The {{গ্রন্থাগার সংযোগ দ্বারা}} template creates an external link to resources in a library by the topic of an article. More details can be found in the documentation for the related {{গ্রন্থাগার সংরক্ষণ বাক্স}} template.

This is a relatively low-level template; most Wikipedia editors will want instead to use one of the higher-level templates listed in the See Also section.


{{গ্রন্থাগার সংযোগ দ্বারা |label= |library= |viaf= |lccn= |lcheading= |wikititle= }}

<!-- all parameters optional -->


  • label= If set, the value is used as the text of the link. Otherwise, generic text, or text based on the title of the page, is used.
  • library= If set, the destination library is specified by the value of this parameter. If it is not set, the user will go to their preferred library (if they have previously registered their preference), or be prompted to choose a library to go to (if they have not, or if their preference cookie has expired). This parameter is usually not used in the Wikipedia context, except with one of two special values:
    • OLBP sends the user to the Online Books Page (though consider using the {{Online books about}} template instead).
    • 0CHOOSE0 prompts the user to choose a destination library, even if they have already registered a preference.
  • The viaf, lccn, lcheading, and wikititle parameters can be used to specify more precisely the topic to query in the destination library. They are used just as they are in the {{Library resources box}} template; see that template's documentation for more details.


{{গ্রন্থাগার সংযোগ দ্বারা}}

The simplest template call generates a link to resources by the current article's topic at the user's preferred library, based on the title of the article.

{{গ্রন্থাগার সংযোগ দ্বারা|label=What your library has by George Washington|viaf=31432428}}

This generates a link to resources at the user's preferred library by the holder of VIAF ID "31432428" (who happens to be George Washington). Using the VIAF ID makes this link less vulnerable to possible future changes in the Wikipedia article title (or in the Library of Congress authorized heading) for George Washington. The text of the link is "What your library has by George Washington".

{{গ্রন্থাগার সংযোগ দ্বারা|library=0CHOOSE0
 |label=What different libraries have by Alice Duer Miller}}

This generates a link that prompts the user to choose a library to see what resources that have on the American civil war. The lccn label is set to the Library of Congress control number for Alice Duer Miller. The link text is "What different libraries have by Alice Duer Miller". The 0CHOOSE0 value for the library parameter prevents the user from being taken directly to their preferred library.

আরও দেখুন
