আলাপ:রামলার চুক্তি

সাম্প্রতিক মন্তব্য: Arminden কর্তৃক ৪ বছর পূর্বে "Wrong location, Jaffa, not Ramla?" অনুচ্ছেদে

Wrong location, Jaffa, not Ramla?


All serious Western sources seem to place the signing of the treaty at Jaffa, not Ramla. Are there good, primary or secondary Arabic sources talking of a September 1192 treaty in Ramla? Please do help out with such information, if possible also on the English, Frech or German talk pages - but only with trustworthy chronicles or academic papers; Axelrod's book is not a good source.

Maybe it's a plain mistake, or maybe it's a confusion - it's possible that Saladin had his camp at Ramla, or that the delegations met halfway between Ramla and Jaffa, or... Please do check all good available sources and change the title accordingly. The English article has the very accurate title of Treaty of Jaffa (1192). Beware: there was another Jaffa Treaty, to be precise Treaty of Jaffa and Tell Ajjul in 1229 between Frederick II and Sultan al-Adil. Thank you very much. Arminden (আলাপ) ১২:৩৬, ২১ জুন ২০২০ (ইউটিসি)উত্তর দিন

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