Sri Gita-Govinda is a "jewel book"



"Sri Gita-Govinda is a "jewel book" brought by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. We all know that Sri Jayadeva Gosvami has written this beautiful Gita Govinda, but without Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu it would have remained locked like a pearl in the oyster shell or a jewel in a locked case. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu manifested the glories of Sri Gita Govinda. Just as without Srila Rupa Gosvami no one would have known the inner moods of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, similarly, by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu relishing the moods of Sri Gita Govinda its glories became manifest for the whole world." -------------

Sri Gita-Govinda The path to the spiritual sky had become thoroughly obscured by the dense clouds of various dark ideologies. Due to their obfuscation, the pleasant beauty of the trees of Våndävana appeared gloomy to the people of this world. When Kåñëa appeared during the night (towards the end) of Dväpara-yuga, he said, mäm ekaà saraëaà vraja – “Unconditionally surrender to me,” and ahaà hi sarva-yajïänäà bhoktä ca prabhur eva ca – “I alone am the enjoyer and master of all sacrifices.” Those of demonic intelligence thought that the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sré Kåñëa had spoken out of egoism and pride. Thus the darkness and intoxication of atheism became dominant, deviating the multitude of souls from the path of spiritual welfare. No one will care to listen to his words in the current age if he appears again as Sré Kåñëa, the Supreme Being. Therefore, it is essential for him to appear combined in one form with Sré Rädhä in order to mitigate the contempt of the public and overcome his own timidity. Realizing this, Sré Jayadeva Gosvämé says, gåhaà präpaya, “O Kåñëa, combine with Rädhä and proceed to nanda-gåha, the home of Sré Jagannätha Miçra at the great Yogapéöha in Srédhäma Mäyäpura.” Another name of Nanda is Vasudeva. In the Fourth Canto of the Srémad- Bhägavatam it is stated, sattvaà viçuddhaà vasudeva-çabditam – “The pure consciousness in which Kåñëa is revealed is called vasudeva.” Although this is a consideration from the perspective of Sré Kåñëa’s divine majesty, still Sré Kåñëa only appears in pure consciousness (visuddha-sattva), even in his human-like pastimes. Let the celebrations on the eve of the appearance of the combined form of Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa be accomplished by means of saìkértana, the congregational chanting of the holy names. Let all other conceptions be reduced to ashes in the fire of saìkértana. May the consciousness of all living beings become fuel in the fire of love for Kåñëa, his holy names and his divine abode. The Ganges has achieved oneness with the Yamunä river by the influence of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu’s appearance upon her banks. May the secret amorous pastimes of Rädhä and Kåñëa combined – the saìkértana-räsa – be victorious!

From the English translation of 'Sré Géta-govinda' of Sré Jayadeva Gosvämé e-book published in

Nemai Chandra Gorain ১৭:৫১, ২৮ আগস্ট ২০১০ (ইউটিসি)

-- (আলাপ) ১৭:৫৪, ২৮ আগস্ট ২০১০ (ইউটিসি)উত্তর দিন

গীতগোবিন্দ কাব্যের পৌরাণিক চরিত্র সম্পর্কে আলোচনা করো অর নাট্যগীতি / গীতিনাট্য/ রাখালী নাট্য গীতি সম্পর্কে আলোচনা করো


গীতগোবিন্দ কাব্যের পৌরাণিক চরিত্র সম্পর্কে আলোচনা করো অর নাট্যগীতি / গীতিনাট্য/ রাখালী নাট্য গীতি সম্পর্কে আলোচনা করো 2409:40E1:10B3:D4CD:8000:0:0:0 (আলাপ) ২০:০৫, ৩১ জুলাই ২০২৪ (ইউটিসি)উত্তর দিন

"গীতগোবিন্দম্" পাতায় ফেরত যান।