ভুটান: সংশোধিত সংস্করণের মধ্যে পার্থক্য

বিষয়বস্তু বিয়োগ হয়েছে বিষয়বস্তু যোগ হয়েছে
সম্পাদনা সারাংশ নেই
ট্যাগ: মোবাইল সম্পাদনা মোবাইল ওয়েব সম্পাদনা
৩৭ নং লাইন:
| area_sq_mi = 14,824 <!--38,394 km2-->
| percent_water = ১.১
| population_estimate = 797,765
| population_estimate = ৭৪২,৭৩৭<ref name=clock>{{ওয়েব উদ্ধৃতি |url = http://countrymeters.info/en/Bhutan |title = Bhutan Population clock |year = 2012 |publisher = Countrymeters.info |accessdate = 22 October 2012 }}</ref>
| population_census = ৬৩৪634,৯৮২982<ref name=census>{{ওয়েবcite উদ্ধৃতিweb |url = http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/meetings/wshops/Thailand_15Oct07/docs/Countries_presentations/Bhutan_Results.ppt |title = Population and Housing Census of Bhutan — 2005 |format = PPT |publisher = [[UN]] |year = 2005 |accessdate = 5 January 2010 }}</ref>
| population_estimate_year = ২০১২২০১৬
| population_estimate_rank = ১৬৫তম165th
| population_census_year = ২০০৫2005<sup>a</sup>
| population_density_km2 = ১৮19.3 <!--691141 / 38394-->
| population_density_sq_mi = ৪৬50.1<!--691141 / 14824--><!--Do not remove per [[WP:MOSNUM]]-->
| population_density_rank = ১৯৬তম196th
| population_density_sq_mi = ৪৬.৬ <!--691141 / 14824--><!--Do not remove per [[WP:MOSNUM]]-->
| GDP_PPP = $8.010 billion<ref name=imf2>{{cite web |url = https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2017/01/weodata/weorept.aspx?pr.x=47&pr.y=10&sy=2017&ey=2020&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=514&s=NGDPD%2CNGDPDPC%2CPPPGDP%2CPPPPC%2CLP&grp=0&a=|title = Butan |publisher = International Monetary Fund }}</ref>
| GDP_PPP_year = 2018
| GDP_PPP_rank =
| GDP_PPP_per_capita = $9,805<ref name=imf2/>
| GDP_PPP_per_capita_rank = 115th
| GDP_nominal = $2.610 billion<ref name=imf2/>
| GDP_nominal_year = 2018
| GDP_nominal_rank =
| GDP_nominal_per_capita = $3,197<ref name=imf2/>
| GDP_nominal_per_capita_rank = 130th
৫৮ নং লাইন:
| Gini_year = 2012
| Gini_change = <!--increase/decrease/steady-->
| Gini_ref = <ref name="wb-gini">{{cite web |url = http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.GINI/ |title = Gini Index |publisher = World Bank |accessdate = 2 March 2011 }}</ref>
| Gini_rank =
| HDI = 0.607 <!--number only, between 0 and 1-->
| HDI_year = 2015 <!--Please use the year to which the HDI data refers and not the publication year-->
| HDI_change = increase<!--increase/decrease/steady-->
| HDI_ref = <ref name="HDI">{{cite web |url=http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/2016_human_development_report.pdf |title=2016 Human Development Report |year=2016 |accessdate=21 March 2017 |publisher=United Nations Development Programme }}</ref>
| HDI_rank = 132nd
| currency = [[ভূটানি ঙুলট্রুম]]<sup>b</sup>