উইকিপিডিয়া:সম্ভবত মুক্তনয় এমন ফাইল

(উইকিপিডিয়া:Possibly unfree files থেকে পুনর্নির্দেশিত)

This page is for listing and discussing images that are marked as available under a free license or public domain, but have disputed source or licensing information. Images are listed here for 14 days before they are processed. Images that are tagged with a non-free template should not be listed here.

Before listing, remember that files which are already marked unfree and used under fair use should not be listed here.

To list an image on this page:

Edit the file page.

Add {{pui|log=২০২৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি ১২}} to the file page. If the file is in use, also add {{puic|File_name.ext|log=২০২৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি ১২}} to the caption(s).

Create its PUI subsection.

Follow this edit link and list the file using {{subst:pui2|image=File_name.ext|reason=reason}} ~~~~ (remember to exclude the File: prefix).

Give due notice.

Inform the uploader by adding a message to their talk page using {{subst:idw-pui|Image_name.ext}}

Remember to replace "Image_name.ext" with the name of the file

Unlike Wikipedia:Images and media for deletion the primary purpose of this page is to ascertain the source and/or copyright status of an image. Therefore it is not specifically a vote to keep or delete but a forum for the exploration of the copyright status/source of an image and contributions should not be added solely in those terms.

Listings should be processed by an administrator after being listed for 14 days. Images that are accepted following this fourteen-day period should have {{subst:puir}} added to the image talk page and a copy of the issue and/or discussion that took place here put on the image talk page as well. If no objection to the image's deletion is raised, or no proof that the image is indeed free is provided, the image may be deleted without further notice after the 14-day period.

Note: Files can be unlisted immediately if they are indisputably in the public domain or verifiably licensed under an indisputably free license (GFDL, CC-BY-SA, etc.—see Wikipedia:Image copyright tags for more on these). An archiving system was implemented July 2007. For older discussions, see the history pages. For all discussions from July 3, 2007 forward, see the Archive.

These images have been listed for at least 14 days. Images which have been determined to be acceptable may be removed from this page.

নতুন তালিকা


উইকিপিডিয়া:সম্ভবত মুক্তনয় এমন ফাইল/নতুনতালিকা

Today is ফেব্রুয়ারি ১২ ২০২৫. Put new nominations in উইকিপিডিয়া:সম্ভবত মুক্তনয় এমন ফাইল/২০২৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি ১২ -- This page doesn't exist yet, please create it.

Please remember to add new nominations to উইকিপিডিয়া:সম্ভবত মুক্তনয় এমন ফাইল/NewListings.

If the current date's page has been started without the header, apply {{subst:pui log}} to the top of the day's page.

Please ensure "===ফেব্রুয়ারি ১২===" is at the very top of the new page so that internal page links from the main Possibly unfree files page (the one you're on now) work.