TuttoCalciatori-তে {{{name}}} (ইতালীয় ভাষায়)

টেমপ্লেট নথি[দেখুন] [সম্পাদনা] [ইতিহাস] [শোধন]

টেমপ্লেট:TuttoCalciatori displays an external link or citation for an association football (soccer) player's statistics at TuttoCalciatori.

Usage সম্পাদনা

External link সম্পাদনা

ID without name (uses Wikipedia article name as link text)
{{TuttoCalciatori | ID }}
{{TuttoCalciatori | id = ID }}
ID with name
{{TuttoCalciatori | ID | NAME }}
{{TuttoCalciatori | id = ID | name = NAME }}

Citation with access-date সম্পাদনা

ID without name (uses Wikipedia article name as link text)
{{TuttoCalciatori | ID | access-date = DATE }}
{{TuttoCalciatori | id = ID | access-date = DATE }}
ID with name
{{TuttoCalciatori | ID | NAME | access-date = DATE }}
{{TuttoCalciatori | id = ID | name = NAME | access-date = DATE }}

Examples সম্পাদনা

As external link সম্পাদনা

ID without name (uses Wikipedia article name as link text)
* {{TuttoCalciatori | Gatti_Federico }}
  • TuttoCalciatori-তে TuttoCalciatori (ইতালীয় ভাষায়)
* {{TuttoCalciatori | id = Gatti_Federico }}
  • TuttoCalciatori-তে TuttoCalciatori (ইতালীয় ভাষায়)
ID with name
* {{TuttoCalciatori | Gatti_Federico | Federico Gatti }}
  • TuttoCalciatori-তে Federico Gatti (ইতালীয় ভাষায়)
* {{TuttoCalciatori | id = Gatti_Federico | name = Federico Gatti }}
  • TuttoCalciatori-তে Federico Gatti (ইতালীয় ভাষায়)

As citation with access-date সম্পাদনা

ID without name (uses Wikipedia article name as link text)
{{TuttoCalciatori | Gatti_Federico | access-date = 16 August 2021 }}
"TuttoCalciatori"TuttoCalciatori (ইতালীয় ভাষায়)। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ১৬ আগস্ট ২০২১ 
{{TuttoCalciatori | id = Gatti_Federico | access-date = 16 August 2021 }}
"TuttoCalciatori"TuttoCalciatori (ইতালীয় ভাষায়)। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ১৬ আগস্ট ২০২১ 
ID with name
{{TuttoCalciatori | Gatti_Federico | Federico Gatti | access-date = 2021-08-16 }}
"Federico Gatti"TuttoCalciatori (ইতালীয় ভাষায়)। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০২১-০৮-১৬ 
{{TuttoCalciatori | id = Gatti_Federico | name = Federico Gatti | access-date = 2021-08-16 }}
"Federico Gatti"TuttoCalciatori (ইতালীয় ভাষায়)। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০২১-০৮-১৬ 
Citation without date
{{TuttoCalciatori | Gatti_Federico | Federico Gatti | citation = yes }}
"Federico Gatti"TuttoCalciatori (ইতালীয় ভাষায়)। 
{{TuttoCalciatori | id = Gatti_Federico | name = Federico Gatti | citation = yes }}
"Federico Gatti"TuttoCalciatori (ইতালীয় ভাষায়)। 

No ID in template সম্পাদনা

* {{TuttoCalciatori}}

TemplateData সম্পাদনা

নতুন দৃশ্যমান সম্পাদনা দ্বারা ব্যবহৃত টেমপ্লেটের জন্য টেমপ্লেটডাটা নথি।

TuttoCalciatori শীর্ষ

This template displays an external link or citation for an association football (soccer) player's statistics at tuttocalciatori.net

টেমপ্লেট প্যারামিটার[টেমপ্লেটের উপাত্ত সম্পাদনা করুন]

Player ID1 id pid

ID portion of the URL for player's profile at FIGC.it Example: Gatti_Federico is the ID portion of https://www.tuttocalciatori.net/Gatti_Federico. This parameter is required.

Player Name2 name

Name of the player. This parameter is optional; it defaults to the Wikipedia article name, without any disambiguation such as "(footballer)" or "(soccer)".

Access Dateaccess-date accessdate

Date that the URL was accessed. If specified, the output is formatted as a web citation.


If a value is given, the output is formatted as a web citation. Useful when a citation is needed without an access date.
