1958–present On labels "Violet (Purple)".[২]
  Medium Violet 1949–1958
  Wisteria #C9A0DC[১] 1993–present
  Lavender (I) 1949–1958
  Vivid Violet #803790[১] 1997–present
  Maximum Purple 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Purple Mountains' Majesty #D6AEDD[১] 1993–present Also found as "Purple Mountain Majesty" and "Purple Mountain's Majesty."[২]
  Fuchsia #C154C1[১] 1990–present
  Pink Flamingo 1997–present
  Violet (I) 1903–1930 Also known as "Purple" (1903–circa 1914).[২]
  Brilliant Rose 1949–1958
  Orchid #E29CD2[১] 1949–present Known as "Medium Red-Violet", 1949–1958.[২]
  Plum #8E3179[১] 1958–present
  Medium Rose 1949–1958
  Thistle 1949–1999 Known as "Light Magenta", 1949–1958.[২]
  Mulberry 1958–2003
  Red-Violet #BB3385[১] 1930–present
  Middle Purple 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Maximum Red Purple 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Jazzberry Jam #A50B5E[১] 2003–present
  Eggplant #614051[১] 1998–present
  Magenta #F653A6[১] 1903–present Same color as "Permanent Magenta" (1903–?).[২]
  Cerise #DA3287[১] 1993–present
  Wild Strawberry #FF3399[১] 1990–present
  Lavender (II) #FBAED2[১] 1958–present
  Cotton Candy #FFB7D5[১] 1998–present
  Carnation Pink #FFA6C9[১] 1903–present Known as "Rose Pink" (1903–1958) and "Pink" (1903–1917).[২]
  Violet-Red #F7468A[১] 1958–present
  Razzmatazz #E30B5C[১] 1993–present
  Piggy Pink #FDD7E4[১] 1998–present Originally called "Pig Pink."
  Carmine 1935–1958 Known as "Carmine Red", 1949–1958.[২]
  Blush #DB5079[১] 1998–present Known as "Cranberry", 1998–2005.[২]
  Tickle Me Pink #FC80A5[১] 1993–present
  Mauvelous #F091A9[১] 1993–present
  Salmon #FF91A4[১] 1949–present
  Middle Red Purple 1926–1944 Part of the Munsell line.[২]
  Mahogany #CA3435[১] 1949–present
  Melon #FEBAAD[১] 1958–present
  Pink Sherbert #F7A38E[১] 1998–present Known as "Brink Pink", 1998–2005.[২]
  Burnt Sienna #E97451[১] 1903–present
  Brown #AF593E[১] 1935–present
  Sepia #9E5B40[১] 1935–1944, 1958–present Available only in bulk, 1935–1939.[২]
  Fuzzy Wuzzy #87421F[১] 1998–present Known as "Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown", 1998–2005.[২]
  Beaver #926F5B[১] 1998–present
  Tumbleweed #DEA681[১] 1993–present
  Raw Sienna #D27D46[১] 1958–present
  Van Dyke Brown 1903–1935 Same color as "Brown" (1903–1935).[২]
  Tan 1958–present
  Desert Sand #EDC9AF[১] 1998–present
  Peach #FFCBA4[১] 1903–present Known as "Flesh Tint" (1903–1949), "Flesh" (1949–1956, 1958–1962), and "Pink Beige" (1956–1958).[২]
  Burnt Umber 1903–1944
  Apricot #FDD5B1[১] 1958–present
  Almond #EED9C4[১] 1998–present
  Raw Umber 1903–1990
  Shadow #837050[১] 1998–present
  Raw Sienna (I) 1903–circa 1910
  Timberwolf #D9D6CF[১] 1993–present
  Gold (I) 1903–1944 Metallic; swatch represents nominal hue only. Available only in bulk after 1915.[২]
  Gold (II) #E6BE8A[১] 1953–present Metallic; swatch represents nominal hue only. Available only in bulk, 1953–1956.[২]
  Silver #C9C0BB[১] 1903–present Metallic; swatch represents nominal hue only. Available only in bulk, 1915–1944.[২]
  Copper #DA8A67[১] 1903–1915, 1958–present Metallic; swatch represents nominal hue only.[২]
  Antique Brass #C88A65[১] 1998–present Metallic; swatch represents nominal hue only.[২]
  Black #000000[১] 1903–present
  Charcoal Gray 1903–1910
  Gray #8B8680[১] As "Middle Grey", part of the Munsell line, 1926–1944. Spelled "Grey" on labels, but "Gray" on boxes. Also called "Neutral Grey", 1930–1956.[২]
  Blue-Gray #C8C8CD[১] 1958–1990
  White #FFFFFF[১] 1903–present

বিশেষ ক্রায়ন


সাধারণ ক্রায়োনের পাশাপাশি রৌপ্য স্রিল, জেম টোনস, পার্ল ব্রাইট, মেটালিক এফএক্স, যাদু সুগন্ধি, সিলি সেন্টস সহ আরো অনেক সেট রয়েছে।

ফ্লুরোসেন্ট ক্রায়োন

Color Name Hexadecimal Notes
  Radical Red #FF355E[১] Introduced in 1990.
  Wild Watermelon #FD5B78[১] Same color as "Ultra Red" (1972–1990).
  Outrageous Orange #FF6037[১] Same color as "Ultra Orange" (1972–1990).
  Atomic Tangerine #FF9966[১] Same color as "Ultra Yellow" (1972–1990).
  Neon Carrot #FF9933[১] Introduced in 1990.
  Sunglow #FFCC33[১] Introduced in 1990.
  Laser Lemon #FFFF66[১] Same color as "Chartreuse" (1972–1990).
  Unmellow Yellow #FFFF66[১][খ] Introduced in 1990.
  Electric Lime #CCFF00[১] Introduced in 1990.
  Screamin' Green #66FF66[১] Same color as "Ultra Green" (1972–1990).
  Magic Mint Produced 1990–2003.
  Blizzard Blue Same color as "Ultra Blue" (1972–1990). Retired in 2003.
  Shocking Pink #FF6EFF[১] Same color as "Ultra Pink" (1972–1990).
  Razzle Dazzle Rose Same color as "Hot Magenta" (1972–1990).
  Hot Magenta #FF00CC[১][গ] Introduced in 1990.
  Purple Pizzazz #FF00CC[১][ঘ] Introduced in 1990.

আরও দেখুন



  1. ড় ঢ় য় কক কখ কগ কঘ কঙ কচ কছ কজ কঝ কঞ কট কঠ কড কঢ কণ কত কথ কদ কধ কন কপ কফ কব কভ কম কয কর কল কশ কষ কস কহ কড় কঢ় কয় কৎ খক খখ খগ খঘ খঙ খচ খছ খজ খঝ খঞ খট খঠ খড খঢ খণ খত খথ খদ খধ খন খপ খফ খব খভ খম খয খর খল খশ খষ খস খহ খড় খঢ় খয় খৎ গক গখ গগ গঘ গঙ গচ গছ গজ গঝ গঞ গট গঠ "Explore Colors"crayola.com। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ৫ মে ২০১৫ 
  2. ড় ঢ় য় কক কখ কগ কঘ কঙ কচ কছ কজ কঝ কঞ কট কঠ কড কঢ কণ কত কথ কদ কধ কন কপ কফ কব কভ কম কয কর কল কশ Ed Welter, The Definitive History of the Colors of Crayola, CrayonCollecting.com ওয়েব্যাক মেশিনে আর্কাইভকৃত ২৪ এপ্রিল ২০১৯ তারিখে.
  3. Crayola.com,"Crayola Announces the Retirement of Dandelion on National Crayon Day", retrieved 14 September 2017.
  4. Crayola boots dandelion for bluish crayon yet to be named, CBC News, March 31, 2017
  5. Crayola.com, "Meet Bluetiful", retrieved 14 September 2017.

উদ্ধৃতি ত্রুটি: "lower-alpha" নামক গ্রুপের জন্য <ref> ট্যাগ রয়েছে, কিন্তু এর জন্য কোন সঙ্গতিপূর্ণ <references group="lower-alpha"/> ট্যাগ পাওয়া যায়নি