বাংলাদেশ কৃষি গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট: সংশোধিত সংস্করণের মধ্যে পার্থক্য

বিষয়বস্তু বিয়োগ হয়েছে বিষয়বস্তু যোগ হয়েছে
Md. Faruq Hasan (আলোচনা | অবদান)
সম্পাদনা সারাংশ নেই
Bellayet (আলোচনা | অবদান)
১ নং লাইন:
'''বাংলাদেশ কৃষি গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট''' [[বাংলাদেশ|বাংলাদেশের]] সর্ব বৃহৎ একটি গবেষণা প্রতিষ্ঠান যা ১০৩ টিরও বেশী ফসলের কৃষি বিষয়ক গবেষণা কার্যক্রম পরিচালনা করে। প্রতিষ্ঠানটি জয়দেবপুর, গাজীপুরে অবস্থিত। এটি ২৯০ টি জাত ও ৩১০টি প্রযুক্তি উদ্ভাবন করেছে। এর ৭টি গবেষণা কেন্দ্র, ২৮ টি উপকেন্দ্র ও ৭২টি MLT Site and 9 FSRD site রয়েছে। ১৫টি বিভাগ নিয়ে এ প্রতিষ্ঠানটি দেশের খাদ্য সমস্যা সমাধানের লক্ষ্যে গবেষণা চালিয়ে যাচ্ছে। Biotech এর গবেষণা এগিয়ে চলহে। Bt brinjal completed confined field trial. Rb potato need to be planted for confined field trial.
৭০০ এর উপর বিজ্ঞানী ১০৩টির উপর ফসল নিয়ে উন্নত, লাগসই, কষক উপযোগী ফুল, ফল, শাক-সব্জি, দানাজাতীয় ফসলের ( ভুট্টা, গম, চীনা, কাউন) জাত এবং প্রযুক্তি উদ্ভাবন করে । স্বাধীনতার পর দেশে মানুষ বেড়ে দ্বিগুন হয়েছে সে তুলনায় খাদ্য চাহিদাও বেড়েছে। এই বদ্ধিত জনসংখ্যার খাদ্য চাহিদা মেটাতে বাংলাদেশ কৃষি গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট এর অবদান অনেকখানি।
BARI (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute) is the largest multi-crop research institute conducting research on a large number of crops, such as cereals, tubers, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, spices, flowers, etc. Besides variety development, this institute also carries out research on non-commodity areas, such as soil and crop management, disease and insect management, irrigation and water management, development of farm machinery, improvement of cropping and farming system management, post-harvest handling and processing, and socio-economics studies related to production, marketing, and consumption.
Mandate Mandate
The mandates of the Institute are as follows
Undertake research to ensure a stable and productive agriculture through scientific management of land, water, evaluation of new varieties of various agricultural products and development of appropriate technology and pest management methods;
Provide farmers with information necessary for carrying out their farming business efficiently and profitably;
Set up research centers, sub-stations, project areas and farms in different regions on various problems of agriculture;
Carry out demonstration, tests or trial of new varieties of crops and their management practices;
Publish annual reports, agricultural manuals, monographs, bulletins and other literatures related to crop research and activities of the Institute;
Train research and extension officers in the improved technology of crop production;
Provide post-graduate research facilities:
Organize seminars, symposia and workshops on selected problems which may offer specialists from different research institutes and stations opportunity to exchange ideas and be acquainted with the recent advancements in agriculture;
Perform such other functions as may be necessary for the purpose of the Act.
New variety developed
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Current research programme
Commodity Achievement
Non-commodity Achievement
Ministry of Agriculture
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T Journal
New variety developed
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Current research programme
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Ministry of Agriculture
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M. Harun-ur-Rashid, M.S
Associate Editors
M. Nasiruddin, M.S
Kshirode Chandra Roy, Ph.D
M. Azizur Rahman, Ph.D
M. Khalequzzaman, Ph.D
M. Zinnatul Alam, Ph.D
M. Mofazzal Hossain, Ph.D
M. Shams-Ud-Din, Ph.D
Hamizuddin Ahmed, Ph.D
M. Matiur Rahman, Ph.D
B.A.A. Mustafi, Ph.D
Editor (Technical)
M. S. Alam
B.A. (Hons.), M. A. (English)
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BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur 1701, Bangladesh
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Contributions To Note
Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research is a quarterly journal highlighting original contributions on all disciplines of agricultural research conducted in any part of the globe. The 1st issue of a volume comes out in March, the 2nd one in June, the 3rd one in September and the 4th one in December. Contributors, while preparing papers for the journal, are requested to note the following:
Papers submitted for publication must contain original unpublished material
Papers in the journal are published on the entire responsibility of the contributors
Paper must be in English and typewritten with double space
Manuscript should be submitted in duplicate
The style of presentation must conform to that followed by the journal
The same data must not be presented in both tables and graphs
Drawing should be in Chinese ink. The scale of figure, where required, may be indicated by a scale line on the drawing itself
Photographs must be on glossy papers
References should be alphabetically arranged conforming to the style of the journal
A full paper exceeding 12 typed pages and a short communication exceeding eight typed pages will not be entertained
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volume 29 (3)
volume 29 (4)
volume 30 (1)
volume 30 (2)
volume 30 (3)
volume 30 (4)
volume 31 (1)
volume 31 (2)
volume 31 (3)
volume 31 (4)
volume 32 (1)
volume 32 (2)
volume 32 (3)
volume 32 (4)
volume 33 (2)
Copyright © 2003 BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh, All Rights Reserved
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Last Update - 5 November, 2008
Copyright © 2003 BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh, All Rights Reserved
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[[বিষয়শ্রেণী:বাংলাদেশের গবেষণা প্রতিষ্ঠান]]