মডিউল:Convert: সংশোধিত সংস্করণের মধ্যে পার্থক্য

বিষয়বস্তু বিয়োগ হয়েছে বিষয়বস্তু যোগ হয়েছে
Johnuniq (আলোচনা | অবদান)
new version from en:Module:Convert
হালনাগাদ করা হয়েছে
১৫ নং লাইন:
-- Conversion data and message text are defined in separate modules.
local config, maxsigfig
local numdot -- must be '.' or ',' or a character which works in a regex as used here
local numsep, numsep_remove, numsep_remove2
local default_exceptions, link_exceptionsdata_code, all_units
local text_code
local varname -- can be a code to use variable names that depend on value
২৩ নং লাইন:
local to_en_table -- to translate an input string of digits in local language to en
-- Use translation_table in convert/text to change the following.
local en_default -- true uses lang=en unless convert has lang=local or local digits
local group_method = 3 -- code for how many digits are in a group
local per_word = 'per' -- for units like "liters per kilometer"
local plural_suffix = 's' -- only other useful value is probably '' to disable plural unit names
local omitsep -- true to omit separator before local symbol/name
-- All units should be defined in the data module. However, to cater for quick changes
৩৩ ⟶ ৩৫ নং লাইন:
local extra_module -- name of module with extra units
local extra_units -- nil or table of extra units from extra_module
-- Some options in the invoking template can set variables used later in the module.
local currency_text -- for a user-defined currency symbol: {{convert|12|$/ha|$=€}} (euro replaces dollar)
local function from_en(text)
৫৩ ⟶ ৫৮ নং লাইন:
-- and no separators (they have to be removed here to handle cases like
-- numsep = '.' and numdot = ',' with input "1.234.567,8").
if numsep_remove ~= ''to_en_table then
text = ustring.gsub(text, '%d', to_en_table)
if numsep_remove then
text = text:gsub(numsep_remove, '')
if numsep_remove2 then
text = text:gsub(numsep_remove2, '')
if numdot ~= '.' then
text = text:gsub(numdot, '.')
return text
local function decimal_mark(text)
-- Return ',' if text probably is using comma for decimal mark, or has no decimal mark.
-- Return '.' if text probably is using dot for decimal mark.
-- Otherwise return nothing (decimal mark not known).
if not text:find('[.,]') then return ',' end
text = text:gsub('^%-', ''):gsub('%+%d+/%d+$', ''):gsub('[Ee]%-?%d+$', '')
local decimal =
text:match('^0?([.,])%d+$') or
text:match('%d([.,])%d?%d?$') or
if decimal then return decimal end
if text:match('%.%d+%.') then return ',' end
if text:match('%,%d+,') then return '.' end
local add_warning, with_separator -- forward declarations
local function to_en_with_check(text, parms)
-- Version of to_en() for a wiki using numdot = ',' and numsep = '.' to check
-- text (an input number as a string) which might have been copied from enwiki.
-- For example, in '1.234' the '.' could be a decimal mark or a group separator.
-- From viwiki.
if to_en_table then
text = ustring.gsub(text, '%d', to_en_table)
if decimal_mark(text) == '.' then
local original = text
text = text:gsub(',', '') -- for example, interpret "1,234.5" as an enwiki value
if parms then
add_warning(parms, 0, 'cvt_enwiki_num', original, with_separator({}, text))
if numsep_remove then
text = text:gsub(numsep_remove, '')
if numsep_remove2 then
text = text:gsub(numsep_remove2, '')
if numdot ~= '.' then
text = text:gsub(numdot, '.')
return text
local function omit_separator(id)
-- Return true if there should be no separator before id (a unit symbol or name).
-- For zhwiki, there should be no separator if id uses local characters.
-- The following kludge should be a sufficient test.
if omitsep then
if id:sub(1, 2) == '-{' then -- for "-{...}-" content language variant
return true
if id:byte() > 127 then
local first = usub(id, 1, 1)
if first ~= 'Å' and first ~= '°' and first ~= 'µ' then
return true
return id:sub(1, 1) == '/' -- no separator before units like "/ha"
৬৮ ⟶ ১৩৮ নং লাইন:
local speller -- function from that module to handle spelling (set if spelling is wanted)
local function set_config(frameargs)
-- Set configuration options from template #invoke or defaults.
config = frame.args
maxsigfig = config.maxsigfig or 14 -- maximum number of significant figures
local data_module, text_module
-- Scribunto sets the global variable 'mw'.
local sandbox = config.sandbox and ('/' .. config.sandbox) or ''
-- A testing program can set the global variable 'is_test_run'.
local data_module, text_module,= "Module:Convert/data" .. data_codesandbox
text_module = "Module:Convert/text" .. sandbox
if is_test_run then
extra_module = "Module:Convert/extra" .. sandbox
local langcode = mw.language.getContentLanguage().code
spell_module = "Module:ConvertNumeric"
data_module = "convertdata-" .. langcode
text_module = "converttext-" .. langcode
extra_module = "convertextra-" .. langcode
spell_module = "ConvertNumeric"
local sandbox = config.sandbox and ('/' .. config.sandbox) or ''
data_module = "Module:Convert/data" .. sandbox
text_module = "Module:Convert/text" .. sandbox
extra_module = "Module:Convert/extra" .. sandbox
spell_module = "Module:ConvertNumeric"
data_code = mw.loadData(data_module)
text_code = mw.loadData(text_module)
default_exceptions = data_code.default_exceptions
link_exceptions = data_code.link_exceptions
all_units = data_code.all_units
local translation = text_code.translation_table
৯৭ ⟶ ১৫৫ নং লাইন:
numdot = translation.numdot
numsep = translation.numsep
if numdot == ',' and numsep == '.' then
if text_code.all_messages.cvt_enwiki_num then
to_en = to_en_with_check
if translation.group then
group_method = translation.group
১২৩ ⟶ ১৮৬ নং লাইন:
to_en_table = translation.to_en
if translation.lang == 'en default' then
en_default = true -- for hiwiki
omitsep = translation.omitsep -- for zhwiki
numdot = config.numdot or numdot or '.' -- decimal mark before fractional digits
১২৮ ⟶ ১৯৫ নং লাইন:
-- numsep should be ',' or '.' or '' or ' ' or a Unicode character.
-- numsep_remove must work in a regex to identify separators to be removed.
if numsep ~= '' then
numsep_remove = (numsep == '.') and '%.' or numsep
if numsep ~= ',' and numdot ~= ',' then
numsep_remove2 = ',' -- so numbers copied from enwiki will work
১৭০ ⟶ ২৪২ নং লাইন:
if type(text) == 'string' then
return text:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$")
local function table_len(t)
-- Return length (<100) of a numbered table to replace #t which is
-- documented to not work if t is accessed via mw.loadData().
for i = 1, 100 do
if t[i] == nil then
return i - 1
২১০ ⟶ ২৯২ নং লাইন:
-- Escape user input so it does not break the message.
-- To avoid reference tags (like {{convert|1<refmath>xyz23</refmath>|m}}) or other tagsbreaking
-- breaking the mouseover title, any strip marker starting with char(127) is
-- replaced with escaped '<ref>...</ref>' or '...' (text not needing i18n).
local append = ''
local pos = s:find(string.char(127), 1, true)
if pos then
append = '...'
if s:find('-ref-', 1, true) then
append = '&lt;ref&gt;...&lt;/ref&gt;'
append = '...'
s = s:sub(1, pos - 1)
if limit and ulen(s) > limit then
s = usub(s, 1, limit)
if append == '...' then
append = '...'
s = nowiki(s) .. (append or '')
s = '?'
২৩৯ ⟶ ৩১৫ নং লাইন:
local cat = wanted_category(text_code.all_categories[msg[3]]) or ''
local anchor = msg[4] or ''
local fmt = text_code.all_messages[msg.format or 'cvt_format'] or 'convert: bug'
title = title:gsub('"', '&quot;')
return format(fmt, anchor, title, text, cat)
২৪৬ ⟶ ৩২২ নং লাইন:
local function add_warning(parms, level, mcodekey, texttext1, text2) -- for forward declaration above
-- If enabled, add a warning that will be displayed after the convert result.
-- To reduce output noise, only the first warning is displayed.
if config.warnings or level < 0 then
if level <= (tonumber(config.warnings) or 1) then
if parms.warnings == nil then
parms.warnings = message({ mcodekey, texttext1, text2 })
৪৭২ ⟶ ৫৪৮ নং লাইন:
local unit_per_mt = {
-- Metatable to get values for a "per" unit of form "x/y".
-- This is never called to determine a unit name or link because "per" units
-- are handled as a special case.
-- Similarly, the default output is handled elsewhere.
__index = function (self, key)
local value
৪৯৯ ⟶ ৫৭৬ নং লাইন:
local function lookupmake_per(unitcodeunit_table, opt_sp_us, what, utable, fails, depthulookup)
-- Return true, t where t is a per unit with unit codes expanded to unit tables,
-- or return false, t where t is an error message table.
local result = { utype = unit_table.utype, per = {} }
override_from(result, unit_table, { 'invert', 'iscomplex', 'default', 'link', 'symbol', 'symlink' })
result.symbol_raw = (result.symbol or false) -- to distinguish between a defined exception and a metatable calculation
local prefix
for i, v in ipairs(unit_table.per) do
if i == 1 and v == '' then
-- First unit symbol can be empty; that gives a nil first unit table.
elseif i == 1 and text_code.currency[v] then
prefix = currency_text or v
local success, t = ulookup(v)
if not success then return false, t end
result.per[i] = t
local multiplier = unit_table.multiplier
if not result.utype then
-- Creating an automatic per unit.
local unit1 = result.per[1]
local utype = (unit1 and unit1.utype or prefix or '') .. '/' .. result.per[2].utype
local t = data_code.per_unit_fixups[utype]
if t then
if type(t) == 'table' then
utype = t.utype or utype
result.link = result.link or t.link
multiplier = multiplier or t.multiplier
utype = t
result.utype = utype
result.scalemultiplier = multiplier or 1
result.vprefix = prefix or false -- set to non-nil to avoid calling __index
return true, setmetatable(result, unit_per_mt)
local function lookup(parms, unitcode, what, utable, fails, depth)
-- Return true, t where t is a copy of the unit's converter table,
-- or return false, t where t is an error message table.
-- Parameter opt_sp_us is true for US spelling of SI prefixes and
-- the symbol and name of the unit. If true, the result includes field
-- sp_us = true (that field may also have been in the unit definition).
-- Parameter 'what' determines whether combination units are accepted:
-- 'no_combination' : single unit only
৫৩৬ ⟶ ৬৫০ নং লাইন:
return false, { 'cvt_should_be', t.shouldbe }
local force_sp_us = opt_sp_us
if t.sp_us then
force_sp_usparms.opt_sp_us = true
opt_sp_us = true
local target = t.target -- nil, or unitcode is an alias for this target
if target then
local success, result = lookup(targetparms, opt_sp_ustarget, what, utable, fails, depth)
if not success then return false, result end
override_from(result, t, { 'customary', 'default', 'link', 'symbol', 'symlink' })
৫৫৩ ⟶ ৬৬৫ নং লাইন:
return true, result
if t.per then
local per = t.per -- nil/false, or a numbered table for "x/y" units
return make_per(t, function (ucode) return lookup(parms, ucode, 'no_combination', utable, fails, depth) end)
if per then
local result = { utype = t.utype, per = {} }
result.scalemultiplier = t.multiplier or 1
override_from(result, t, { 'invert', 'iscomplex', 'default', 'link', 'symbol', 'symlink' })
result.symbol_raw = (result.symbol or false) -- to distinguish between a defined exception and a metatable calculation
local cvt = result.per
local prefix
for i, v in ipairs(per) do
if i == 1 and text_code.currency[v] then
prefix = v
local success, t = lookup(v, opt_sp_us, 'no_combination', utable, fails, depth)
if not success then return false, t end
cvt[i] = t
if t.sp_us then -- if the top or bottom unit forces sp=us, set the per unit to use the correct name/symbol
force_sp_us = true
if prefix then
result.vprefix = prefix
result.vprefix = false -- to avoid calling __index
result.sp_us = force_sp_us
return true, setmetatable(result, unit_per_mt)
local combo = t.combination -- nil or a table of unitcodes
৫৯২ ⟶ ৬৭৯ নং লাইন:
local cvt = result.combination
for i, v in ipairs(combo) do
local success, t = lookup(vparms, opt_sp_usv, multiple and 'no_combination' or 'only_multiple', utable, fails, depth)
if not success then return false, t end
cvt[i] = t
৫৯৯ ⟶ ৬৮৬ নং লাইন:
local result = shallow_copy(t)
result.sp_us = force_sp_us
if result.prefixes then
result.si_name = ''
৬১৮ ⟶ ৭০৪ নং লাইন:
if t and t.prefixes then
local result = shallow_copy(t)
ifresult.si_name = parms.opt_sp_us thenand si.name_us or si.name
result.sp_us = true
if result.sp_us and si.name_us then
result.si_name = si.name_us
result.si_name = si.name
result.si_prefix = si.prefix or prefix
result.scale = t.scale * 10 ^ (si.exponent * t.prefixes)
৬৪৩ ⟶ ৭২২ নং লাইন:
local engscale = text_code.eng_scales[exponent]
if engscale then
local success, result = lookup(baseunitparms, opt_sp_usbaseunit, 'no_combination', utable, fails, depth)
if success and not success(result.offset thenor returnresult.builtin false,or result.engscale) endthen
if not (result.offset or result.builtin or result.engscale) then
result.defkey = unitcode -- key to lookup default exception
result.engscale = engscale
৬৮০ ⟶ ৭৫৮ নং লাইন:
local cvt = result.combination
for i, v in ipairs(combo) do
local success, t = lookup(vparms, opt_sp_usv, 'only_multiple', utable, fails, depth)
if not success then return false, t end
if i == 1 then
৬৯৯ ⟶ ৭৭৭ নং লাইন:
-- Look for x/y; split on right-most slash to get scale correct (x/y/z is x/y per z).
if not get_range(unitcode) then -- do not require extra if looking up a range word which cannot be a unit
local top, bottom = unitcode:match('^(.-)/([^/]+)$')
if top and not unitcode:find('e%d') then
-- If valid, create an automatic per unit for an "x/y" unit code.
-- The unitcode must not include extraneous spaces.
-- Engineering notation (apart from at start and which has been stripped before here),
-- is not supported so do not make a per unit if find text like 'e3' in unitcode.
local success, result = make_per({ per = {top, bottom} }, function (ucode) return lookup(parms, ucode, 'no_combination', utable, fails, depth) end)
if success then
return true, result
if not parms.opt_ignore_error and not get_range(unitcode) then
-- Want the "what links here" list for the extra_module to show only cases
-- where an extra unit is used, so do not require it if invoked from {{val}}
-- or if looking up a range word which cannot be a unit.
if not extra_units then
local success, extra = pcall(function () return require(extra_module).extra_units end)
৭১২ ⟶ ৮০৫ নং লাইন:
fails[unitcode] = true
local other = (utable == all_units) and extra_units or all_units
local success, result = lookup(unitcodeparms, opt_sp_usunitcode, what, other, fails, depth)
if success then
return true, result
৭২৩ ⟶ ৮১৬ নং লাইন:
local en_code = ustring.gsub(unitcode, '%d', to_en_table)
if en_code ~= unitcode then
return lookup(en_codeparms, opt_sp_usen_code, what, utable, fails, depth)
৭৩৭ ⟶ ৮৩০ নং লাইন:
return true
local function ntsh(num, debug)
-- Return html text to be used for a hidden sort key so that
-- the given number will be sorted in numeric order.
-- If debug == true, output is in a box (not hidden).
-- This implements Template:Ntsh (number table sorting, hidden).
local result, style
if not valid_number(num) then
if num < 0 then
result = '1000000000000000000'
result = '9000000000000000000'
elseif num == 0 then
result = '5000000000000000000'
local mag = floor(log10(abs(num)) + 1e-14)
local prefix
if num > 0 then
prefix = 7000 + mag
prefix = 2999 - mag
num = num + 10^(mag+1)
result = format('%d', prefix) .. format('%015.0f', floor(num * 10^(14-mag)))
if debug then
style = 'border:1px solid'
style = 'display:none'
return '<span style="' .. style .. '">' .. result .. '</span>'
৮০০ ⟶ ৮৬০ নং লাইন:
return name:sub(1, pos+1) .. name:sub(pos+2):gsub(' ', '-')
elseif name:sub(-1, -1) == ')' then
pos = name:find('(', 1, true)
if pos then
৮৬৯ ⟶ ৯২৯ নং লাইন:
local function digit_grouperdigit_groups(methodparms, gapstext, method)
-- Return a numbered table to holdof groups of digits which can(left-to-right, bein joinedlocal withlanguage).
-- suitable separators (such as commas).
-- Each group is separately translated to the local language because
-- gap separators include digits which should not be translated.
-- Parameter method is a number or nil:
-- 3 for 3-digit grouping (default), or
-- 2 for 3-then-2 grouping (only for digits before decimal mark).
local len_right
-- Parameter gaps is true to use <span> gaps (numsep ignored).
local len_left = text:find('.', 1, true)
return {
if len_left then
n = 0,
len_right = #text - len_left
add = function (self, digits)
self.nlen_left = self.nlen_left +- 1
self[self.n] = from_en(digits)
len_left = #text
join = function (self, rhs)
local twos = method == 2 and len_left > 5
-- Concatenate in reverse order.
local groups = collection()
if gaps then
local resultrun = ''len_left
local n
for i = 1, self.n - 1 do
if run < 4 or (run == 4 and parms.opt_comma5) then
result = '<span style="margin-left: 0.25em">' .. self[i] .. '</span>' .. result
if parms.opt_gaps then
n = run
return '<span style="white-space: nowrap">' .. self[self.n] .. result .. from_en(rhs) .. '</span>'
local resultn = self[1]#text
for i = 2, self.n do
elseif twos then
result = self[i] .. numsep .. result
n = run % 2 == 0 and 1 or 2
n = run % 3 == 0 and 3 or run % 3
while run > 0 do
run = run - n
n = (twos and run > 3) and 2 or 3
if len_right then
if groups.n == 0 then
if parms.opt_gaps and len_right > 3 then
local want4 = not parms.opt_gaps3 -- true gives no gap before trailing single digit
local isfirst = true
run = len_right
while run > 0 do
n = (want4 and run == 4) and 4 or (run > 3 and 3 or run)
if isfirst then
isfirst = false
groups[groups.n] = groups[groups.n] + 1 + n
returnrun result= ..run from_en(rhs)- n
groups[groups.n] = groups[groups.n] + 1 + len_right
step = 3,
next_position = function (self, previous)
-- Return position of digit just before next group.
local pos = 1
-- Digits are grouped from right-to-left (least significant first).
for i, length in ipairs(groups) do
local result = previous - self.step
groups[i] = from_en(text:sub(pos, pos + length - 1))
if method == 2 then
pos = pos + length
self.step = 2
return groups
return (result < 0) and 0 or result
local function with_separator(parms, text) -- for forward declaration above
-- Input text is a number in en digits andwith optional '.' decimal mark.
-- Return an equivalent of text, formatted for display:
-- with a custom decimal mark instead of '.', if wanted
-- with thousand separators inserted, if wanted
-- digits in local language
-- The given text is like '123' or '12345123.6789' or '112345.23e456789'.
-- (e notation can only occur when processing an input value).
-- The text has no sign (caller inserts that later, if necessary).
-- SeparatorWhen isusing insertedgaps, onlythey inare theinserted integerbefore partand ofafter the significanddecimal mark.
-- (notSeparators afterare inserted only before the decimal mark, and not after 'e' or 'E').
if #text < 4 or parms.opt_nocomma or numsep == '' then
return from_en(text)
local groups = digit_groups(parms, text, group_method)
local last = text:match('()[.eE]') -- () returns position
if last == nilparms.opt_gaps then
if groups.n <= 1 then
last = #text
return groups[1] or ''
last = last - 1 -- index of last character before dot/e/E
local nowrap = '<span style="white-space: nowrap">'
local gap = '<span style="margin-left: 0.25em">'
if last < 4 or (last == 4 and parms.opt_comma5) then
local close = '</span>'
return from_en(text)
return nowrap .. groups[1] .. gap .. table.concat(groups, close .. gap, 2, groups.n) .. close .. close
return table.concat(groups, numsep)
local groups = digit_grouper(group_method, parms.opt_gaps)
local i = last
while i > 0 do
local position = groups:next_position(i)
groups:add(text:sub(position+1, i))
i = position
return groups:join(text:sub(last+1))
-- InputAn valuesinput can use valuesvalue like 1.23e12, butis aredisplayed neverusing displayedscientific notation (1.23×10¹²).
-- usingThat also makes the output use scientific notation, except for likesmall 1.23×10¹²values.
-- VeryIn addition, very small or very large output values use scientific notation.
-- Use format(fmtpower, significand, '10', exponent) where each argargument is a string.
local fmtpower = '%s<span style="margin:0 .15em 0 .25em">×</span>%s<sup>%s</sup>'
local function with_exponent(parms, show, exponent)
-- Return wikitext to display the implied value in scientific notation.
-- Input uses en digits; output uses digits in local language.
return format(fmtpower, with_separator(parms, show), from_en('10'), use_minus(from_en(tostring(exponent))))
if #show > 1 then
show = show:sub(1, 1) .. '.' .. show:sub(2)
return format(fmtpower, from_en(show), from_en('10'), use_minus(from_en(tostring(exponent))))
১,০৭৯ ⟶ ১,১৪৮ নং লাইন:
-- * Uses a custom decimal mark, if wanted.
-- * Has digits grouped where necessary, if wanted.
-- * Uses scientific notation if requested, or for very small or large values
-- (which forces outputresult to not be spelled).
-- * Has no more than maxsigfig significant digits
-- (same as old template and {{#expr}}).
local xhi, xlo -- these control when scientific notation (exponent) is used
if parms.opt_scientific then
xhi, xlo = 4, 2 -- default for output if input uses e-notation
elseif parms.opt_scientific_always then
xhi, xlo = 0, 0 -- always use scientific notation (experimental)
xhi, xlo = 10, 4 -- default
local sign = isnegative and MINUS or ''
local maxlen = maxsigfig
১,০৯৩ ⟶ ১,১৭০ নং লাইন:
if not tfrac and not exponent then
local integer, dot, decimals = show:match('^(%d*)(%.?)(.*)')
if #integer >== '0' or integer == 10'' then
show = integer .. decimals
exponent = #integer
elseif integer == '0' or integer == '' then
local zeros, figs = decimals:match('^(0*)([^0]?.*)')
if #figs == 0 then
১,১০২ ⟶ ১,১৭৬ নং লাইন:
show = '0.' .. zeros:sub(1, maxlen)
elseif #zeros >= 4xlo then
show = figs
exponent = -#zeros
১,১০৮ ⟶ ১,১৮২ নং লাইন:
show = '0.' .. zeros .. figs:sub(1, maxlen)
elseif #integer >= xhi then
show = integer .. decimals
exponent = #integer
maxlen = maxlen + #dot
১,১১৬ ⟶ ১,১৯৩ নং লাইন:
if exponent then
local function zeros(n)
return string.rep('0', n)
if #show > maxlen then
show = show:sub(1, maxlen)
if exponent > 10xhi or exponent <= -4xlo or (exponent == 10xhi and show ~= '10000000001' .. zeros(xhi - 1)) then
-- When xhi, xlo = 10, 4 (the default), scientific notation is used if the
-- Rounded value satisfies: value >= 1e9 or value < 1e-4 (1e9 = 0.1e10).
-- rounded value satisfies: value >= 1e9 or value < 1e-4 (1e9 = 0.1e10),
-- except if show is '1000000000' (1e9), for example:
-- {{convert|1000000000|m|m|sigfig=10}} → 1,000,000,000 metres (1,000,000,000 m)
local significand
if #show > 1 then
significand = show:sub(1, 1) .. '.' .. show:sub(2)
significand = show
return {
clean = '.' .. show,
exponent = exponent,
sign = sign,
show = sign .. with_exponent(showparms, significand, exponent-1),
is_scientific = true,
if exponent >= #show then
show = show .. string.repzeros('0', exponent - #show) -- result has no dot
elseif exponent <= 0 then
show = '0.' .. string.repzeros('0', -exponent) .. show
show = show:sub(1, exponent) .. '.' .. show:sub(exponent+1)
১,১৬০ ⟶ ১,২৪৯ নং লাইন:
local function extract_fraction(parms, text, negative)
-- If text represents a fraction, return
-- value, altvalue, show, spelled, denominator
-- where
-- value is a number (value of the fraction in argument text)
-- altvalue is an alternate interpretation of any fraction for the hands
-- unit where "1412.1+3/4" means 1412 hands 1.75 inches!
-- show is a string (formatted text for display of an input value,
-- and is spelled if wanted and possible)
-- spelled is true if show was spelled
-- denominator is value of the denominator in the fraction
-- Otherwise, return nil.
-- Input uses en digits and '.' decimal mark (input has been translated).
-- Output uses digits in local language and customlocal decimal mark, if any.
-- Originally this function accepted x+y/z where x, y, z were any valid
-- In the following, '(3/8)' represents the wikitext required to
-- numbers, possibly with a sign. For example '1.23e+2+1.2/2.4' = 123.5,
-- display a fraction with numerator 3 and denominator 8.
-- and '2-3/8' = 1.625. However, such usages were found to be errors or
-- In the wikitext, Unicode minus is used for a negative value.
-- misunderstandings, so since August 2014 the following restrictions apply:
-- text value, show value, show
-- x (if present) is an integer or has a single digit after decimal mark
-- if not negative if negative
-- y and z are unsigned integers
-- 3 / 8 0.375, '(3/8)' -0.375, '−(3/8)'
-- e-notation is not accepted
-- 2 + 3 / 8 2.375, '2(3/8)' -1.625, '−2(−3/8)'
-- The overall 2number -can 3start /with 8'+' or '-' 1.625,(so '2(−312+3/8)4' -2.375,and '−2(+12+3/8)4'
-- and '-12-3/4' are valid).
-- 1 + 20/8 3.5 , '1/(20/8)' 1.5 , '−1/(−20/8)'
-- Any leading negative sign is removed by the caller, so only inputs
-- 1 - 20/8 -1.5., '1(−20/8)' -3.5 , '−1(20/8)'
-- like the following are accepted here (may have whitespace):
-- Wherever an integer appears above, numbers like 1.25 or 12.5e-3
-- (which may be negative) are= alsofalse accepted false true (likethere was a oldleading template'-').
-- Old template interpretstext = '1.23e+2+12/243' as '123(12+2/24)3' = 123.5! '2/3'
-- text = '1+2/3' '+1+2/3' '1-2/3'
local numstr, whole, value, altvalue
-- text = '12.3+1/2' '+12.3+1/2' '12.3-1/2'
local lhs, slash, denstr = text:match('^%s*([^/]-)%s*(/+)%s*(.-)%s*$')
-- Values like '12.3+1/2' are accepted, but are intended only for use
-- with the hands unit (not worth adding code to enforce that).
local numstr, whole
local leading_plus, prefix, numstr, slashes, denstr =
if not leading_plus then
-- Accept a single U+2044 fraction slash because that may be pasted.
leading_plus, prefix, numstr, denstr =
slashes = '/'
local numerator = tonumber(numstr)
local denominator = tonumber(denstr)
if denominatornumerator == nil thenor returndenominator == nil endor (negative and leading_plus ~= '') then
return nil
local wholestr, negfrac, rhs = lhs:match('^%s*(.-[^eE])%s*([+-])%s*(.-)%s*$')
if wholestr == nil or wholestr == '' then
local wholestr = nil
if prefix == '' then
wholestr = ''
whole = 0
numstr = lhs
-- Any prefix must be like '12+' or '12-' (whole number and fraction sign);
-- '12.3+' and '12.3-' are also accepted (single digit after decimal point)
-- because '12.3+1/2 hands' is valid (12 hands 3½ inches).
local num1, num2, frac_sign = prefix:match('^(%d+)(%.?%d?)%s*([+%-])$')
if num1 == nil then return nil end
if num2 == '' then -- num2 must be '' or like '.1' but not '.' or '.12'
wholestr = num1
if #num2 ~= 2 then return nil end
wholestr = num1 .. num2
if frac_sign ~= (negative and '-' or '+') then return nil end
whole = tonumber(wholestr)
if whole == nil then return nil end
numstr = rhs
local value = whole + numerator / denominator
negfrac = (negfrac == '-')
if not valid_number(value) then return nil end
local numerator = tonumber(numstr)
local altvalue = whole + numerator / (denominator * 10)
if numerator == nil then return nil end
local style = #slashes -- kludge: 1 or 2 slashes can be used to select style
-- Spelling of silly inputs like "-2+3/8" or "2+3/+8" (mixed or excess signs) is not supported.
local do_spell
if negative == negfrac or wholestr == nil then
value = whole + numerator / denominator
altvalue = whole + numerator / (denominator * 10)
do_spell = parms.opt_spell_in
if do_spell then
if not (numstr:match('^%d') and denstr:match('^%d')) then -- if either has a sign
do_spell = false
value = whole - numerator / denominator
altvalue = whole - numerator / (denominator * 10)
numstr = change_sign(numstr)
do_spell = false
if not valid_number(value) then
return nil -- overflow or similar
numstr = use_minus(numstr)
denstr = use_minus(denstr)
local style = #slash -- kludge: 1 or 2 slashes can be used to select style
if style > 2 then style = 2 end
local wikitext = format_fraction(parms, 'in', negative, leading_plus .. wholestr, numstr, denstr, do_spellparms.opt_spell_in, style)
return value, altvalue, wikitext, do_spell, denominator
১,২৩৫ ⟶ ১,৩২৬ নং লাইন:
-- where info is a table with the result,
-- or return false, t where t is an error message table.
-- Input can use en digits or digits in local language. and can
-- have references at the end. Accepting references is intended
-- for use in infoboxes with a field for a value passed to convert.
-- Parameter another = true if the expected value is not the first.
-- Before processing, the input text is cleaned:
১,২৪৬ ⟶ ১,৩৩৯ নং লাইন:
-- altvalue = a valid number, usually same as value but different
-- if fraction used (for hands unit)
-- singular = true if value is 1 or -1 (to use singular form of units)
-- = false if value is -1 (like old template)
-- clean = cleaned text with any separators and sign removed
-- (en digits and '.' decimal mark)
-- show = text formatted for output, possibly with ref strip markers
-- (digits in local language and custom decimal mark)
-- The resulting show:
১,২৫৯ ⟶ ১,৩৫১ নং লাইন:
-- '+' (if the input text used '+'), or is '' (if no sign in input).
text = strip(text or '')
local clean = to_en(text)reference
local pos = text:find('\127', 1, true)
if pos then
local before = text:sub(1, pos - 1)
local remainder = text:sub(pos)
local refs = {}
while #remainder > 0 do
local ref, spaces
ref, spaces, remainder = remainder:match('^(\127UNIQ[^\127]*%-ref%-%x+%-QINU\127)(%s*)(.*)')
if ref then
table.insert(refs, ref)
refs = {}
if #refs > 0 then
text = strip(before)
reference = table.concat(refs)
local clean = to_en(text, parms)
if clean == '' then
return false, { another and 'cvt_no_num2' or 'cvt_no_num' }
১,২৯৫ ⟶ ১,৪০৮ নং লাইন:
if value == nil then
local spelled
if not no_fraction then
value, altvalue, show, spelled, denominator = extract_fraction(parms, clean, isnegative)
if value == nil then
১,৩১১ ⟶ ১,৪২৩ নং লাইন:
if show == nil then
-- clean is a non-empty string with no spaces, and does not represent a fraction,
singular = (value == 1 and not isnegative)
-- and value = tonumber(clean) is a number >= 0.
local precision = parms.input_precision
-- If the input uses e-notation, show will be displayed using a power of ten, but
if precision and 0 <= precision and precision <= 8 then
-- we use the number as given so it might not be normalized scientific notation.
local fmt = '%.' .. format('%d', precision) .. 'f'
-- The input value is spelled if specified so any e-notation is ignored;
show = fmt:format(value + 2e-14) -- fudge for some common cases of bad rounding
-- that allows input like 2e6 to be spelled as "two million" which works
-- because the spell module converts '2e6' to '2000000' before spelling.
local function rounded(value, default, exponent)
local precision = parms.opt_ri
if precision then
local fmt = '%.' .. format('%d', precision) .. 'f'
local result = fmt:format(tonumber(value) + 2e-14) -- fudge for some common cases of bad rounding
if not exponent then
singular = (tonumber(result) == 1)
return result
return default
singular = (value == 1)
local scientific
local significand, exponent = clean:match('^([%d.]+)[Ee]([+%-]?%d+)')
if significand then
show = with_exponent(parms, rounded(significand, significand, exponent), exponent)
scientific = true
show = with_separator(parms, rounded(value, clean))
show = propersign .. with_separator(parms, show)
if parms.opt_spell_in then
show = spell_number(parms, 'in', propersign .. rounded(value, clean)) or show
scientific = false
if scientific then
parms.opt_scientific = true
১,৩৩৪ ⟶ ১,৪৭০ নং লাইন:
singular = singular,
clean = clean,
show = show .. (reference or ''),
denominator = denominator,
১,৪৭৬ ⟶ ১,৬১২ নং লাইন:
local function range_text(range, want_name, parms, before, after, inout)
-- Return before .. rtext .. after
-- where rtext is the text that separates two values in a range.
local rtext, adj_text, exception
if type(range) == 'table' then
-- Table must specify range text for abbr=('off' and for abbr='on') or ('input' and 'output'),
-- and may specify range text for 'adj=on',
-- and may specify exception = true.
rtext = range[want_name and 'off' or 'on'] or
range[((inout == 'in') == (parms.opt_flip == true)) and 'output' or 'input']
adj_text = range['adj']
exception = range['exception']
১,৫০১ ⟶ ১,৬৩৮ নং লাইন:
local function get_composite(parms, iparm, total, in_unit_table)
-- Look for a composite input unit. For example, "{{convert|1|yd|2|ft|3|in}}"
-- would result in a call to this function with
-- iparm = 3 (parms[iparm] = "2", just after the first unit)
-- totalin_unit_table = (unit table for "yd"; contains value 1 (for number of yards)
-- in_unit_table = (unit table for "yd")
-- Return true, iparm, unit where
-- iparm = index just after the composite units (7 in above example)
১,৫১৫ ⟶ ১,৬৫১ নং লাইন:
local composite_units, count = { in_unit_table }, 1
local fixups = {}
local total = in_unit_table.valinfo[1].value
local subunit = in_unit_table
while subunit.subdivs do -- subdivs is nil or a table of allowed subdivisions
local subcode = strip(parms[iparm+1])
local subdiv = subunit.subdivs[subcode] or subunit.subdivs[(all_units[subcode] or {}).target]
if not subdiv then
local success
success, subunit = lookup(subcodeparms, parms.opt_sp_ussubcode, 'no_combination')
if not success then return false, subunit end -- should never occur
success, subinfo = extract_number(parms, parms[iparm])
১,৫৫১ ⟶ ১,৬৮৮ নং লাইন:
composite_units[i].fixed_name = name
local success, alternate = lookup(unitparms, parms.opt_sp_usunit, 'no_combination')
if not success then return false, alternate end -- should never occur
alternate.inout = 'in'
১,৫৭২ ⟶ ১,৭০৯ নং লাইন:
-- Also, checks are performed which may display warnings, if enabled.
-- Return true if successful or return false, t where t is an error message table.
currency_text = nil -- local testing can hold module in memory; must clear globals
if kv_pairs.adj and kv_pairs.sing then
-- For enwiki (before translation), warn if attempt to use adj and sing
১,৫৮৪ ⟶ ১,৭২২ নং লাইন:
if en_name then
local en_value
if en_name == '$' or en_name == 'frac' or en_name == 'sigfig' then
if loc_value == '' then
add_warning(parms, 2, 'cvt_empty_option', loc_name)
elseif en_name == '$' then
-- Value should be a single character like "€" for the euro currency symbol, but anything is accepted.
currency_text = (loc_value == 'euro') and '€' or loc_value
local minimum
১,৬০৫ ⟶ ১,৭৪৬ নং লাইন:
elseif en_name == 'stylein' or en_name == 'styleout' then
en_value = loc_value -- accept user text with no validation
en_value = text_code.en_option_value[en_name][loc_value]
if en_value and en_value:sub(-1) == '?' then
en_value = en_value:sub(1, -2)
add_warning(parms, -1, 'cvt_deprecated', loc_name .. '=' .. loc_value)
if en_value == nil then
if loc_value == '' then
add_warning(parms, 2, 'cvt_empty_option', loc_name)
add_warning(parms, 1, 'cvt_unknown_option', loc_name .. '=' .. loc_value)
-- loc_value can no longer be nil here (at one time, that could occur
-- with aliases like |sing=off|adj=on), but am retaining safety check.
local text = loc_value and (loc_name .. '=' .. loc_value) or loc_name
add_warning(parms, 1, 'cvt_unknown_option', text)
elseif en_value == '' then
১,৬২০ ⟶ ১,৭৬৪ নং লাইন:
elseif type(en_value) == 'string' and en_value:sub(1, 4) == 'opt_' then
for _, v in ipairs(split(en_value, ',')) do
local lhs, rhs = v:match('^(.-)=(.+)$')
parms[v] = true
if rhs then
parms[lhs] = tonumber(rhs) or rhs
parms[v] = true
en_value = nil
১,৬৩০ ⟶ ১,৭৭৯ নং লাইন:
iflocal abbr_entered = parms.adj thenabbr
if parms.adj:sub(1, 2) == 'ri' then
-- It is known that adj is 'riN' where N is a single digit, so precision is valid.
-- Only a single en digit is accepted.
parms.input_precision = tonumber(parms.adj:sub(-1))
parms.adj = nil
local cfg_abbr = config.abbr
if cfg_abbr then
১,৬৫৪ ⟶ ১,৭৯৬ নং লাইন:
if parms.abbr then
parms.abbr_org = parms.abbr -- original abbr that was set, before any flip
elseif parms.opt_hand_hh then
parms.abbr_org = 'on'
১,৬৬০ ⟶ ১,৮০২ নং লাইন:
parms.abbr = 'out' -- default is to abbreviate output only (use symbol, not name)
if parms.opt_spell_out and not abbr_entered then
parms.abbr = 'off' -- should show unit name when spelling the output value
if parms.opt_flip then
১,৬৮৩ ⟶ ১,৮২৮ নং লাইন:
if parms.opt_table or parms.opt_tablecen then
if parms.abbr_orgabbr_entered == nil and parms.lk == nil then
parms.opt_values = true
local alignparms.table_align = format('align="%s"', parms.opt_table and 'right' or 'center')
parms.table_joins = { align .. '|', '\n|' .. align .. '|' }
if parms.opt_lang_entable_align or parms.opt_sortable_on then
parms.need_table_or_sort = true
local disp_joins = text_code.disp_joins
local default_joins = disp_joins['b']
parms.join_between = default_joins[3] or '; '
local disp = parms.disp
if disp == nil then -- special case for the most common setting
parms.joins = default_joins
elseif disp == 'x' then
-- Later, parms.joins is set from the input parameters.
-- Old template does this.
local abbr = parms.abbr
if disp == 'slash' then
if abbr_entered == nil then
disp = 'slash-nbsp'
elseif abbr == 'in' or abbr == 'out' then
disp = 'slash-sp'
disp = 'slash-nosp'
elseif disp == 'sqbr' then
if abbr == 'on' then
disp = 'sqbr-nbsp'
disp = 'sqbr-sp'
parms.joins = disp_joins[disp] or default_joins
parms.join_between = parms.joins[3] or parms.join_between
parms.wantname = parms.joins.wantname
if (en_default and not parms.opt_lang_local and (parms[1] or ''):find('%d')) or parms.opt_lang_en then
from_en_table = nil
if en_default and from_en_table then
-- For hiwiki: localized symbol/name is defined with the US symbol/name field,
-- and is used if output uses localized numbers.
parms.opt_sp_us = true
return true
১,৭১২ ⟶ ১,৮৯৪ নং লাইন:
-- If the parameter is not a value, try unpacking it as a range ("1-23" for "1 to 23").
-- However, "-1-2/3" is a negative fraction (-1⅔), so it must be extracted first.
-- Do not unpack a parameter if it is like "3-1/2" which is sometimes incorrectly
-- used instead of "3+1/2" (and which should not be interpreted as "3 to ½").
-- Unpacked items are inserted into the parms table.
-- The tail recursion allows combinations like "1x2 to 3x4".
local valstr = strip(parms[i]) -- trim so any '-' as a negative sign will be at start
local success, result = extract_number(parms, valstr, i > 1)
if not success and valstr and i < 20 then -- check i to limit abuse
local lhs, sep, rhs = valstr:match('^(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S.*)')
for _, sep in ipairs(text_code.ranges.words) do
if lhs and not (sep == '-' and rhs:match('/')) then
local start, stop = valstr:find(sep, 2, true) -- start at 2 to skip any negative sign for range '-'
if startsep:find('%d') then
return success, result -- to reject {{convert|1 234 567|m}} with a decent message (en only)
parms[i] = valstr:sub(stop + 1)
table.insert(parms, i, sep)
table.insert(parms, [i, valstr:sub(1, start] -= 1))rhs
table.insert(parms, i, sep)
return extractor(i) -- this allows combinations like "1 x 2 to 3 x 4"
table.insert(parms, i, lhs)
return extractor(i)
if not valstr:match('%-.*/') then
for _, sep in ipairs(text_code.ranges.words) do
local start, stop = valstr:find(sep, 2, true) -- start at 2 to skip any negative sign for range '-'
if start then
parms[i] = valstr:sub(stop + 1)
table.insert(parms, i, sep)
table.insert(parms, i, valstr:sub(1, start - 1))
return extractor(i)
১,৭৩৯ ⟶ ১,৯৩৬ নং লাইন:
local nextrange_item = get_range(strip(parms[i]))
local range_item = get_range(next)
if not range_item then
১,৭৪৭ ⟶ ১,৯৪৩ নং লাইন:
if type(range_item) == 'table' then
-- For range "x", if append unit to some values, append it to all.
parms.is_range_x = range_item.is_range_x
parms.in_range_x = parms.in_range_x or range_item.in_range_x
parms.out_range_x = parms.out_range_x or range_item.out_range_x
parms.abbr_range_x = parms.abbr_range_x or range_item.abbr_range_x
is_change = range_item.is_range_change
১,৭৬৪ ⟶ ১,৯৬৩ নং লাইন:
local function simple_get_values(parms)
-- If input is like "{{convert|valid_value|valid_unit|...}}",
-- return true, v, 3, in_unit, in_unit_table
-- (as for get_values(), but with a unit name and table for a valid unit;
-- 3 = index in parms of whatever follows valid_unit, if anything).
-- The valid_value is not negative and does not use a fraction, and
১,৭৭২ ⟶ ১,৯৭০ নং লাইন:
-- Testing shows this function is successful for 96% of converts in articles,
-- and that on average it speeds up converts by 8%.
if parms.input_precisionopt_ri or parms.opt_spell_in then return end
local clean = to_en(strip(parms[1] or ''), parms)
if #clean > 10 or not clean:match('^[0-9.]+$') then return end
local value = tonumber(clean)
১,৭৮৫ ⟶ ১,৯৮৩ নং লাইন:
local in_unit = strip(parms[2])
local success, in_unit_table = lookup(in_unitparms, parms.opt_sp_usin_unit, 'no_combination')
if not success then return end
in_unit_table.valinfo = { info }
return true, { info }, 3, in_unit, in_unit_table
return true, 3, in_unit, in_unit_table
local function get_parms(pframeargs)
-- If successful, return true, parms, unit where
-- parms is a table of all arguments passed to the template
১,৮০৪ ⟶ ২,০০৩ নং লাইন:
local parms = {} -- arguments passed to template, after translation
local kv_pairs = {} -- table of input key:value pairs where key is a name; needed because cannot iterate parms and add new fields to it
for k, v in pairs(pframe.args) do
if type(k) == 'number' or k == 'test' then -- parameter "test" is reserved for testing and is not translated
parms[k] = v
১,৮১৩ ⟶ ২,০১২ নং লাইন:
local success, msg = translate_parms(parms, kv_pairs)
if not success then return false, msg end
local success, valinfo, i, in_unit, in_unit_table = simple_get_values(parms)
if not success then
local valinfo
success, valinfo, i = get_values(parms)
if not success then return false, valinfo end
in_unit = strip(parms[i])
i = i + 1
success, in_unit_table = lookup(in_unitparms, parms.opt_sp_usin_unit, 'no_combination')
if not success then
if in_unit == nil then
১,৮৩১ ⟶ ২,০৩১ নং লাইন:
utype = "length", scale = 1, bad_mcode = in_unit_table }, unit_mt)
in_unit_table.valinfo = valinfo
if parms.test == 'msg' then
১,৮৪৩ ⟶ ২,০৪৪ নং লাইন:
in_unit_table.valinfo = valinfo
in_unit_table.inout = 'in' -- this is an input unit
if not parms.range then
local success, inext, composite_unit = get_composite(parms, i, valinfo[1].value, in_unit_table)
if not success then return false, inext end
if composite_unit then
১,৯৯৯ ⟶ ২,১৯৯ নং লাইন:
if in_current.istemperature and out_current.istemperature then
-- Converting between common temperatures (°C, °F, °R, K); not keVT, MK.
-- Kelvin value can be almost zero, or small but negative due to precision problems.
-- Also, an input value like -300 C (below absolute zero) gives negative kelvins.
২,১৩৪ ⟶ ২,৩৩৪ নং লাইন:
return false, { 'cvt_bug_convert' } -- should never occur
local function user_style(parms, i)
-- Return text for a user-specified style for a table cell, or '' if none,
-- given i = 1 (input style) or 2 (output style).
local style = parms[(i == 1) and 'stylein' or 'styleout']
if style then
style = style:gsub('"', '')
if style ~= '' then
if style:sub(-1) ~= ';' then
style = style .. ';'
return style
return ''
local function make_table_or_sort(parms, invalue, info, in_current, scaled_top)
-- Set options to handle output for a table or a sort key, or both.
-- The text sort key is based on the value resulting from converting
-- the input to a fake base unit with scale = 1, and other properties
-- required for a conversion derived from the input unit.
-- For other modules, return the sort key in a hidden span element, and
-- the scaled value used to generate the sort key.
-- If scaled_top is set, it is the scaled value of the numerator of a per unit
-- to be combined with this unit (the denominator) to make the sort key.
-- Scaling only works with units that convert with a factor (not temperature).
local sortkey, scaled_value
if parms.opt_sortable_on then
local base = { -- a fake unit with enough fields for a valid convert
scale = 1,
invert = in_current.invert and 1,
iscomplex = in_current.iscomplex,
offset = in_current.offset and 0,
local outvalue, extra = convert(parms, invalue, info, in_current, base)
if extra then
outvalue = extra.outvalue
if in_current.istemperature then
-- Have converted to kelvin; assume numbers close to zero have a
-- rounding error and should be zero.
if abs(outvalue) < 1e-12 then
outvalue = 0
if scaled_top and outvalue ~= 0 then
outvalue = scaled_top / outvalue
scaled_value = outvalue
if not valid_number(outvalue) then
if outvalue < 0 then
sortkey = '1000000000000000000'
sortkey = '9000000000000000000'
elseif outvalue == 0 then
sortkey = '5000000000000000000'
local mag = floor(log10(abs(outvalue)) + 1e-14)
local prefix
if outvalue > 0 then
prefix = 7000 + mag
prefix = 2999 - mag
outvalue = outvalue + 10^(mag+1)
sortkey = format('%d', prefix) .. format('%015.0f', floor(outvalue * 10^(14-mag)))
local sortspan
if sortkey and (parms.opt_sortable_debug or not parms.table_align) then
sortspan = parms.opt_sortable_debug and
'<span style="border:1px solid;display:inline;" class="sortkey">' .. sortkey .. '♠</span>' or
'<span style="display:none" class="sortkey">' .. sortkey .. '♠</span>'
parms.join_before = sortspan
if parms.table_align then
local style = 'style="text-align:' .. parms.table_align .. ';'
local sort = sortkey and ' data-sort-value="' .. sortkey .. '"' or ''
local joins = {}
for i = 1, 2 do
joins[i] = (i == 1 and '' or '\n|') .. style .. user_style(parms, i) .. '"' .. sort .. '|'
parms.table_joins = joins
return sortspan, scaled_value
২,১৪২ ⟶ ২,৪৩০ নং লাইন:
-- show = rounded, formatted string with the result of converting value in info,
-- using the rounding specified in parms.
-- singular = true if result is(after positive,rounding and (afterignoring roundingany negative sign)
-- is "1", or like "1.00", or is a fraction with value < 1;
-- (and more fields shown below, and a calculated 'absvalue' field).
-- or return true, nil if no value specified;
২,১৬৩ ⟶ ২,৪৫১ নং লাইন:
local outvalue, extra = convert(parms, invalue, info, in_current, out_current)
if parms.need_table_or_sort then
parms.need_table_or_sort = nil -- process using first input value only
make_table_or_sort(parms, invalue, info, in_current)
if extra then
if not outvalue then return false, extra end
২,১৮৩ ⟶ ২,৪৭৫ নং লাইন:
precision = parms.precision
if not precision then
local sigfig =if parms.sigfig then
show, exponent = make_sigfig(outvalue, parms.sigfig)
if sigfig then
elseif parms.opt_round then
show, exponent = make_sigfig(outvalue, sigfig)
elseif local parms.opt_round5n or= parms.opt_round25 thenopt_round
localif n == parms0.opt_round5 and 5 or 25then
show local integer, fracpart = formatmath.modf('%.0f', floor((outvalue2 /* n)outvalue + 0.5) */ n2)
if fracpart == 0 then
show = format('%.0f', integer)
show = format('%.1f', integer + fracpart)
show = format('%.0f', floor((outvalue / n) + 0.5) * n)
local inclean = info.clean
২,২৩০ ⟶ ২,৫৩০ নং লাইন:
local t = format_number(parms, show, exponent, isnegative)
if type(show) == 'string' then
-- Set singular using match because on some systems 0.99999999999999999 is 1.0.
-- Set singular using match because on some systems 0.99999999999999999 is 1.0.
t.singular = (type(show) == 'string' and (show == '1' or show:match('^1%.0*$') ~= nil) and not isnegative)
if exponent then
t.fraction_table = (type(show) == 'table') and show or nil
t.singular = (exponent == 1 and show:match('^10*$'))
t.singular = (show == '1' or show:match('^1%.0*$'))
t.fraction_table = show
t.singular = (outvalue <= 1) -- cannot have 'fraction == 1', but if it were possible it would be singular
t.raw_absvalue = outvalue -- absolute value before rounding
return true, setmetatable(t, {
২,৩৫৭ ⟶ ২,৬৬৫ নং লাইন:
-- 'smallsuffix' if (value < 120), or 'bigsuffix' otherwise.
-- Input must use en digits and '.' decimal mark.
local default = data_code.default_exceptions[unit_table.defkey or unit_table.symbol] or unit_table.default
if not default then
local per = unit_table.per
if per then
local function a_default(v, u)
local success, ucode = get_default(v, u)
if not success then
return '?' -- an unlikely error has occurred; will cause lookup of default to fail
-- Attempt to use only the first unit if a combination or output multiple.
-- This is not bulletproof but should work for most cases.
-- Where it does not work, the convert will need to specify the wanted output unit.
local t = all_units[ucode]
if t then
local combo = t.combination
if combo then
-- For a multiple like ftin, the "first" unit (ft) is last in the combination.
local i = t.multiple and table_len(combo) or 1
ucode = combo[i]
-- Try for an automatically generated combination.
local item = ucode:match('^(.-)%+') or ucode:match('^(%S+)%s')
if all_units[item] then
return item
return ucode
local unit1, unit2 = per[1], per[2]
local def1 = (unit1 and a_default(value, unit1) or unit_table.vprefix or '')
local def2 = a_default(1, unit2) -- 1 because per unit of denominator
return true, def1 .. '/' .. def2
return false, { 'cvt_no_default', unit_table.symbol }
২,৪০৯ ⟶ ২,৭৪৯ নং লাইন:
local function variable_name(clean, unit_table)
-- For slwiki (Slovenian Wikipedia), a unit name depends on the value.
-- Parameter clean is the unsigned rounded value in en digits, as a string.
-- Value Source Example for "m"
২,৪৫১ ⟶ ২,৭৯১ নং লাইন:
local function linked_id(parms, unit_table, key_id, want_link, clean)
-- Return final unit id (symbol or name), optionally with a wikilink,
-- and update unit_table.sep if required.
২,৪৮৯ ⟶ ২,৮২৯ নং লাইন:
if abbr_on then
result = '/'
elseif omitsep then
result = per_word
elseif unit1 then
result = ' ' .. per_word .. ' '
২,৪৯৬ ⟶ ২,৮৩৮ নং লাইন:
if want_link and unit_table.link then
if abbr_on or not varname then
result = (unit1 and linked_id(parms, unit1[, key_id], false, clean) or '') .. result .. linked_id(parms, unit2[, key_id2], false, '1')
result = (unit1 and variable_name(clean, unit1) or '') .. result .. variable_name('1', unit2)
if omit_separator(result) then
unit_table.sep = ''
return make_link(unit_table.link, result, unit_table)
if unit1 then
result = linked_id(parms, unit1, key_id, want_link, clean) .. result
if unit1.sep then
unit_table.sep = unit1.sep
elseif omitsep then
unit_table.sep = ''
return result .. linked_id(parms, unit2, key_id2, want_link, '1')
if multiplier then
-- A multiplier (like "100" in "100km") forces the unit to be plural.
multiplier = from_en(multiplier)
if abbr_onnot omitsep then
multiplier = multiplier .. (abbr_on and '&nbsp;' or ' ')
if not abbr_on then
multiplier = multiplier .. ' '
if key_id == 'name1' then
key_id = 'name2'
২,৫২৪ ⟶ ২,৮৭৪ নং লাইন:
local id = unit_table.fixed_name or ((varname and not abbr_on) and variable_name(clean, unit_table) or unit_table[key_id])
if omit_separator(id) then
unit_table.sep = ''
if want_link then
local link = data_code.link_exceptions[unit_table.linkey or unit_table.symbol] or unit_table.link
if link then
local before = ''
local i = unit_table.customary
if i == 1 and unit_tableparms.sp_usopt_sp_us then
i = 2 -- show "U.S." not "US"
২,৫৭১ ⟶ ২,৯২৪ নং লাইন:
-- id = unit name or symbol, possibly modified
-- f = true if id is a name, or false if id is a symbol
-- using 1stthe orvalue 2ndfor valuesindex ('which)', and for 'in' or 'out' (unit_table.inout).
-- Result is '' if no symbol/name is to be used.
-- In addition, set unit_table.sep = ' ' or '&nbsp;' or ''
২,৫৮৮ ⟶ ২,৯৪১ নং লাইন:
local usename = unit_table.usename
local singular = info.singular
if usename then
-- Old template does something like this.
if want_link then
-- A linked unit uses the standard singular.
-- Set non-standard singular.
local flipped = parms.opt_flip
if inout == 'in' then
if not adjectival and (abbr_org == 'out' or flipped) then
local value = info.value
singular = (0 < value and value < 1.0001)
if (abbr_org == 'on') or
(not flipped and (abbr_org == nil or abbr_org == 'out')) or
(flipped and abbr_org == 'in') then
singular = (info.absvalue < 1.0001 and
not info.is_scientific)
local want_name
if usename then
২,৬১৫ ⟶ ২,৯৪৬ নং লাইন:
if abbr_org == nil then
if parms.wantname then
if disp == 'br' or disp == 'or' or disp == 'slash' then
want_name = true
২,৬৫৩ ⟶ ২,৯৮৪ নং লাইন:
if unit_table.engscale or parms.is_range_x then
-- engscale: so "|1|e3kg" gives "1 thousand kilograms" (plural)
-- is_range_x: so "|0.5|x|0.9|mi" gives "0.5 by 0.9 miles" (plural)
singular = false
key = (adjectival or singular) and 'name1' or 'name2'
if unit_tableparms.sp_usopt_sp_us then
key = key .. '_us'
২,৬৬৯ ⟶ ২,৯৯৯ নং লাইন:
unit_table.sep = '&nbsp;'
key = unit_tableparms.sp_usopt_sp_us and 'sym_us' or 'symbol'
return linked_id(parms, unit_table, key, want_link, info.clean), want_name
local function decorate_value(parms, unit_table, which, number_word)
-- If needed, update unit_table so values will be shown with extra information.
-- For consistency with the old template (but different from fmtpower),
২,৬৮৮ ⟶ ৩,০১৮ নং লাইন:
info.decorated = true
if engscale then
local inout = unit_table.inout
if engscale then
local inoutabbr = unit_tableparms.inoutabbr
local if abbr == parms.'on' or abbr == inout then
info.show = info.show ..
if abbr == 'on' or abbr == inout then
info.show = info.show ..
'<span style="margin-left:0.2em">×<span style="margin-left:0.1em">' ..
from_en('10') ..
'</span></span><s style="display:none">^</s><sup>' ..
from_en(tostring(engscale.exponent)) .. '</sup>'
elseif number_word then
local number_id
local lk = parms.lk
if lk == 'on' or lk == inout then
number_id = make_link(engscale.link, engscale[1])
number_id = engscale[1]
-- WP:NUMERAL recommends "&nbsp;" in values like "12 million".
info.show = info.show .. (parms.opt_adjectival and '-' or '&nbsp;') .. number_id
-- WP:NUMERAL recommends "&nbsp;" in values like "12 million".
info.show = info.show .. (parms.opt_adjectival and '-' or '&nbsp;') .. number_id
if prefix then
if info.show = prefix then.. info.show
info.show = prefix .. info.show
২,৭৫২ ⟶ ৩,০৮২ নং লাইন:
return preunit .. id1
local disp_joins = text_code.disp_joins
local abbr = parms.abbr
local disp = parms.disp
if disp == nil then -- special case for the most common setting
parms.joins = disp_joins['b']
elseif disp ~= 'x' then
-- Old template does this.
if disp == 'slash' then
if parms.abbr_org == nil then
disp = 'slash-nbsp'
elseif abbr == 'in' or abbr == 'out' then
disp = 'slash-sp'
disp = 'slash-nosp'
elseif disp == 'sqbr' then
if abbr == 'on' then
disp = 'sqbr-nbsp'
disp = 'sqbr-sp'
parms.joins = disp_joins[disp] or disp_joins['b']
if parms.opt_also_symbol and not composite then
local join1 = parms.joins[1]
if join1 == ' (' or join1 == ' [' then
parms.joins = { join1' [' .. first_unit[first_unitparms.sp_usopt_sp_us and 'sym_us' or 'symbol'] .. ', ]' .. join1 , parms.joins[2] }
if in_current.builtin == 'mach' and first_unit.sep ~= '' then -- '' means omitsep with non-enwiki name
local prefix = id1 .. '&nbsp;'
local range = parms.range
২,৭৯১ ⟶ ৩,০৯৭ নং লাইন:
-- For simplicity and because more not needed, handle one range item only.
local prefix2 = make_id(parms, 2, first_unit) .. '&nbsp;'
result = range_text(range[1], want_name, parms, result, prefix2 .. valinfo[2].show, 'in')
return preunit .. result
২,৮০৩ ⟶ ৩,১০৯ নং লাইন:
sep1 = '-'
sep2 = '-'
if omitsep and sep == '' then
-- Testing the id of the most significant unit should be sufficient.
sep1 = ''
sep2 = ''
local parts = { first_unit.valinfo[1].show .. sep1 .. id1 }
২,৮১২ ⟶ ৩,১২৩ নং লাইন:
return table.concat(parts, sep2) .. mid
local result,add_unit = (parms.abbr == 'mos') or
parms[parms.opt_flip and 'out_range_x' or 'in_range_x'] or
(not want_name and parms.abbr_range_x)
local range = parms.range
if range and not add_unit then
linked_pages[first_unit] = nil -- so the final and only id will be linked, if wanted
mos = (abbr == 'mos')
if not (mos or (parms.is_range_x and not want_name)) then
linked_pages[first_unit] = nil -- so the second and only id will be linked, if wanted
local id = (range == nil) and id1 or make_id(parms, 2range.n + 1, first_unit) or id1
local extra, was_hyphenated = hyphenated_maybe(parms, want_name, sep, id, 'in')
if mos and was_hyphenated then
add_unit = false
mos = false -- suppress repeat of unit in a range
if linked_pages[first_unit] then
linked_pages[first_unit] = nil
id = make_id(parms, 2, first_unit)
extra = hyphenated_maybe(parms, want_name, sep, id, 'in')
local result
local valinfo = first_unit.valinfo
if range then
iffor range.ni == 10, range.n thendo
local number_word
-- Like {{convert|1|x|2|ft}} (one range item; two values).
if i == range.n then
-- Do what old template did.
add_unit = false
local sep1 = first_unit.sep
if number_word mos= thentrue
decorate_value(parms, in_current, 1)
decorate_value(parms, in_currentfirst_unit, 2i+1, number_word)
resultlocal show = valinfo[i+1].show .. sep1 .. id1
if add_unit then
elseif parms.is_range_x and not want_name then
show = show .. first_unit.sep .. (i == 0 and id1 or make_id(parms, i+1, first_unit))
if abbr == 'in' or abbr == 'on' then
decorate_value(parms, in_current, 1)
if i == 0 then
result = show
decorate_value(parms, in_current, 2)
result = valinfo[1].show .. sep1 .. id1
result = range_text(range[i], want_name, parms, result, show, 'in')
if abbr == 'in' or abbr == 'on' then
decorate_value(parms, in_current, 1)
decorate_value(parms, in_current, 2)
result = valinfo[1].show
result = range_text(range[1], want_name, parms, result, valinfo[2].show)
-- Like {{convert|1|x|2|x|3|ft}} (two or more range items): simplify.
decorate_value(parms, in_current, 1)
result = valinfo[1].show
for i = 1, range.n do
decorate_value(parms, in_current, i+1)
result = range_text(range[i], want_name, parms, result, valinfo[i+1].show)
decorate_value(parms, first_unit, 1, true)
result = valinfo[1].show
২,৮৮৭ ⟶ ৩,১৭৯ নং লাইন:
return preunit .. id1
if out_current.builtin == 'mach' and out_current.sep ~= '' then -- '' means omitsep with non-enwiki name
local prefix = id1 .. '&nbsp;'
local range = parms.range
২,৮৯৪ ⟶ ৩,১৮৬ নং লাইন:
if range then
-- For simplicity and because more not needed, handle one range item only.
result = range_text(range[1], want_name, parms, result, prefix .. valinfo[2].show, 'out')
return preunit .. result
local add_unit = (parms[parms.opt_flip and 'in_range_x' or 'out_range_x'] or
local result
(not want_name and parms.abbr_range_x)) and
not parms.opt_output_number_only
local range = parms.range
if range and not add_unit then
linked_pages[out_current] = nil -- so the final and only id will be linked, if wanted
if not (parms.is_range_x and not want_name) then
linked_pages[out_current] = nil -- so the second and only id will be linked, if wanted
local id = (range == nil) and id1 or make_id(parms, 2range.n + 1, out_current) or id1
local extra, was_hyphenated = hyphenated_maybe(parms, want_name, sep, id, 'out')
if was_hyphenated then
add_unit = false
local result
local valinfo = out_current.valinfo
if range then
iffor range.ni == 10, range.n thendo
local sep1 = out_current.sepnumber_word
localif abbri == parmsrange.abbrn then
add_unit = false
if parms.is_range_x and not want_name then
number_word = true
if abbr == 'out' or abbr == 'on' then
decorate_value(parms, out_current, 1)
decorate_value(parms, out_current, i+1, number_word)
local show = valinfo[i+1].show
decorate_value(parms, out_current, 2)
if add_unit then
result = valinfo[1].show .. sep1 .. id1
show = show .. out_current.sep .. (i == 0 and id1 or make_id(parms, i+1, out_current))
if i == 0 then
result = show
result = range_text(range[i], want_name, parms, result, show, 'out')
if abbr == 'out' or abbr == 'on' then
decorate_value(parms, out_current, 1)
decorate_value(parms, out_current, 2)
result = valinfo[1].show
result = range_text(range[1], want_name, parms, result, valinfo[2].show)
-- Like {{convert|1|x|2|x|3|ft}} (two or more range items): simplify.
decorate_value(parms, out_current, 1)
result = valinfo[1].show
for i = 1, range.n do
decorate_value(parms, out_current, i+1)
result = range_text(range[i], want_name, parms, result, valinfo[i+1].show)
decorate_value(parms, out_current, 1, true)
result = valinfo[1].show
৩,০৫৫ ⟶ ৩,৩৪২ নং লাইন:
id = out_current['symbol']
if i == 1 and omit_separator(id) then
-- Testing the id of the least significant unit should be sufficient.
sep1 = ''
sep2 = ''
if want_link then
৩,০৯৬ ⟶ ৩,৩৮৮ নং লাইন:
local success, result2 = make_result(valinfo[i+1])
if not success then return false, result2 end
result = range_text(range[i], want_name, parms, result, result2, 'out')
৩,১০৬ ⟶ ৩,৩৯৮ নং লাইন:
-- or return false, t where t is an error message table.
linked_pages = {}
local success, bad_output, out_first
local bad_input_mcode = in_unit_table.bad_mcode -- false if input unit is valid
local invalue1 = in_unit_table.valinfo[1].value
local out_unit = parms.out_unit
if out_unit == nil or out_unit == '' then
if bad_input_mcode or parms.opt_input_unit_only then
bad_output = ''
৩,১২২ ⟶ ৩,৪১৪ নং লাইন:
if not bad_output and not out_unit_table then
success, out_unit_table = lookup(out_unitparms, parms.opt_sp_usout_unit, 'any_combination')
if success then
local mismatch = check_mismatch(in_unit_table, out_unit_table)
৩,১৪১ ⟶ ৩,৪৩৩ নং লাইন:
parts[part] = process_input(parms, in_unit_table)
elseif bad_output then
ifparts[part] = (bad_output ~== '') thenand '' or message(bad_output)
parts[part] = message(bad_output)
local outputs = {}
৩,১৬৯ ⟶ ৩,৪৫৯ নং লাইন:
local out_first
local imax = combos and #combos or 1 -- 1 (single unit) or number of unit tables
for i = 1, imax do
৩,১৮৮ ⟶ ৩,৪৭৯ নং লাইন:
table.insert(outputs, item)
if parms.opt_input_unit_only then
local sep = parms.table_joins and parms.table_joins[2] or '; '
parts[part] = parms.opt_input_unit_only and '' or table.concat(outputs, sep)
end else
local sep = parms.table_joins and parms.table_joins[2] or parms.join_between
parts[part] = table.concat(outputs, sep)
if parms.opt_sortable_in or parms.opt_sortable_out then
local value
if parms.opt_sortable_in then
value = invalue1
local info = out_first and out_first.valinfo
if info then
info = info[1]
value = info.raw_absvalue
if value and info.sign == MINUS then
value = -value
parts[1] = ntsh((value or 0), parms.opt_sortable_debug) .. parts[1]
if parms.join_before then
parts[1] = parms.join_before .. parts[1]
local wikitext
৩,২২৮ ⟶ ৩,৫১০ নং লাইন:
local function main_convert(frame)
-- Do convert, and if needed, do it again with higher default precision.
local result, out_unit_table
local success, parms, in_unit_table = get_parms(frame:getParent().args)
if success then
for i = 1, 2 do -- use counter so cannot get stuck repeating convert
৩,২৪৯ ⟶ ৩,৫৩১ নং লাইন:
local function _unit(unitcode, options)
return { convert = main_convert }
-- Helper function for Module:Val to look up a unit.
-- Parameter unitcode must be a string to identify the wanted unit.
-- Parameter options must be nil or a table with optional fields:
-- value = number (for sort key; default value is 1)
-- scaled_top = nil for a normal unit, or a number for a unit which is
-- the denominator of a per unit (for sort key)
-- si = { 'symbol', 'link' }
-- (a table with two strings) to make an SI unit
-- that will be used for the look up
-- link = true if result should be [[linked]]
-- sort = 'on' or 'debug' if result should include a sort key in a
-- span element ('debug' makes the key visible)
-- name = true for the name of the unit instead of the symbol
-- us = true for the US spelling of the unit, if any
-- Return nil if unitcode is not a non-empty string.
-- Otherwise return a table with fields:
-- text = requested symbol or name of unit, optionally linked
-- scaled_value = input value adjusted by unit scale; used for sort key
-- sortspan = span element with sort key like that provided by {{ntsh}},
-- calculated from the result of converting value
-- to a base unit with scale 1.
-- unknown = true if the unitcode was not known
unitcode = strip(unitcode)
if unitcode == nil or unitcode == '' then
return nil
linked_pages = {}
options = options or {}
local parms = {
abbr = options.name and 'off' or 'on',
lk = options.link and 'on' or nil,
opt_sp_us = options.us and true or nil,
opt_ignore_error = true, -- do not add pages using this function to 'what links here' for Module:Convert/extra
opt_sortable_on = options.sort == 'on' or options.sort == 'debug',
opt_sortable_debug = options.sort == 'debug',
local utable
if options.si then
-- Make a dummy table of units (just one unit) for lookup to use.
-- This makes lookup recognize any SI prefix in the unitcode.
local symbol = options.si[1] or '?'
utable = { [symbol] = {
_name1 = symbol,
_name2 = symbol,
_symbol = symbol,
utype = symbol,
scale = symbol == 'g' and 0.001 or 1,
prefixes = 1,
default = symbol,
link = options.si[2],
local success, unit_table = lookup(parms, unitcode, 'no_combination', utable)
if not success then
unit_table = setmetatable({
symbol = unitcode, name2 = unitcode,
default = "m", defkey = "m", linkey = "m",
utype = "length", scale = 1 }, unit_mt)
local value = tonumber(options.value) or 1
local clean = tostring(abs(value))
local info = {
value = value,
altvalue = value,
singular = (clean == '1'),
clean = clean,
show = clean,
unit_table.inout = 'in'
unit_table.valinfo = { info }
local sortspan, scaled_value
if options.sort then
sortspan, scaled_value = make_table_or_sort(parms, value, info, unit_table, options.scaled_top)
return {
text = make_id(parms, 1, unit_table),
sortspan = sortspan,
scaled_value = scaled_value,
unknown = not success and true or nil,
return { convert = main_convert, _unit = _unit }