উইকিপিডিয়া:টুইংকল/অবয়ব অনুবাদ

friendlyshared.js: Shared IP tagging module

  • Shared IP address tagging
  • Fill in IP address owner/operator, hostname and contact information (if applicable) and hit \"Submit\"
  • Some of these templates support an optional parameter for the organization name that owns/operates the IP address. The organization name can be entered here for those templates, including wikimarkup if necessary.
  • Host name (optional)
  • Contact information (only if requested)
  • Some of these templates support an optional parameter for the organization\'s contact information. Use this parameter only if the organization has specifically request that it be added. This contact information can be entered here for those templates, including wikimarkup if necessary.
  • {{shared IP}}: standard shared IP address template
  • 'IP user talk page template that shows helpful information to IP users and those wishing to warn, block or ban them'
  • {{shared IP edu}}: shared IP address template modified for educational institutions
  • {{shared IP corp}}: shared IP address template modified for businesses
  • {{shared IP public}}: shared IP address template modified for public terminals
  • {{shared IP gov}}: shared IP address template modified for government agencies or facilities',
  • {{dynamicIP}}: shared IP address template modified for organizations with dynamic addressing',
  • {{ISP}}: shared IP address template modified for ISP organizations (specifically proxies)',
  • {{mobileIP}}: shared IP address template modified for mobile phone companies and their customers',
  • 'You must select a shared IP address template to use!' );
  • 'You must input an organization for the টেমপ্লেট:' + value + ' template!' );
  • "Tagging complete, reloading talk page in a few seconds";
  • "User talk page modification");

friendlytag.js: Tag module

  • 'View this list:',
  • 'You can change the default view order in your Twinkle preferences (WP:TWPREFS).',
  • "File maintenance tagging"
  • 'License and sourcing problem tags'
  • 'Cleanup tags' } );
  • 'Image quality tags'
  • 'Wikimedia Commons-related tags'
  • 'Replacement tags'
  • 'Spelling, misspelling, tense and capitalization templates'
  • 'Alternative name templates'
  • 'Miscellaneous and administrative redirect templates'
  • 'Draft article tags'
  • "{{globalize}}: article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject"
  • "Region-specific {{globalize}} subtemplates",
  • "article deals primarily with the Australian viewpoint": article deals primarily with the Canadian viewpoint
  • "article deals primarily with the Chinese viewpoint"
  • article deals primarily with the viewpoint of common law countries"
  • article deals primarily with the English-speaking viewpoint"
  • article deals primarily with the European viewpoint"
  • article deals primarily with the French viewpoint",
  • article deals primarily with the German viewpoint"
  • article deals primarily with the Indian viewpoint"
  • article deals primarily with the Middle Eastern viewpoint",
  • article deals primarily with the North American viewpoint"
  • article deals primarily with the northern hemisphere viewpoint"
  • article deals primarily with the southern hemisphere viewpoint"
  • article deals primarily with the South African viewpoint"
  • article deals primarily with the British viewpoint"
  • article deals primarily with the British and Canadian viewpoints"
  • article deals primarily with the USA viewpoint"
  • article deals primarily with the viewpoint of Western countries"
  • "{{notability}}: article\'s subject may not meet the general notability guideline", value: "none" },
  • {{notability|Academics}}: notability guideline for academics", value: "Academics" },
  • {{notability|Biographies}}: notability guideline for biographies", value: "Biographies" },
  • "{{notability|Books}}: notability guideline for books", value: "Books" },
  • "{{notability|Companies}}: notability guidelines for companies and organizations", value: "Companies" },
  • "{{notability|Events}}: notability guideline for events", value: "Events" },
  • "{{notability|Films}}: notability guideline for films", value: "Films" },
  • "{{notability|Music}}: notability guideline for music", value: "Music" },
  • "{{notability|Neologisms}}: notability guideline for neologisms", value: "Neologisms" },
  • "{{notability|Numbers}}: notability guideline for numbers", value: "Numbers" },
  • "{{notability|Products}}: notability guideline for products and services", value: "Products" },
  • "{{notability|Sport}}: notability guideline for sports and athletics", value: "Sport" },
  • "{{notability|Web}}: notability guideline for web content", value: "Web" }

all tag alphabetical


  • "advert": "article is written like an advertisement",
  • "advert": "নিবন্ধটি বিজ্ঞাপনের মতো করে লেখা",

  • "allplot": "article is almost entirely a plot summary",
  • "allplot": "নিবন্ধটি প্রায় পুরোটাই একটা দৃশ্যপট",

  • "autobiography": "article is an autobiography and may not be written neutrally",
  • "autobiography": "নিবন্ধটি একটি আত্মজীবনী এবং সম্ভবত নিরপেক্ষভাবে লিখিত নয়",

  • "BLP sources": "BLP article needs additional sources for verification",
  • "BLP sources": "জীবিত ব্যক্তির জীবনী নিবন্ধ যার সত্যতা নির্ণয়ে বাড়তি উৎসনির্দেশ প্রয়োজন",

  • "BLP unsourced": "BLP article has no sources at all (use BLP PROD instead for new articles)",
  • "BLP unsourced": "জীবিত ব্যক্তির জীবনী নিবন্ধ যাতে কোনো উৎস উল্লেখিত হয়নি (অথবা এর পরিবর্তে নতুন নিবন্ধের ক্ষেত্রে BLP PROD ব্যবহার করুন)",

  • "capitalization": "article does not follow Wikipedia's guidelines on the use of capital letters",
  • "capitalization": "নিবন্ধটি বড়-ছাদের-হরফ-লেখায় উইকিপিডিয়ার নীতিমালা অনুসরণ করেনি",

  • "cat improve": "article may require additional categories",
  • "cat improve": "নিবন্ধে অতিরিক্ত বিষয়শ্রেণী যোগ প্রয়োজন",

  • "citation style": "article has unclear or inconsistent inline citations",
  • "citation style": "নিবন্ধে অপরিষ্কার অথবা অনির্দিষ্ট ইনলাইন সাইটেশন রয়েছে",

  • "cleanup": "article may require cleanup",
  • "cleanup": "নিবন্ধ, যার পরিষ্করণ দরকার",

  • "cleanup-reorganize": "article may be in need of reorganization to comply with Wikipedia's layout guidelines",
  • "cleanup-reorganize": "নিবন্ধ, যাকে উইকিপিডিয়ার লেআউট নীতিমালা অনুযায়ী পূণর্সংগঠন দরকার",

  • "close paraphrasing": "article contains close paraphrasing of a non-free copyrighted source",
  • "close paraphrasing": "বিনামূল্য নয় এমন কপিরাইটকৃত উৎস থেকে লেখা তথ্যাদি খুব কাছাকাছি শব্দে বদলে নেয়া হয়েছে",

  • "COI": "article creator or major contributor may have a conflict of interest",
  • "COI": "নিবন্ধ প্রণেতা কিংবা প্রধান অবদানকারীর আগ্রহজনিত বাধা থাকতে পারে",

  • "condense": "article may have too many section headers dividing up its content",
  • "condense": "নিবন্ধে সম্ভবত অনেক বেশি অনুচ্ছেদ শিরোনাম দিয়ে বিষয়বস্তুকে বিভক্ত করা হয়েছে",

  • "confusing": "article may be confusing or unclear",
  • "confusing": "নিবন্ধ, যা সম্ভবত দ্বিধাকর অথবা অপরিষ্কার ভাষায় উপস্থাপিত",

  • "context": "article provides insufficient context",
  • "context": "নিবন্ধে মূল বিষয়বস্তু বোঝা দুঃসাধ্য",

  • "copy edit": "article needs copy editing for grammar, style, cohesion, tone, and/or spelling",

  • "copypaste": "article appears to have been copied and pasted from a source",
  • "copypaste": "নিবন্ধ, যা দেখে মনে হচ্ছে কোনো উৎস থেকে কপি করে পেস্ট করা হয়েছে",

  • "dead end": "article has few or no links to other articles",
  • "dead end": "নিবন্ধ, যাতে অন্য নিবন্ধের খুব সামান্য কিংবা কোনোই সংযোগ নেই",

  • "disputed": "article has questionable factual accuracy",
  • "disputed": "নিবন্ধ, যার বাস্তবভিত্তিক সত্যতা বিষয়ে প্রশ্ন রয়েছে",

  • "essay-like": "article is written like an essay and needs cleanup",
  • "essay-like": "নিবন্ধটা একটা রচনার মতো করে লেখা এবং পরিষ্করণ দরকার",

  • "expert-subject": "article needs attention from an expert on the subject",
  • "expert-subject": "নিবন্ধ যাতে এই বিষয়ে একজন বিশেষজ্ঞের দৃষ্টিপাত দরকার",

  • "external links": "article's external links may not follow content policies or guidelines",
  • "external links": "নিবন্ধের বহিঃসংযোগ সম্ভবত নিবন্ধের নীতিমালা অথবা নির্দেশাবলী অনুসরণ করছে না",

  • "fansite": "article resembles a fansite",
  • "fansite": "নিবন্ধ যা দেখে ফ্যানসাইট বলে মনে হচ্ছে",

  • "fiction": "article fails to distinguish between fact and fiction",
  • "fiction": "নিবন্ধ, যা বাস্তবতা এবং কল্পজগতের পার্থক্য করতে অসমর্থ",

  • "globalize": "article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject",
  • "globalize": "নিবন্ধ, যাতে বৈশ্বিক দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি নেই",

  • "GOCEinuse": "article is currently undergoing a major copy edit by the Guild of Copy Editors",

  • "hoax": "article may be a complete hoax",
  • "hoax": "নিবন্ধ, যাকে সম্পূর্ণই ভুয়া মনে হয়",

  • "in-universe": "article subject is fictional and needs rewriting from a non-fictional perspective",

  • "incoherent": "article is incoherent or very hard to understand",

  • "in use": "article is undergoing a major edit for a short while",
  • "in use": "নিবন্ধ, যা সাময়িকভাবে বড় ধরণের সম্পাদনার মধ্য দিয়ে যাচ্ছে",

  • "lead missing": "article has no lead section and one should be written",
  • "lead missing": "নিবন্ধ যার পরিচিতি অংশ নেই এবং এরকম কিছু যোগ করা জরুরি",

  • "lead rewrite": "article lead section needs to be rewritten to comply with guidelines",

  • "lead too long": "article lead section is too long and should be shortened",

  • "lead too short": "article lead section is too short and should be expanded",

  • "linkrot": "article uses bare URLs for references, which are prone to link rot",

  • "merge": "article should be merged with another given article",

  • "merge from": "another given article should be merged into this one",

  • "merge to": "article should be merged into another given article",

  • "metricate": "article exclusively uses non-SI units of measurement",

  • "more footnotes": "article has some references, but insufficient in-text citations",

  • "new unreviewed article": "mark article for later review",

  • "no footnotes": "article has references, but no in-text citations",

  • "non-free": "article may contain excessive or improper use of copyrighted materials",

  • "NOT": "article contains unencyclopedic material which contravenes WP:NOT",

  • "notability": "article's subject may not meet the notability guideline",

  • "not English": "article is written in a language other than English and needs translation",

  • "one source": "article relies largely or entirely upon a single source",

  • "original research": "article has original research or unverified claims",

  • "orphan": "article is linked to from few or no other articles",

  • "out of date": "article needs out-of-date information removed or updated",

  • "overcoverage": "article has an extensive bias or disproportional coverage towards one or more specific regions",

  • "overlinked": "article may have too many duplicate and/or irrelevant links",

  • "over detailed": "article contains an excessive amount of intricate detail",

  • "peacock": "article may contain peacock terms that promote the subject without adding information",

  • "plot": "plot summary in article is too long",

  • "POV": "article does not maintain a neutral point of view",

  • "primary sources": "article relies too heavily on first-hand sources, and needs third-party sources",

  • "prose": "article is in a list format that may be better presented using prose",

  • "puffery": "article may contain wording that promotes the subject through exaggeration",

  • "recentism": "article is slanted towards recent events",

  • "ref improve": "article needs additional references or sources for verification",

  • "rough translation": "article is poorly translated and needs cleanup",

  • "sections": "article needs to be broken into sections",

  • "self-published": "article may contain improper references to self-published sources",

  • "technical": "article may be too technical for the uninitiated reader",

  • "tense": "article is written in an incorrect tense",

  • "tone": "tone of article is not appropriate",

  • "too few opinions": "article may not include all significant viewpoints",

  • "uncategorized": "article is uncategorized",

  • "under construction": "article is currently in the middle of an expansion or major revamping",

  • "unreferenced": "article has no references at all",

  • "unreliable sources": "article's references may not be reliable sources",

  • "update": "article needs additional up-to-date information added",

  • "very long": "article is too long",

  • "weasel": "article neutrality is compromised by the use of weasel words",

  • "wrong spelling":"article may contain wrong spelling",

  • "wikify": "article needs to be wikified"
  • 'advert',
  • 'autobiography',
  • 'BLP IMDb-only refimprove',
  • 'BLP IMDB-only refimprove',
  • 'BLP IMDb refimprove',
  • 'BLP sources',
  • 'BLPsources',
  • 'BLP unsourced',
  • 'BLPunsourced',
  • 'citation style',
  • 'citationstyle',
  • 'citation-style',
  • 'citations missing',
  • 'cite check',
  • 'citecheck',
  • 'cleanup',
  • 'cleanup-laundry',
  • 'laundry',
  • 'laundrylists',
  • 'cleanup-link rot',
  • 'linkrot',
  • 'cleanup-reorganize',
  • 'organize',
  • 'restructure',
  • 'reorganisation',
  • 'cleanup-rewrite',
  • 'rewrite',
  • 'cleanup-spam',
  • 'spam',
  • 'COI',
  • 'coi',
  • 'colloquial',
  • 'confusing',
  • 'context',
  • 'contradict',
  • 'copy edit',
  • 'copyedit',
  • 'criticism section',
  • 'criticisms',
  • 'crystal',
  • 'dead end',
  • 'deadend',
  • 'disputed',
  • 'essay-like',
  • 'essay',
  • 'example farm',
  • 'examplefarm',
  • 'expert',
  • 'external links',
  • 'fanpov',
  • 'fansite',
  • 'fiction',
  • 'game guide',
  • 'gameguide',
  • 'globalize',
  • 'histinfo',
  • 'hoax',
  • 'howto',
  • 'inappropriate person',
  • 'incomplete',
  • 'in-universe',
  • 'lead missing',
  • 'intromissing',
  • 'lead rewrite',
  • 'introrewrite',
  • 'lead too long',
  • 'intro length',
  • 'intro-toolong',
  • 'lead too short',
  • 'intro-tooshort',
  • 'like resume',
  • 'likeresume',
  • 'news release',
  • 'newsrelease',
  • 'no footnotes',
  • 'notability',
  • 'notable',
  • 'one source',
  • 'onesource',
  • 'original research',
  • 'orphan',
  • 'do-attempt',
  • 'out of date',
  • 'over detailed',
  • 'fancruft',
  • 'peacock',
  • 'plot',
  • 'POV',
  • 'NPOV',
  • 'pov',
  • 'npov',
  • 'POV-check',
  • 'pov-check',
  • 'primary sources',
  • 'primarysources',
  • 'prose',
  • 'quote farm',
  • 'quotefarm',
  • 'recentism',
  • 'refimprove',
  • 'review',
  • 'sections',
  • 'self-published',
  • 'story',
  • 'synthesis',
  • 'technical',
  • 'jargon',
  • 'tone',
  • 'inappropriate tone',
  • 'travel guide',
  • 'travelguide',
  • 'trivia',
  • 'unbalanced',
  • 'unencyclopedic',
  • 'unreferenced',
  • 'unref',
  • 'unreliable sources',
  • 'unreliable',
  • 'update',
  • 'very long',
  • 'verylong',
  • 'long',
  • 'weasel',
  • 'wikify'
  • {{R from abbreviation}}: redirect from a title with an abbreviation',
  • {{R to list entry}}: redirect to a \"list of minor entities\"-type article which contains brief descriptions of subjects not notable
  • '{{R to section}}: similar to {{R to list entry}}, but when list is organized in sections, such as list of characters in a fictional
  • {{R from misspelling}}: redirect from a misspelling or typographical error',
  • {{R from alternative spelling}}: redirect from a title with a different spelling',
  • {{R from plural}}: redirect from a plural word to the singular equivalent',
  • {{R from related word}}: redirect from a related word',
  • {{R with possibilities}}: redirect from a more specific title to a more general, less detailed article, hence something which can and should be expanded',
  • {{R from member}}: redirect from a member of a group to a related topic such as the group, organization, or team that he or she belongs to',
  • '{{R from other capitalisation}}: redirect from a title with another method of capitalisation',
  • {{R from alternative name}}: redirect from a title that is another name, a pseudonym, a nickname, or a synonym',
  • {{R from full name}}: redirect from a title that is a complete or more complete name',
  • {{R from surname}}: redirect from a title that is a surname',
  • {{R from historic name}}: redirect from another name with a significant historic past as a region, state, city or such, but which is no longer known by that title or name',
  • {{R from scientific name}}: redirect from the scientific name to the common name',
  • {{R to scientific name}}: redirect from the common name to the scientific name',
  • {{R from name and country}}: redirect from the specific name to the briefer name',
  • '{{R from alternative language}}: redirect from an English name to a name in another language, or vice-versa',
  • {{R from ASCII}}: redirect from a title in basic ASCII to the formal article title, with differences that are not diacritical marks (accents, umlauts, etc.)',
  • {{R from title without diacritics}}: redirect to the article title with diacritical marks (accents, umlauts, etc.)',
  • {{R from merge}}: redirect from a merged page in order to preserve its edit history',
  • {{R to disambiguation page}}: redirect to a disambiguation page',
  • {{R from duplicated article}}: redirect to a similar article in order to preserve its edit history',
  • {{R to decade}}: redirect from a year to the decade article',
  • {{R from shortcut}}: redirect from a Wikipedia shortcut',
  • {{R from CamelCase}}: redirect from a CamelCase title',
  • {{R from EXIF}}: redirect of a wikilink created from JPEG EXIF information (i.e. the \"metadata\" section on some image description
  • {{R from school}}: redirect from a school article that had very little information',

maintenance tags for FILES start here

  • টেমপ্লেটের পাশে যে লেখা আছে সেইটি অনুবাদ করে সাহায্য করুন
  • '{{Bsr}}: উৎস সম্পর্কিত তথ্যে শুধু ইউআরএল/মূল ডোমেইন ইউআরএল রয়েছে', value: 'Bsr' },
  • '{{Non-free reduce}}: non-low-resolution fair use image (or too-long audio clip, etc)', value: 'Non-free reduce' },
  • '{{Non-free reduced}}: ফেয়ার ইউজ মিডিয়া, যা কমিয়ে আনা হয়েছে (পুরোন সংস্করণটি মুছে ফেলা দরকার)', value: 'Non-free reduced' }
  • '{{Artifacts}}: PNG contains residual compression artifacts', value: 'Artifacts' },
  • '{{Bad font}}: এসভিজি (SVG)-তে ব্যবহৃত ফন্ট থাম্বনেইল সার্ভারে লভ্য নয়', value: 'Bad font' },
  • '{{Bad format}}: পিডিএফ/ডক... (PDF/DOC/...) ফাইল আরো ব্যবহারযোগ্য ফর্মেটে কনভার্ট করা দরকার', value: 'Bad format' },
  • '{{Bad GIF}}: জিআইএফ (GIF) যা পিএনজি, জেপিজি, অথবা এসভিজি (PNG, JPEG, or SVG) হওয়া দরকার', value: 'Bad GIF' },
  • '{{Bad JPEG}}: জেপিইজি (JPEG) যা পিএনজি অথবা এসভিজি (PNG or SVG) হওয়া দরকার', value: 'Bad JPEG' },
  • '{{Bad trace}}: auto-traced SVG requiring cleanup',
  • '{{Cleanup image}}: সাধারণ পরিষ্করণ',
  • '{{Cleanup SVG}}: এসভিজি (SVG) যার কোড এবং/অথবা চেহারা পরিষ্করণ দরকার',,
  • '{{ClearType}}: image (not screenshot) with ClearType anti-aliasing',
  • '{{Imagewatermark}}: দৃশ্যমান অথবা অদৃশ্যমান ওয়াটারমার্কযুক্ত ছবি',,
  • '{{NoCoins}}: কয়েন ব্যবহার করে স্কেল নির্দেশিত ছবি',
  • '{{Overcompressed JPEG}}: JPEG with high levels of artifacts',
  • '{{Opaque}}: opaque background should be transparent',
  • '{{Remove border}}: unneeded border, white space, etc.
  • '{{Rename media}}: file should be renamed according to the criteria at WP:FMV',
  • '{{Should be PNG}}: GIF or JPEG should be lossless'
  • '{{Should be SVG}}: PNG, GIF or JPEG should be vector graphics',
  • '{{Should be SVG|other}}',
  • '{{Should be SVG|alphabet}}: character images, font examples, etc.',
  • '{{Should be SVG|chemical}}: chemical diagrams, etc.',
  • '{{Should be SVG|circuit}}: electronic circuit diagrams, etc.',
  • '{{Should be SVG|coat of arms}}: coats of arms',
  • '{{Should be SVG|diagram}}: diagrams that do not fit any other subcategory',
  • '{{Should be SVG|emblem}}: emblems, free/libre logos, insignias, etc.',
  • '{{Should be SVG|fair use}}: fair-use images, fair-use logos',
  • '{{Should be SVG|flag}}: flags',
  • '{{Should be SVG|graph}}: visual plots of data',
  • '{{Should be SVG|logo}}: logos',
  • '{{Should be SVG|map}}: maps',
  • '{{Should be SVG|music}}: musical scales, notes, etc.',
  • '{{Should be SVG|physical}}: "realistic" images of physical objects, people, etc.',
  • '{{Should be SVG|symbol}}: miscellaneous symbols, icons, etc.',
  • '{{Should be text}}: image should be represented as text, tables, or math markup',
  • '{{Split media}}: there are two different images in the upload log which need to be split',

  • '{{Copy to Commons}}: free media that should be copied to Commons',
  • '{{Do not move to Commons}} (PD issue): file is PD in the US but not in country of origin',
  • '{{Do not move to Commons}} (other reason)',
  • '{{Keep local}}: request to keep local copy of a Commons file',
  • '{{Now Commons}}: file has been copied to Commons',
  • '{{Duplicate}}: exact duplicate of another file, but not yet orphaned',
  • '{{Obsolete}}: improved version available',
  • '{{PNG version available}}',
  • '{{SVG version available}}',
  • '{{New unreviewed article}}: mark article for later review',