প্রবেশদ্বার:ভূমিকম্প/নির্বাচিত নিবন্ধ/৫

A map of the region where the earthquake occurred.

The July 2006 Java earthquake was a magnitude 7.7 earthquake off the southwestern coast of Java, Indonesia. It occurred on July 17, 2006, at 08:24 UTC (15:24 local time).

The U.S. Geological Survey placed the epicentre of the quake at ৯°১৭′৪২″ দক্ষিণ ১০৭°২০′৪৯″ পূর্ব / ৯.২৯৫° দক্ষিণ ১০৭.৩৪৭° পূর্ব / -9.295; 107.347, and its hypocentre at a depth of 48.6 km below the seabed. This is 225 km (140 miles) NE of Christmas Island, 240 km (150 miles) SSW of Tasikmalaya, Indonesia, and 358 km (222 miles) S of Jakarta, the capital and largest city of Indonesia.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey:

"The earthquake occurred as a result of thrust-faulting on the boundary between the Australia plate and the Sunda plate. On this part of their mutual boundary, the Australia plate moves north-northeast with respect to the Sunda plate at about 59 mm/year. The Australia plate thrusts beneath the Sunda plate at the Java trench, south of Java, and is subducted to progressively greater depths beneath Java and north of Java. The earthquake occurred on the shallow part of the plate boundary, about 50 km north of the Java trench."