উইকিপিডিয়া:বাংলা উইকিপিডিয়া এডিটাথন, জুন ২০২২/নিবন্ধ তালিকা ১

জেন্ডার গ্যাপ

যে নিবন্ধগুলো অনুবাদ শেষ করতে হবে (বাংলা লিঙ্কযুক্ত নামগুলো)
সংখ্যা বাংলা নাম ইংরেজি কাজ করছেন
বাংলাদেশ Bangladesh
অস্ট্রেলিয়া Australia

নারী অধিকার ও ক্ষমতায়ন

যে নিবন্ধগুলো অনুবাদ শেষ করতে হবে (বাংলা লিঙ্কযুক্ত নামগুলো)
সংখ্যা বাংলা নাম ইংরেজি কাজ করছেন
বাংলাদেশ Bangladesh
অস্ট্রেলিয়া Australia

নারীবাদ ও সমাজ

সংখ্যা বাংলা ইংরেজি কাজ করছেন আকার (বাইট)
পুরুষতন্ত্র কেন্দ্রিকতা Androcentrism 15063
প্রচলিত লিঙ্গতান্ত্রিকতা Gender mainstreaming 37175
আধুনিক নারীবাদ Postfeminism 19037
নারীতাত্ত্বিক নৃবিজ্ঞান Feminist anthropology 30706
নারীতাত্ত্বিক সংস্কৃতি Cultural feminism 15645
আন্তর্জাতিক নারী বছর International Women's Year 22664
নারীতাত্ত্বিক ভৌগোলিক বিজ্ঞান Feminist geography 23267
যৌনকরণ Sexualization 80521
এরিস্টটলের নারীবাদী দর্শন Aristotle's views on women 16626
১০ কায়ারার্কি Kyriarchy 9062
১১ আন্তর্জাতিক সম্পর্কে নারীবাদ Feminism in international relations 40828
১২ জেন্ডার বাজেটিং Gender budgeting 18048
১৩ পেশাগত পৃথকীকরণ Occupational segregation 46032
১৪ নারীতাত্ত্বিক নগরায়ন Feminist urbanism 22046
১৫ হাইপেশিয়া (জার্নাল) Hypatia 38116
১৬ নারীতাত্ত্বিক বিদ্যা Feminist Studies 4174
১৭ ধর্ষণ বিরোধী আন্দোলন Anti-rape movement 58359
১৮ জেন্ডার ডেমোক্রেসি Gender democracy 12786
১৯ সমাজের উপর নারীবাদের প্রভাব Feminist effects on society 28995
২০ নারীতাত্ত্বিক বৈদেশিক নীতি Feminist foreign policy 33884
২১ ডুলুথ মডেল Duluth model 15238
২২ আদীবাসী নারীতত্ত্ব Indigenous feminism 53092
২৩ নারীবাদ কেন দরকার Who Needs Feminism 9801
২৪ Gender empowerment 2834
Global Implementation Plan to End Violence against Women and Girls 7954
Feminism and media 31650
Feminist technoscience 24985
prevention of violence against women and girls 7313
Female public intellectuals 7680
Standpoint feminism 24074
Feminist justice ethics 7197
Hawksian woman 10390
Barefoot and pregnant 5084
Signs 12865
List of matrilineal or matrilocal societies 12237
Women Against Rape 12252
Manushi 2251
Protective laws 9225
Destroy The Joint 19614
Free to Be... You and Me 20097
The Association for Women with Large Feet 3348
When Women Rule the World 4510
Landscape mythology 4311
Hurricane Alice 13881
Misogyny in ice hockey 101951
Feminist design 3283
Daughters of St. Crispin 4827
Gender script 7916
Feminist empiricism 5215
Women 5531
Gender and politics 10866
Sexy baby voice 4041
Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence 6612
Feminists Write about Mothering 14363


সংখ্যা ইংরেজি বাংলা কাজ করছেন আকার (বাইট)
1 Sexual revolution 65052
2 Gynocentrism স্ত্রীকেন্দ্রিকতা 15358
3 Gender neutrality লিঙ্গ নিরপেক্ষতা 71131
4 Sex strike 15800
5 The personal is political 21752
6 Bluestocking 9270
7 Feminist ethics নারীতাত্ত্বিক নৈতিকতা 33425
8 Women-only space 21052
9 Street harassment 53454
10 Gender-blind অন্ধ লিঙ্গবাদ 6406
11 Femonationalism 3722
12 Purplewashing পার্পলওয়াশিং 9661
13 Feminist epistemology নারীবাদী জ্ঞানতত্ত্ব 42085
14 Feminist sociology নারীবাদী সমাজবিজ্ঞান 36895
15 Trousers as women's clothing 53893
16 Women's work 12865
17 Carceral feminism 11394
18 Feminist language reform 30165
19 Gender parity লিঙ্গ সমতা 25689
20 Feminism and equality 29251
21 Male as norm 18017
22 Paper abortion 12666
23 Superwoman 8118
24 NotAllMen 13323
25 Wages for housework 29532
26 Feminist children's literature 26588
27 Feminist interpretations of the Early Modern witch trials 25381
28 Women in Shakespeare's works 8307
29 Feminism in culture 19535
30 Ali Bayramov Club 8150
31 Vegetarian ecofeminism ভেজিটেরিয়ান ইকোফেমিনিজম 30799
32 Victim feminism 11122
33 War on women 84097
34 Womxn 12490
35 Feminist digital humanities 46262
36 Feminist businesses 18362
37 Feminism of the 99% 12333
38 Eugenic feminism 16041
39 Embedded feminism 24970
40 Feminist interventions in the philosophy of law 14238
41 Index of feminism articles 23987
42 Feminist pathways perspective 26023
43 The "No-Problem" Problem 2379
44 Feminist rhetoric 22935
45 Trauma-informed feminist therapy 12355
46 The Last Party 3331
47 Career woman কর্মমুখী নারী 7159
48 Commodification of the womb 22244
49 Mother's Day Proclamation 7036
50 Women in international law 16306
51 The Erotic 9640
52 Scottish Feminist Judgments Project 5788
53 Gender roles in post-communist Central and Eastern Europe 16924
54 Feminism and racism 28937
55 Sarah Louisa Forten Purvis 17731
56 Feminist peace research 21989
57 Feminist biology 8002
58 Thompson's psychology of women 3068
59 Popcorn Venus পপকর্ণ ভেনাস 17261
60 Feminist Hulk 5285
61 Imperial feminism সাম্রাজ্যবাদী নারীতত্ত্ব 11370
62 Feminist HCI 9355
63 Feminist credit unions 3750
64 List of feminist anthems 35412
65 Feminist views on striptease 9715
66 Commodity feminism পণ্য নারীবাদ 6258

নারীর ভোটাধিকার

সংখ্যা বাংলা ইংরেজি কাজ করছেন আকার (বাইট)
Convention on the Political Rights of Women 13101
Moralism 6279
2015 Saudi Arabian municipal elections 15354
Timeline of women's suffrage 64039
Inter-Allied Women's Conference 67864
Third Conference of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance 1583
Sister Suffragette 3253
Fifth Conference of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance 2608
First Conference of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance 4523
Seventh Conference of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance 16467
Sixth Conference of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance 14232
Eighth Conference of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance 25009
Fourth Conference of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance 3857
1946 Liberian constitutional referendum 1450
1919 in women's history 44460
Suffrage jewellery 5169
Eugenic feminism 16041
Second Eastern Women's Congress 3898
Second Conference of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance 6622
Women's suffrage organizations and publications 13647
Are Women People? 10326
Women's suffrage in film 19019
Women's suffrage and Western women's fashion through the early 20th century 9730

নারী অধিকার

সংখ্যা বাংলা ইংরেজি কাজ করছেন আকার (বাইট)
Minority group 32939
Reproductive rights 139856
Educating Rita 15347
Feminist ethics 33425
Simone de Beauvoir Prize 6651
World Conference on Women 42626
Menstrual leave 11698
Agunah 50019
Ain't I a Woman? 27751
My body 47658
Women's parking space 16328
The woman question 16822
Jus trium liberorum 9537
Anonymous birth 12175
Women's rights are human rights 17759
Istihadha 10019
Reproductive justice 134518
Gruber Prize for Women's Rights 4703
Baugrygr 2938
Feminism and equality 29251
Lactivism 3645
Husband stitch 8453
Marriage bar 11673
World Conference on Women 28783
Hilana Sedarous 2241
World Courts of Women 12908
Legal rights of women in history 89008
World Conference on Women 35791
Daughters of Zelophehad 17999
International Tribunal on Crimes against Women 3243
Paternal rights and abortion 17356
Gender and development 95244
Honorary male 18952
Pregnant patients' rights 7166
Refugee women 33749
World Conference on Women 30466
Confidential birth 12113
Jewish women in the Holocaust 15579
Rima Salah 16647
Indigenous feminism 53092
Cäcilia Rentmeister 19567
Hið íslenska kvenfélag 1317
Global Women's Strike 3721
Gender analysis 9785
Sophia Smith Collection 15029
Moser Gender Planning Framework 5772
Bangkok Rules 5571
Women 1192
Arab Women's Executive Committee 452
Femicide in Turkey 39970
Global Implementation Plan to End Violence against Women and Girls 7954
Tehzeeb-e-Niswan 6086
Potty parity 12251
prevention of violence against women and girls 7313
Gender pension gap 19796
The Third Billion 3233
Women's prayer in Islam 22111
Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Ratification of Convention) Act 2017 5205
Right to sit 52116
Daughters of the Polo God 8822
Equality Amendment 8700
MeToo movement in South Korea 53495
Harvard Analytical Framework 7924
Earley Women's Institute 10504
ইসলামে নারী Women in Islam 382,257

নারী উদ্ভাবক

সংখ্যা বাংলা ইংরেজি কাজ করছেন আকার (বাইট)
Tara Lemmey 17074
Dan D. Yang 9482
Tomima Edmark 8310
Simona Hunyadi Murph 6667
Dorcas Reilly 5697
Nancy Farley Wood 14214
Mabel White Holmes 5002
Alicia Chong Rodriguez 8309
Cricket Lee 1603
Lin Hsin Hsin 40750
Alexis Lewis 8997
Shree Bose 7192
Vesta Stoudt 4577
Meg Patterson 9552
Martha Davis Coe 15091
Amelia Freund 4920
Elizabeth Ilive 5776
Mary P. Carpenter 8243
Karen Panetta 7145
Virginia A. Myers 2806
Margaret Crane 9772
Bonnie Pemberton 4617
Hinda Miller 4824
Robin Rasor 3248
Lauren Bowker 5493
Carolyn R. Mobley 919
Anna Baldwin 6245
Emily E. Tassey 4467
Clarissa Britain 7323
Samaira Mehta 4570
Josephine G. Fountain 2397
Lucy Rogers 8084
Barbara Gilmour 20166
Elizabeth Sthreshley Townsend 2079
Bridget Elizabeth Talbot 5151
Margaret A. Wilcox 5384
Barbara Beskind 5423
Phyllis Margaret Tookey Kerridge 12197
Kate Duval Hughes 3492
Maude Dickinson 4515
List of historical Pennsylvania women 3493
Slawa Duldig 14553
Alison Todd 9662
Elizabeth Ann Louisa Mackay 1142
Rose Cumming 5243
Fannie S. Spitz 5487
Katja Loos 17227
Lisa Lindahl 7504
June Kroenke 3558
Betsey Metcalf Baker 6045
Keiana Cavé 12390
Barbara Haviland Minor 14628
Isabella Coler Herb 7475
List of women innovators and inventors by country 23143
Alissa Chavez 2555
Heidi Messer 38517
Asha Peta Thompson 8788
Emma Beckwith 8758
Anna Dormitzer 7152
Ginny Scales-Medeiros 15165
Edith Klemperer 11843
Jessica O. Matthews 22601
Georgena Terry 3510
Harriet Tracy 6781
Becky Schroeder 4497
Danièle Aron-Rosa 12591
Caroline Schlyter 9350
Judy W. Reed 7050
Anne Klein 13581
Clara M. Brinkerhoff 10832
Catherine McCammon 6231
Christel Kammerer 1217
Helen Herrick Malsed 3471
Janese Swanson 8473
Lindsay Phillips 6644
Mary Brush 1885
Suhayya Abu-Hakima 21141
Madeline Turner 3504
Charlotte Bridgwood 3488
Ve Elizabeth Cadie 5899
Olga D. González-Sanabria 9969
Ellen Eliza Fitz 7241
Emily C. Duncan 3121
Brigitte Voit 5945
Munia Ganguli 8753
Edith Stern 8306
Lorraine Rothman 11359
Teruko Mizushima 6696
Louise Herschman Mannheimer 7675
Maria Clementine Martin 15342
Florence Melton 8051
Lyda D. Newman 12120
Ellene Alice Bailey 3642
Elizabeth Kingsley 3233
Marjorie Joyner 9718
Eleanor Coade 28927
Elizabeth Riddle Graves 16356
Emily Davenport 5124
Joan L. Mitchell 9443
Deborah Washington Brown 7944
Margaret Olofsson Bergman 2242
Janet Emerson Bashen 8760
Elise Harmon 16938
Frances McConnell-Mills 11930
Ethel Finck 5469
Amy B. Smith 17074
Diane Hart 11133
Agnes J. Quirk 6813
Karen Linder 8967
Altina Schinasi 11904
Inga Stephens Pratt Clark 7760
Mary Florence Potts 15158
Iréne Grahn 4648
Sonja de Lennart 14001
Jane Ní Dhulchaointigh 9206
Sally Hansen 8129
Miriam Benjamin 16101
Laila Ohlgren 7052
Herminie Cadolle 4125
Emily Cummins 3479
Frances Hugle 11867
Ada Henry Van Pelt 5357
Louise Brigham 14196
Patricia Billings 12254
Sandra Welner 11986
Marija Šimanska 6214
Joani Blank 9777
Guilly d'Herbemont 6418
Josephine Webb 5117
Misha Mahowald 10678
Caroline Eichler 12189
Sally Dominguez 8887
Nancy Maria Donaldson Johnson 12283
Leslie Scott 3383
Emma Parmee 8986
Marti Hearst 11337
Eliza Wilbur 2157
June McCarroll 18102
Pratibha Gai 10833
Roxey Ann Caplin 5888
Ann Tsukamoto 6415
Han Terra 42041
Spéranza Calo-Séailles 3667
Betty Lou Bailey 8843
Mandy Haberman 7520
Bessie Blount Griffin 14521
Ninni Kronberg 4822
Alice H. Parker 9471
Fiona Fairhurst 4395
Randi Altschul 6477
Sarah Boone 7673
Valerie Hunter Gordon 8080
Maya Burhanpurkar 7855
Martha Matilda Harper 12031
Joyce Chen 40183
Eldorado Jones 4699
Arlene Harris 15577
Myra Juliet Farrell 13309
Annie Turnbo Malone 17620
Mary Hallock-Greenewalt 8405
Ida Tin 11391
Katharina Paulus 8993
Marie Killick 6239
Rachel Zimmerman 12298
Mary Taylor Brush 7407
Veena Sahajwalla 26328
Princess Anne of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg 21469
Adelaide Claxton 5764
Elizabeth Lee Hazen 12133
Jennifer A. Lewis 17861
Frances Gabe 9801
Theresa Berkley 9239
Esther Takeuchi 14606
Mary Kenner 8553
Leona Chalmers 3264
Anna Keichline 11298
Ellen Eglin 6911
Deepika Kurup 9555
Kristina M. Johnson 15161
Hazel Bishop 10237
Maria E. Beasley 23508
Harriet Williams Russell Strong 9134
Sybilla Righton Masters 6979
Betsy Ancker-Johnson 6682
Sylvia Ratnasamy 6267
Lori Greiner 7695
Martha Coston 9951
Amanda Jones 25424
Amalia Eriksson 2841
Ruth Graves Wakefield 10537
Marie Van Brittan Brown 13020
Helen Blanchard 14391
Marga Faulstich 5418
Mary Dixon Kies 7299
Hanna Hammarström 4289
Candace Pert 11071
Sarah Guppy 13640
Anne Tyng 12026
Judith Esser-Mittag 5208
Melanie Chartoff 14964
Irmgard Flügge-Lotz 18007
Jeri Ellsworth 20628
Ecaterina Andronescu 28113
Elizabeth Holloway Marston 12992
Mary Sherman Morgan 12895
Ángela Ruiz Robles 15423
Maria Christina Bruhn 6347
Mina Bissell 7903
Patsy O'Connell Sherman 8108
Caresse Crosby 81027
Vanna Bonta 11563
Olive Dennis 6589
Irina Beletskaya 6149
Mary Lou Jepsen 22492
Beatrice Shilling 16847
Ingeborg Hochmair 21752
Ida Henrietta Hyde 18760
Rachel Fuller Brown 9772
Valerie Thomas 11345
Concepción Aleixandre 6481
Marie Boivin 9887
Mary Walton 12912
Beulah Louise Henry 12737
Klára Dán von Neumann 10843
Joy Mangano 17998
Gitanjali Rao 13986
Edith M. Flanigen 12734
Johanna Budwig 6571
Ruth R. Benerito 13596
Fe del Mundo 22828
Sarah E. Goode 8611
Tabitha Babbitt 5529
Barbara Askins 6234
Jeanne Villepreux-Power 11158
Omowunmi Sadik 10894
Margaret E. Knight 22766
Yvonne Brill 12309
Sara Blakely 25621
Marie Marvingt 27004
Lizzie Magie 14850
Marion Donovan 10504
Lola Mora 7019
Helen Murray Free 16553
Ida Freund 15457
Bette Nesmith Graham 11172
Ruth Arnon 14476
Ernestine Rose 14672
Lina Stern 10461
Quinn Cummings 8866
Marie Harel 5266
Patricia Bath 37365
Melitta Bentz 12947
Alice Pike Barney 11173
Esther Lederberg 30537
Edith Clarke 13809
Simone Giertz 16275
Eunice Newton Foote 24737
Lynn Conway 70804
Katharine Burr Blodgett 18496
Ruth Handler 9123
Mary the Jewess 10489
Radia Perlman 17653
Princess Stéphanie of Belgium 72131
Berenice Abbott 54535
Melissa George 45757
Mária Telkes 13942
Ana Aslan 8366
Mary Anderson 11717
Hertha Ayrton 30516
Elizabeth Holmes 96660
Laurie Anderson 64421
Josephine Cochrane 15455
Elena of Montenegro 24198
Temple Grandin 59333
Julie Newmar 27866
Stephanie Kwolek 28509
Gertrude B. Elion 25501
Anna Pavlova 37308