
সাম্প্রতিক মন্তব্য: Dr.saptarshi কর্তৃক ১৭ বছর পূর্বে "গিঁট" অনুচ্ছেদে

Why cant I reduce the size of the image of the knots taken from commons? If I use thumbs it stops showoing the image, if I use frame it displays a fixed size no matter what pixel size I specify! --সপ্তর্ষি(আলাপ | অবদান) ০৪:০২, ১১ আগস্ট ২০০৬ (ইউটিসি)উত্তর দিন



The following discussion is copied from Dr:saptarshi's user talk page:

Does the picture represent mathematical knots? I think that it would be better if the attched picture gets place with definition of usual knots and topological knots be accompanied by a pertinent picture. I don't say that the picture is irrelevant, what I say is that it represents the day-to-day knots.

--Tanvir ০৯:৫২, ১০ আগস্ট ২০০৬ (ইউটিসি)উত্তর দিন

Well, Tanvir, I appreciate your scientific intent. But the article with a general heading গিঁট is not just about mathematical knots. Wee need to first define "usual knots" or "day-to-day knots", which once expanded will look fine with the picture. Unfortunately even what I have put are not day to day knots. they are probably nautical knots used by sailors on a ship. In case you feel the thumb too big you can insert |frame|100px| or something liks that in the picture link. Try to find a partinent picture of topological knot.. you may look here:

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Knot http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Topology

Knots are used in various situation. eg there are Surgical knots used by surgeons during suturing(i have forgotten most of them though I happened learn quite a few during my internship days). Knots used by tailors in stitching/sewing. knots while knitting woolen things. Knots are tied with thick ropes by Sailors and by people who construct scaffolds (বাঁশের মাচা বা রাজমিস্ত্রদের ভাড়া). There are knots of handkerchief used by first aid experts.. there are knots in nature as well. for example DNA or protein structures sometimes loops into knots and pseudoknots..

It would be wonderful if you you would put various aspects of knot, eg you can put the physics aspect at least.. the friction goes exponentially with the angle of turn. (this is called by various names like ammontons friction law or capstan equation which can be expressed as the differential equation for rate of fall in the rope tension(T) as the rope turns by angle θ :

dT/dθ=-μT whose integration gives ΔT=T.e-μθ

--সপ্তর্ষি(আলাপ | অবদান) ০৩:৫৩, ১১ আগস্ট ২০০৬ (ইউটিসি)উত্তর দিন

দ্ব্যর্থতা নিরসন প্রয়োজন। --অর্ণব (আলাপ | অবদান) ০৭:৫১, ১১ আগস্ট ২০০৬ (ইউটিসি)উত্তর দিন
I dont think it is a question of AMBIguity, because these definitions of knot are not completely astray. But the mathematical definition is more abstract and would include even a loose loop as a knot as long as it has the same topologic property. But they can be discussed as a subsection in the general article on knot unless Tanvir Bhai is ready to write an even more detailed article on knot theory, in which case the general article on knot will give a lonk to the topological knot theory and have just a brief description, with the main body of the article moved to [[knot theory(topology)]] --সপ্তর্ষি(আলাপ | অবদান) ০০:৩৫, ১২ আগস্ট ২০০৬ (ইউটিসি)উত্তর দিন
"গিঁট" পাতায় ফেরত যান।