This is a basic example of this template.

Source code
| name   = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state  = uncollapsed
| title  = Example timeline
| row1   =
| item1  = Foo
| date1  = 1985-2014
| item2  = Bar
| date2  = 2019-2035
| row3   =
| item3  = Baz
| date3 = 1995-2020

When you specify the |label= parameter, the contents of the |rown= parameters are shown on the left underneath the |label= parameter.

Source code
| name   = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state  = uncollapsed
| title  = Example timeline
| label  = Type
| row1   = A
| item1  = Foo
| date1  = 1985-2014
| item2  = Bar
| date2  = 2019-2035
| row3   = B
| span3  = 2
| item3  = Baz
| date3  = 1995-2020
| row4   =
| item4  = Qux
| date4  = 2005-2015

When |decades=no is set, the decade row is removed and the year row contains the full years.

Source code
| name    = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state   = uncollapsed
| title   = Example timeline
| label   = Type
| decades = no
| row1    = A
| item1   = Foo
| date1   = 1985-2014
| item2   = Bar
| date2   = 2019-2035
| row3    = B
| item3   = Baz
| date3   = 1995-2020

When |footer=yes is set, the decade and year rows at the top of the template are shown again at the bottom. This is useful for very large timelines.

Source code
| name   = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state  = uncollapsed
| title  = Example timeline
| footer = yes
| row1   =
| item1  = Foo
| date1  = 1985-2014
| item2  = Bar
| date2  = 2019-2035
| row3   =
| item3  = Baz
| date3  = 1995-2020

Item and label styles


The |stylen= parameters can be used to style items and the |labelstylen= can be used to style rows.

Source code
| name        = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state       = uncollapsed
| title       = Example timeline
| label       = Type
| row1        = A
| labelstyle1 = background: #e459e4;
| item1       = Foo
| date1       = 1985-2014
| style1      = background-color: #ff7c7c;
| item2       = Bar
| date2       = 2019-2035
| style2      = background-color: #e6cd38;
| row3        = B
| labelstyle3 = background: #50aeff;
| item3       = Baz
| date3       = 1995-2020
| style3      = background-color: #72d272;
Source code
| name   = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state  = uncollapsed
| title  = Example timeline
| above  = Above
| below  = Below
| row1   =
| item1  = Foo
| date1  = 1985-2014
| item2  = Bar
| date2  = 2019-2035
| row3   =
| item3  = Baz
| date3  = 1995-2020

|startoffset= and |endoffset= can be used to extend the start and end of the timeline.

Source code
| name        = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state       = uncollapsed
| title       = Example timeline
| startoffset = 5
| endoffset   = 5
| row1        =
| item1       = Foo
| date1       = 1985-2014
| item2       = Bar
| date2       = 2019-2035
| row3        =
| item3       = Baz
| date3       = 1995-2020

Alternatively, |startyear= and |endyear= can be used to extends the start and end of the timeline to those years of the content of the timeline doesn't go beyond those years.

Source code
| name      = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state     = uncollapsed
| title     = Example timeline
| startyear = 1975
| endyear   = 2046
| row1      =
| item1     = Foo
| date1     = 1985-2014
| item2     = Bar
| date2     = 2019-2035
| row3      =
| item3     = Baz
| date3     = 1995-2020

Inside another navbox


This template can be used to inside another navbox by calling it using {{Timeline|child|...}}.

Source code
| title  = Example timeline
| group1 = Timeline
| state  = uncollapse
| list1  = {{Timeline|child
| row1   =
| item1  = Foo
| date1  = 1985-2014
| item2  = Bar
| date2  = 2019-2035
| row3   =
| item3  = Baz
| date3  = 1995-2020

image and imageleft


The |image= and |imageleft= can be used to add content (preferably images) to the right and left of the navbox respectively.

Source code
| name      = {{FULLPAGENAME}}
| state     = uncollapsed
| title     = Example timeline
| image     = [[File:Flag of the United States.svg|100px]]
| imageleft = [[File:Flag of Canada.svg|100px]]
| row1      =
| item1     = Foo
| date1     = 1985-2014
| item2     = Bar
| date2     = 2019-2035
| row3      =
| item3     = Baz
| date3     = 1995-2020