Usage সম্পাদনা

The default words "article or section" are replaceable: {{Original research|table}} produces:

A date parameter can also be used to inform other editors of the time the tag has been in place: {{Original research|article|date=এপ্রিল ২০২৪}} produces:

This template will categorize articles into Category:Articles that may contain original research or one of the dated sub-categories..

  • Note: This template should not be applied without explanation on the talk page, and should be removed if the original research is not readily apparent when no explanation is given.

Redirects সম্পাদনা

  1. {{OriginalResearch}}
  2. {{Originalresearch}}
  3. {{Original Research}}
  4. {{Original-Research}}
  5. {{Original-research}}

See also সম্পাদনা