প্রতীকের ভিত্তিতে মৌলের তালিকা

উইকিমিডিয়ার তালিকা নিবন্ধ
(রাসায়নিক মৌল প্রতীক তালিকা থেকে পুনর্নির্দেশিত)

বর্তমান প্রতীকসমূহ

Symbol Name Origin of Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass Group Period
Ac Actinium Greek aktinos 89 [227][]   7
Ag Silver Latin argentum 47 107.8682(2)[] 11 5
Al Aluminium (Aluminum) Latin alumen 13 26.9815386(8) 13 3
Am Americium the Americas 95 [243][]   7
Ar Argon Greek argon 18 39.948(1)[][] 18 3
As Arsenic Greek arsenikos 33 74.92160(2) 15 4
At Astatine Greek astatos 85 [210][] 17 6
Au Gold Latin aurum 79 196.966569(4) 11 6
B Boron borax and carbon 5 10.811(7)[][][] 13 2
Ba Barium Greek barys 56 137.327(7) 2 6
Be Beryllium beryl 4 9.012182(3) 2 2
Bh Bohrium Niels Bohr 107 [264][] 7 7
Bi Bismuth corruption of the German wissmuth 83 208.98040(1) 15 6
Bk Berkelium Berkeley, California 97 [247][]   7
Br Bromine Greek bromos 35 79.904(1) 17 4
C Carbon Latin carbo 6 12.0107(8)[][] 14 2
Ca Calcium Latin calx 20 40.078(4)[] 2 4
Cd Cadmium Greek kadmia 48 112.411(8)[] 12 5
Ce Cerium Ceres 58 140.116(1)[]   6
Cf Californium State and University of California 98 [251][]   7
Cl Chlorine Greek chloros 17 35.453(2)[][][] 17 3
Cm Curium Pierre and মারি ক্যুরি 96 [247][]   7
Co Cobalt German kobold 27 58.933195(5) 9 4
Cr Chromium Greek chroma 24 51.9961(6) 6 4
Cs Caesium (Cesium) Latin caesius 55 132.9054519(2) 1 6
Cu Copper Latin Cuprum 29 63.546(3)[] 11 4
Db Dubnium Dubna, Russia 105 [262][] 5 7
Ds Darmstadtium Darmstadt, Germany 110 [271][] 10 7
Dy Dysprosium Greek dysprositos 66 162.500(1)[]   6
Er Erbium Ytterby, Sweden 68 167.259(3)[]   6
Es Einsteinium Albert Einstein 99 [252][]   7
Eu Europium Europe 63 151.964(1)[]   6
F Fluorine Latin fluo 9 18.9984032(5) 17 2
Fe Iron Latin ferrum 26 55.845(2) 8 4
Fm Fermium Enrico Fermi 100 [257][]   7
Fr Francium France 87 [223][] 1 7
Ga Gallium Latin Gallia 31 69.723(1) 13 4
Gd Gadolinium gadolinite 64 157.25(3)[]   6
Ge Germanium Germany 32 72.64(1) 14 4
H Hydrogen Greek hydror and gen 1 1.00794(7)[][][] 1 1
He Helium Greek helios 2 4.002602(2)[][] 18 1
Hf Hafnium Latin Hafnia 72 178.49(2) 4 6
Hg Mercury Latin hydrargyrum 80 200.59(2) 12 6
Ho Holmium Latin Holmia 67 164.930 32(2)   6
Hs Hassium Hesse, Germany 108 [277][] 8 7
I Iodine Greek ioeides 53 126.904 47(3) 17 5
In Indium indigo blue 49 114.818(3) 13 5
Ir Iridium Greek iris 77 192.217(3) 9 6
K Potassium (Kalium) Latin kalium 19 39.0983(1) 1 4
Kr Krypton Greek kryptos 36 83.798(2)[][] 18 4
La Lanthanum Greek lanthanien 57 138.90547(7)[]   6
Li Lithium Greek lithos 3 6.941(2)[][][][] 1 2
Lr Lawrencium Ernest O. Lawrence 103 [262][] 3 7
Lu Lutetium Latin Lutetia 71 174.967(1)[] 3 6
Md Mendelevium Dmitri Mendeleyev 101 [258][]   7
Mg Magnesium Magnesia, Greece 12 24.3050(6) 2 3
Mn Manganese Latin magnes 25 54.938045(5) 7 4
Mo Molybdenum Greek molybdos 42 95.94(2)[] 6 5
Mt Meitnerium Lise Meitner 109 [268][] 9 7
N Nitrogen Greek nitron and gen 7 14.0067(2)[][] 15 2
Na Sodium Latin natrium 11 22.98976928(2) 1 3
Nb Niobium Niobe 41 92.906 38(2) 5 5
Nd Neodymium Greek neos didymos 60 144.242(3)[]   6
Ne Neon Greek neos 10 20.1797(6)[][] 18 2
Ni Nickel German kupfernickel 28 58.6934(2) 10 4
No Nobelium Alfred Nobel 102 [259][]   7
Np Neptunium Neptune 93 [237][]   7
O Oxygen Greek oxys and gen 8 15.9994(3)[][] 16 2
Os Osmium Greek osme 76 190.23(3)[] 8 6
P Phosphorus Greek phosphoros 15 30.973762(2) 15 3
Pa Protactinium Greek protos and actinium 91 231.03588(2)[]   7
Pb Lead Latin plumbum 82 207.2(1)[][] 14 6
Pd Palladium Pallas 46 106.42(1)[] 10 5
Pm Promethium Prometheus 61 [145][]   6
Po Polonium Poland 84 [210][] 16 6
Pr Praseodymium Greek prasios didymos 59 140.90765(2)   6
Pt Platinum Greek platina 78 195.084(9) 10 6
Pu Plutonium Pluto 94 [244][]   7
Ra Radium Greek radius 88 [226][] 2 7
Rb Rubidium Latin rubidus 37 85.4678(3)[] 1 5
Re Rhenium Rhine Province 75 186.207(1) 7 6
Rf Rutherfordium Ernest Rutherford 104 261[] 4 7
Rg Roentgenium ভিলহেল্ম কনরাড র‌ন্টগেন 111 [272][] 11 7
Rh Rhodium Greek rhodon 45 102.905 50(2) 9 5
Rn Radon radium and emanation 86 [220][] 18 6
Ru Ruthenium Latin Ruthenia 44 101.07(2)[] 8 5
S Sulfur (Sulphur) Latin sulfur 16 32.065(5)[][] 16 3
Sb Antimony Latin stibium 51 121.760(1)[] 15 5
Sc Scandium Scandinavia 21 44.955912(6) 3 4
Se Selenium Greek selene 34 78.96(3)[] 16 4
Sg Seaborgium Glenn T. Seaborg 106 [266][] 6 7
Si Silicon Latin silex 14 28.0855(3)[] 14 3
Sm Samarium samarskite 62 150.36(2)[]   6
Sn Tin Latin stannum 50 118.710(7)[] 14 5
Sr Strontium Latin Strontian 38 87.62(1)[][] 2 5
Ta Tantalum King Tantalus 73 180.94788(2) 5 6
Tb Terbium Ytterby, Sweden 65 158.92535(2)   6
Tc Technetium Greek technetos 43 [98][] 7 5
Te Tellurium Greek tellus 52 127.60(3)[] 16 5
Th Thorium Thor 90 232.03806(2)[][]   7
Ti Titanium the Titans 22 47.867(1) 4 4
Tl Thallium Greek thallos 81 204.3833(2) 13 6
Tm Thulium Thule 69 168.93421(2)   6
U Uranium Uranus 92 238.02891(3)[][][]   7
Uub Ununbium Latin uni and bi 112 [285][] 12 7
Uuh Ununhexium Latin uni and Greek hex 116 [292][] 16 7
Uuo Ununoctium Latin uni and oct 118 [294][] 18 7
Uup Ununpentium Latin uni and Greek pent 115 [288][] 15 7
Uuq Ununquadium Latin uni and quadr 114 [289][] 14 7
Uut Ununtrium Latin uni and Greek tri 113 [284][] 13 7
V Vanadium Vanadis 23 50.9415(1) 5 4
W Tungsten German wolfram 74 183.84(1) 6 6
Xe Xenon Greek xenos 54 131.293(6)[][] 18 5
Y Yttrium Ytterby, Sweden 39 88.90585(2) 3 5
Yb Ytterbium Ytterby, Sweden 70 173.04(3)[]   6
Zn Zinc German zin 30 65.409(4) 12 4
Zr Zirconium zircon 40 91.224(2)[] 4 5

বর্তমানে অব্যবহৃত প্রতীকসমূহ

Chemical Symbol Name Atomic Number Origin of Symbol Why Not Used
A Argon 18 Current symbol is Ar. []
Ab Alabamine 85 Discredited claim to discovery of astatine. []
Am Alabamium 85 Discredited claim to discovery of astatine. []
An Athenium 99 Proposed name for einsteinium. []
Ao Ausonium 93 Discredited claim to discovery of neptunium. []
Az Azote 7 Former name for nitrogen. []
Bv Brevium 91 Former name for protactinium. []
Bz Berzelium 59 Suggested name for praseodymium. []
Cb Columbium 41 Former name of niobium. []
Cb Columbium 95 Suggested name for americium. []
Cp Cassiopeium 71 Former name for lutetium. []
Ct Centurium 100 Proposed name for fermium. []
Ct Celtium 72 Former name of hafnium. []
Da Danubium 43 Suggested name for technetium. []
Db Dubnium 104 Proposed name for rutherfordium. The symbol and name were used for element 105. [][]
Di Didymium - Rare earth metal that proved to be a mixture of the elements praseodymium and neodymium. []
Dp Decipium - Rare earth metal that proved to be a mixture of the elements samarium, neodymium and praseodymium. []
Eb Ekaboron 21 Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, scandium closely matched the prediction. [][১০]
El Ekaaluminium 31 Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, gallium closely matched the prediction. [][১০]
Em Emanation 86 Also called radium emanation, the name was originally given by Friedrich Ernst Dorn in 1900. In 1923, this element officially became radon (the name given at one time to 222Rn, an isotope identified in the decay chain of radium). []
Em Ekamangan 43 Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, technetium closely matched the prediction. [][১০]
Es Ekasilicon 32 Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, germanium closely matched the prediction. [][১০]
Es Esperium 94 Discredited claim to discovery of plutonium. []
Fa Francium 87 Current symbol is Fr. []
Fr Florentium 61 Discredited claim to discovery of promethium. []
Gl Glucinium 4 Former name of beryllium. []
Ha Hahnium 105 Proposed name for dubnium. []
Ha Hahnium 108 Proposed name for hassium. []
Il Illinium 61 Discredited claim to discovery of promethium. []
J Iodine 53 In some languages, the name for iodine begins with J instead of I. [১১]
Jg Jargonium 72 Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium. []
Jo Joliotium 105 Proposed name for dubnium. []
Ku Kurchatovium 104 Proposed name for rutherfordium. []
Lw Lawrencium 103 Current symbol is Lr. []
M Muriaticum 17 Former name of chlorine. []
Ma Masurium 43 Disputed claim to discovery of technetium. []
Md Mendelevium 97 Proposed name for berkelium. The symbol and name were later used for element 101. [][]
Me Mendelevium 68 Suggested name for erbium. []
Ms Masrium 49 Discredited claim of discovery of indium. []
Mt Meitnium 91 Suggested name for protactinium. []
Mv Mendelevium 101 Current symbol is Md. []
Ng Norwegium 72 Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium. []
Ni Niton 86 Former name for radon. []
No Norium 72 Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium. []
Ns Nielsbohrium 105 Proposed name for dubnium. []
Ns Nielsbohrium 107 Proposed name for bohrium. []
Nt Niton 86 Suggested name for radon. []
Nw Newtonium 67 Suggested name for holmium. []
Ny Neoytterbium 70 Former name of ytterbium. []
Od Odinium 62 Suggested name for samarium. []
Pc Policium 110 Proposed name for darmstadtium. []
Pe Pelopium 41 Former name for niobium. []
Po Potassium 19 Current symbol is K. []
Pp Philippium - Rare earth metal that proved to be a mixture of the elements holmium and samarium. []
Rf Rutherfordium 106 Proposed name for seaborgium. The symbol and name were instead used for element 104. [][]
Sa Samarium 62 Current symbol is Sm. []
So Sodium 11 Current symbol is Na. []
Sp Spectrium 70 Suggested name for ytterbium. []
St Antimony 51 Current symbol is Sb. []
Tn Tungsten 74 Current symbol is W. []
Tu Thulium 69 Current symbol is Tm. []
Tu Tungsten 74 Current symbol is W. []
Ty Tyrium 60 Suggested name for neodymium. []
Unb Unnilbium 102 Temporary name given to nobelium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. [১০]
Une Unnilennium 109 Temporary name given to meitnerium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. [১০]
Unh Unnilhexium 106 Temporary name given to seaborgium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. [১০]
Uno Unniloctium 108 Temporary name given to hassium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. [১০]
Unp Unnilpentium 105 Temporary name given to dubnium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. [১০]
Unq Unnilquadium 104 Temporary name given to rutherfordium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. [১০]
Uns Unnilseptium 107 Temporary name given to bohrium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. [১০]
Unt Unniltrium 103 Temporary name given to lawrencium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. [১০]
Unu Unnilunium 101 Temporary name given to mendelevium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. [১০]
Uun Ununnilium 110 Temporary name given to darmstadtium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. [১০]
Uuu Unununium 111 Temporary name given to roentgenium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. [১০]
Vi Virginium 87 Discredited claim to discovery of francium. []
Vm Virginium 87 Discredited claim to discovery of francium. []
Yt Yttrium 39 Current symbol is Y. []

চিত্রমূলক প্রতীকসমূহ

Chemical Symbol Name Atomic Number Origin of Symbol Why Not Used
  Hydrogen 1 Daltonian symbol circa 1808. []
  Sulfur 16 Alchemical symbol. []
  Pallas 16 Alchemical symbol. []
  Sulfur 16 Daltonian symbol circa 1808. []
Magnesium 21 Alchemical symbol. []
Mars 26 Alchemical symbol. []
Stellae Fixae 29 Pre-1500s alchemical symbol. []
Venus 29 Alchemical symbol. []
© Copper 29 Daltonian symbol circa 1808. []
  Arsenic 33 Alchemical symbol. []
Luna 48 Alchemical symbol. []
  Iupiter 50 Alchemical symbol. []
Antimony 51 Alchemical symbol. []
☉☾ Platinum 78 Alchemical symbol. []
  Uranus 78 Alchemical symbol. []
Sol 79 Alchemical symbol from the 1500s []
Sol 79 Alchemical symbol from 1700 through 1783. []
[১] Pisces 80 Pre-1500s alchemical symbol. []
  Neptunus 80 Alchemical symbol from the 1600s. []
  Mercurius 80 Alchemical symbol from 1700 through 1783. []
  Saturnus 82 Alchemical symbol circa 1783. []
  Taurus 83 Alchemical symbol. []
  1. ড় ঢ় য় The element does not have any stable nuclides, and a value in brackets, e.g. [209], indicates the mass number of the longest-lived isotope of the element. However, three elements, Thorium, Protactinium, and Uranium, have a characteristic terrestrial isotopic composition, and thus their atomic mass given.
  2. ড় ঢ় য় কক কখ কগ The isotopic composition of this element varies in some geological specimens, and the variation may exceed the uncertainty stated in the table.
  3. The isotopic composition varies in terrestrial material such that a more precise atomic weight can not be given.
  4. The isotopic composition of the element can vary in commercial materials, which can cause the atomic weight to deviate significantly from the given value.
  5. The atomic weight of commercial Lithium can vary between 6.939 and 6.996—analysis of the specific material is necessary to find a more accurate value.
  6. ড় ঢ় য় কক কখ কগ কঘ কঙ কচ কছ কজ কঝ কঞ কট কঠ কড Name changed due to a standardization of, modernization of, or update to older previously used symbol.
  7. Name designated by discredited/disputed claimant.
  8. Name proposed prior to discovery/creation of element or prior to official re-naming of a placeholder name.
  9. Elemental substance found to be multi-atomic.
  10. Temporary placeholder name.
  11. Name currently used in a different language.

নামাঙ্কিত সমাণুকসমূহ

Chemical Symbol Name Atomic Number Origin of Symbol
An Actinon 86 From actinium and emanation. Name given at one time to 219Rn, an isotope of radon identified in the decay chain of actinium.
D Deuterium 1 From the Greek deuteros. Name given to 2H.
Io Ionium 90 Name given at one time to 230Th, an isotope of thorium identified in the decay chain of uranium.
Rn Radon 86 From radium and emanation. Name given at one time to 222Rn, an isotope of radon identified in the decay chain of radium. This named isotope later became the official name for element 86 in 1923.
Tn Thoron 86 From thorium and emanation. Name given at one time to 220Rn, an isotope of radon identified in the decay chain of thorium.
T Tritium 1 From the Greek tri. Name given to 3H.

অন্যান্য প্রতীক যেগুলো দেখতে মৌলের প্রতীকের মত







শ্রেণি   ১০ ১১ ১২ ১৩ ১৪ ১৫ ১৬ ১৭ ১৮
হাইড্রো­জেন ও
ক্ষার ধাতু
নিক্টো­জেন চ্যাল­কোজেন হ্যালো­জেন নিষ্ক্রিয়

হাইড্রো­জেনH১.০০৮০ হি­লিয়ামHe৪.০০২৬
লি­থিয়ামLi৬.৯৪ বেরি­লিয়ামBe৯.০১২২ বোরনB১০.৮১ কার্বনC১২.০১১ নাইট্রো­জেনN১৪.০০৭ অক্সি­জেনO১৫.৯৯৯ ফ্লোরিনF১৮.৯৯৮ নিয়ন১০Ne২০.১৮০
সো­ডিয়াম১১Na২২.৯৯০ ম্যাগনে­সিয়াম১২Mg২৪.৩০৫ অ্যালুমি­নিয়াম১৩Al২৬.৯৮২ সিলি­কন১৪Si২৮.০৮৫ ফস­ফরাস১৫P৩০.৯৭৪ গন্ধক১৬S৩২.০৬ ক্লোরিন১৭Cl৩৫.৪৫ আর্গন১৮Ar৩৯.৯৫
পটা­শিয়াম১৯K৩৯.০৯৮ ক্যাল­সিয়াম২০Ca৪০.০৭৮ স্ক্যান­ডিয়াম২১Sc৪৪.৯৫৬ টাইটা­নিয়াম২২Ti৪৭.৮৬৭ ভ্যানা­ডিয়াম২৩V৫০.৯৪২ ক্রো­মিয়াম২৪Cr৫১.৯৯৬ ম্যাঙ্গা­নিজ২৫Mn৫৪.৯৩৮ লোহা২৬Fe৫৫.৮৪৫ কোবাল্ট২৭Co৫৮.৯৩৩ নিকেল২৮Ni৫৮.৬৯৩ তামা২৯Cu৬৩.৫৪৬ জিংক৩০Zn৬৫.৩৮ গ্যা­লিয়াম৩১Ga৬৯.৭২৩ জার্মে­নিয়াম৩২Ge৭২.৬৩০ আর্সে­নিক৩৩As৭৪.৯২২ সেলে­নিয়াম৩৪Se৭৮.৯৭১ ব্রোমিন৩৫Br৭৯.৯০৪ ক্রিপ্টন৩৬Kr৮৩.৭৯৮
রুবি­ডিয়াম৩৭Rb৮৫.৪৬৮ স্ট্রন­শিয়াম৩৮Sr৮৭.৬২ ই­ট্রিয়াম৩৯Y৮৮.৯০৬ জিরকো­নিয়াম৪০Zr৯১.২২৪ নাইও­বিয়াম৪১Nb৯২.৯০৬ মলিব­ডেনাম৪২Mo৯৫.৯৫ টেকনে­শিয়াম৪৩Tc​[৯৭] রুথি­নিয়াম৪৪Ru১০১.০৭ রো­ডিয়াম৪৫Rh১০২.৯১ প্যালে­ডিয়াম৪৬Pd১০৬.৪২ রূপা৪৭Ag১০৭.৮৭ ক্যাড­মিয়াম৪৮Cd১১২.৪১ ইন্ডিয়াম৪৯In১১৪.৮২ টিন৫০Sn১১৮.৭১ অ্যান্টিমনি৫১Sb১২১.৭৬ টেলু­রিয়াম৫২Te১২৭.৬০ আয়োডিন৫৩I১২৬.৯০ জেনন৫৪Xe১৩১.২৯
সি­জিয়াম৫৫Cs১৩২.৯১ বেরিয়াম৫৬Ba১৩৭.৩৩   লুটি­শিয়াম৭১Lu১৭৪.৯৭ হ্যাফ­নিয়াম৭২Hf১৭৮.৪৯ ট্যান­টালাম৭৩Ta১৮০.৯৫ টাংস্টেন৭৪W১৮৩.৮৪ রিনিয়াম৭৫Re১৮৬.২১ অস­মিয়াম৭৬Os১৯০.২৩ ইরি­ডিয়াম৭৭Ir১৯২.২২ প্লাটিনাম৭৮Pt১৯৫.০৮ সোনা৭৯Au১৯৬.৯৭ পারদ৮০Hg২০০.৫৯ থ্যালিয়াম৮১Tl২০৪.৩৮ সীসা৮২Pb২০৭.২ বিসমাথ৮৩Bi২০৮.৯৮ পোলো­নিয়াম৮৪Po​[২০৯] এস্টাটিন৮৫At​[২১০] রেডন৮৬Rn​[২২২]
ফ্র্যান্সি­য়াম৮৭Fr​[২২৩] রেডিয়াম৮৮Ra​[২২৬]   লরেন­সিয়াম১০৩Lr​[২৬৬] রাদার­ফোর্ডিয়াম১০৪Rf​[২৬৭] ডুব­নিয়াম১০৫Db​[২৬৮] সিব­র্গিয়াম১০৬Sg​[২৬৯] বোহ­রিয়াম১০৭Bh​[২৭০] হ্যাসিয়াম১০৮Hs​[২৬৯] মাইট­নেরিয়াম১০৯Mt​[২৭৮] ডার্মস্টা­টিয়াম১১০Ds​[২৮১] রন্টজে­নিয়াম১১১Rg​[২৮২] কোপার্নি­সিয়াম১১২Cn​[২৮৫] নিহো­নিয়াম১১৩Nh​[২৮৬] ফ্লেরো­ভিয়াম১১৪Fl​[২৮৯] মস্কো­ভিয়াম১১৫Mc​[২৯০] লিভার­মোরিয়াম১১৬Lv​[২৯৩] টেনে­সাইন১১৭Ts​[২৯৪] ওগা­নেসন১১৮Og​[২৯৪]
  ল্যান্থানাম৫৭La১৩৮.৯১ সিরিয়াম৫৮Ce১৪০.১২ প্রাসিও­ডিমিয়াম৫৯Pr১৪০.৯১ নিও­ডিমিয়াম৬০Nd১৪৪.২৪ প্রমি­থিয়াম৬১Pm​[১৪৫] সামে­রিয়াম৬২Sm১৫০.৩৬ ইউরো­পিয়াম৬৩Eu১৫১.৯৬ গ্যাডালি­নিয়াম৬৪Gd১৫৭.২৫ টারবিয়াম৬৫Tb১৫৮.৯৩ ডিসপ্রো­সিয়াম৬৬Dy১৬২.৫০ হোল­মিয়াম৬৭Ho১৬৪.৯৩ আর­বিয়াম৬৮Er১৬৭.২৬ থুলিয়াম৬৯Tm১৬৮.৯৩ ইটার­বিয়াম৭০Yb১৭৩.০৫  
  অ্যাক্টি­নিয়াম৮৯Ac​[২২৭] থোরিয়াম৯০Th২৩২.০৪ প্রোটেক্টি­নিয়াম৯১Pa২৩১.০৪ ইউরে­নিয়াম৯২U২৩৮.০৩ নেপচু­নিয়াম৯৩Np​[২৩৭] প্লুটো­নিয়াম৯৪Pu​[২৪৪] আমেরি­সিয়াম৯৫Am​[২৪৩] কুরিয়াম৯৬Cm​[২৪৭] বার্কি­লিয়াম৯৭Bk​[২৪৭] ক্যালি­ফোর্নিয়াম৯৮Cf​[২৫১] আইনস্টা­ইনিয়াম৯৯Es​[২৫২] ফার্মিয়াম১০০Fm​[২৫৭] মেন্ডেলে­ভিয়াম১০১Md​[২৫৮] নোবে­লিয়াম১০২No​[২৫৯]

আদিম ক্ষয় থেকে সিন্থেটিকসীমানা মৌলটির প্রাকৃতিক উপস্থিতি দেখায়

মানক পারমাণবিক ভর Ar, std(E)[]
  • Ca: ৪০.০৭৮ — সংক্ষিপ্ত মান (অনিশ্চয়তা এখানে বাদ দেওয়া হয়েছে)[]
  • Po: [২০৯] — সবচেয়ে স্থিতিশীল আইসোটোপের ভর সংখ্যা
এস-ব্লক এফ-ব্লক ডি-ব্লক পি-ব্লক
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